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Bakerman: Blog


It's been a good ride

Posted at

The time has come, the Walrus said, To talk of many things:

This was a tough decision to write this but my health, both physical and mental, is not the best these days.
I have a stack of stories started that sadly will never be finished because my concentration tends to wander off and I forget where they were going.
I have discovered that it's hard to write about something I am no longer involved with.
About 15 months ago I had dual bypass heart surgery following a heart attack.
Nearly dying changes your outlook on life.

I just want to thank everyone who took the time to read my stories and double thanks if you dropped me a message.

A special thank you to Ashley, a better muse than this writer deserved, I enjoyed our time messaging each other.
I would like to think there could be one more email.

I always loved posting a new story and see the downloads start to rack up, that was my reward and I never asked for more.
Well it's been a good ride and while I am not quite ready to head off into the subset my heart will stay here with each and every story that found a home here.
Thanks one more time.

Good to be back.

Posted at

It is good to be back here posting a new story. Major health issue nearly put an end to that. Feeling fine now but I can't get too excited.
New story is the conlusion of the trilogy started with Sister Bang Bang and followed by Sister Bang Again. This one is called Bang Momma Bang and like Snakes on a Plane there is no reason to explain the story.
Hopefully writing these stories is not harmful to my future health but I have slightly toned down the sex so you better have good imaginations.
Thanks to all my friends here and I would like to hear from you after you read this.

Never before.

Posted at

Thanks for all the messages of support for my last story "A Special Birthday".
Following a trip to the cinema this afternoon to see the new Spiderman movie I was encouraged to finish off an old story that I had kicking around.
Inspired by a teen couple who spent most of the movie in a tight embrace I reworked an unpublished story into "One Slutty Date".
Two stories posted in a week has never happened before for me.
This one is short and quick so I hope you enjoy it just as well as last weeks longer story.
PLEASE leave a vote no matter what number and of course send me a message as I am feeling very focused at the moment and may get stuck into my unfinished file and dust off a few more stories.


A "BIG" Thank you.

Posted at

A big thank you to everyone who has read my latest story "A Special Birthday".
As it is my first post in 6 months I was worried my loyal readers may have drifted away.
I have been surprised by the all the email comments and the number of votes, as always keep doing both, it's my only reward.
Thanks very much.

New story. "A Special Birthday"

Posted at

Following several months of illness I have managed to focus long enough to get a new story done. It's longer than my normal stories and is nearly all sex. I will upload in the next 24 hours so keep an eye out for "A Special Birthday".
Thanks to those who helped me put this together and kept pushing me gently towards completion.



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