Hi, I'm Bailey, a late-thirties wife and mom from suburban USA. I write fantasy stories that get me excited and that I hope will turn others on as well. I'm happily married and my husband knows I write and do other things online. He gets a big kick out of it. Finally, although some of my stories may have been inspired in part by actual thoughts or events, they are complete fiction, meant for fantasy only. Enjoy!
This is a story I'm just writing about Annie, a girl who, despite being under 18, likes to find older guys to turn on while she's online. She meets a fortyish husband and father who really seems to like her, but who is reluctant to talk about sex when he finds out she's underage. She vows to find a way to get him to give in, to cyber-seduce him. And as she first thinks about it, she masturbates as she considers the possibilities.