This is an interpretation of the events which transpired when the earth’s first man and woman are suddenly thrown together and told to “Go forth and multiply!” Without any direction, this confused couple clumsily stumbles through the awkward mechanics of copulation
As a hot-blooded teenager, Daniel was well-aware of the joys and pleasures offered by members of the opposite sex. When he made plans for spending the summer with his aunt and uncle on their farm, he hoped to find out about some country girl pussy. Little did this unsuspecting young man know, but he would find plenty of romance and hot pussy in the arms of his heartbroken aunt.
Miss Fancy Mae Devereux was an innocent teen girl attempting to escape the humiliating filth and degradations of depression-era poverty. When her mother gets sick and hope runs out, Fancy's desperation leads her into a one-time experimentation with "the world's oldest profession". Little does this virgin girl know, but the fates have their own plans for her!
Farm girls don't come any more seductively alluring than young Mollie Marie did. After catching the eye of her divorced, sex-starved father, this farmer's daughter turned on her Little Lolita charms. Sexually curious, this teen girl decided to give her dad what he wanted and in turn get what she wanted, too. Was she biting off more than she could chew?
The weather might be bitter cold outside, but inside incendiary sparks of hot passion fly as a ‘jailbait’ Girl Scout tries to peddle her cookies to a horny bachelor neighbor. Little Debbie’s innocent charms unintentionally seduce this man. Before she is through with him, sugary cookies are not the only sweet treats which meet his lips.
That little girl living next door was driving me crazy! She wasn't even all that pretty. She was a little too skinny. She was short. Her tangled-blonde hair was a mess and she was young. She was too young. Hell, she was way too young! Besides, she was my sister's kid, she was my niece! As a 40-year-old man I had no damn business looking at a sixteen-year-old girl with lust in my eyes!
Young, blonde-headed Goldie gets lost in the woods again. Stumbling upon a secluded cottage, she seeks refuge in the dwelling of sex-starved, lonely hermit. To her great surprise, he is not too young, he is not too old, he is just right! Wickedness it may be, but she might not mind sleeping in his bed!
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Fantasy Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Exhibitionism, First Downloads: 2972 | Votes: 80 | Score: 6.46 Size: 16KB | 3,077 words |
Pappy Sam wasn’t too old a man that he didn’t often wake up with a stiffened erection which was especially demanding. Damn, he needed some pussy! Grammy shot him down saying, “I suppose you will just have to beat your meat!” Unbeknownst to the horny man, his teen granddaughter overheard the conversation and wondered if there was something she could do to assist the virile old fella she loved. As it turns out, yes there was!
Katie was a happy-go-lucky teenaged schoolgirl as free as a bird in the sky. She was as carefree as a lark without a worry in the world. Yet, this young lady had an itch between her legs she didn’t even know needed scratching until her daredevil grandfather twitched it to life.
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Heterosexual, Incest, Grand Parent, First Downloads: 8243 | Votes: 244 | Score: 7.17 Size: 28KB | 5,162 words |
Sergeant Jonas Rockwell is a decorated military leader with a weakness for pussy. Who else but ‘Rock’ could find himself in a military engagement where three pussies fall into his life in one day? Cock and pussy cum fly when Pfc Jessica Simpson [19], Congresswoman Caroline Carter [38], and Lieutenant Debbie Dawson [22] cross paths in a war torn land.