The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

Jack Green: Blog


News of things to come.

Posted at

It may be of interest to some Sol readers that Dun and Dusted Part 2, aka Book 7 of Poacher's Progress, is about to be posted. All thirteen chapters have been loaded into the Sol delivery system, and the schedule is to post three chapters per week; one on a Tuesday, one on a Thursday, and one on a Sunday, assuming I have completed the submission wizard correctly. The first chapter will appear sometime on Tuesday 2nd of July.

I know that The Fourth of July is a special day for our transatlantic cousins, so please accept chapter two, which should appear on Thursday the 4th, as a token of my -- and of fellow British geriatrics who can still recall the dark days of WWII -- gratitude and appreciation for the support, succour, and sustenance given to the UK by the USA during that conflict.
The 75th anniversary of the Normandy landings brought home to those British folk who had forgotten, ignored, or were not aware, how much we owe our continued existence to the USA.

Of course, your ancestors going off on a separate path in 1776 means you have missed out on many British things.
Cricket for one, tea for two, bangers and mash for three, but your greatest loss is not experiencing the never ending farrago that is Brexit.

Eat your heart out you Founding Fathers.

Best regards
Jack G

Cheap but potent.

Posted at

'A senior moment' seems to have resonated with a large number of the more mature members of Sol. I hadn't realised how many 'Boys of the Old Brigade' accessed the website, and am thrilled skinny by their response.

It was a Coward, Noel -- not the dirty little one who shot Mr Howard -- who wrote 'Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.'
'Cheap 'in this case being the popular music of the lower classes; bit of a snob was our Noel.

Although Jim Reeves records were on most of the jukeboxes in Heerlen there was also a varied mix of other types of music, U S and European. My mate Pompey -- obviously from Portsmouth -- favourite record was Zwei Gitarren am Meer. As soon as we got into a bar with a jukebox on would go that record.
I've searched YouTube for the version I remember, as my memory (which could be wrong!) says there were two voices on the recording, but so far haven't found the one. The Everly Brothers did a version in German, but that was in 1965, far later than when I was in Germany.
The recording on the jukebox could have been by Jonny p, but there is only him singing.

Can anyone who was in Germany during the late 50's, early 60's help me out on this?

Jack G

Revelations revisited

Posted at

A kind person has pointed out that I may not have been fourth in the Clitorides Award 2018 Long Erotic Story category!

The first three titles on the list, the winners, are in order of nominations/votes received, while the other titles are in alphabetical order.
What a bummer. Instead of brushing shoulders, nearly brushing shoulders, with the thoroughbreds of Sol I am down with the Also Rans, next door to the knackers yard.
However, it is not winning but taking part that counts - right?

On a slightly different subject:
I am writing a flash story, based on a personal experience, that should be ready for upload soon. I mean, how long does a less than 1000 word story take to write? It will be a no sex story and ineligible for a Clitorides award, so no chance of coming a false fourth again.

Jack G


Posted at

No, this blog is not about the last book in the Bible but about Book 6 of Poacher's Progress - Dynasty and Destiny.
I noted a sudden surge of downloads for the story about a week ago, and it is still receiving twice as many downloads as the rest of my stuff. I had no idea why until by chance I came upon the results of the 2018 Clitorides Awards and discovered the story had come fourth in the Long Story of the Year category.
I was gobsmacked.

To my knowledge I have never been nominated for a Clitoride award until this year. For reasons unknown I was unable to access the Clitorides Award web-page when the award was reintroduced in 2013, and have never bothered to try since.
I thought only stories averaging high 8's and 9's would get nominate, and only a few of my stories have broken the 8 barrier. However, while perusing the Contributor Status page of the Author Info website yesterday I clicked on the link, and lo and behold I was in the Clitorides Award site.

. A big thank you to all those who voted, and who nominated me.
I didn't get to stand on the podium but I am well pleased to get an honourable fourth -A lovely surprise that made my day and lifted my spirits.

Book 7 is still a wip, although Part II is now going through the edit/proofing sequence. Oldrotorhead has many of Sol's big hitters as clients so I have no idea when Part II will be ready to post. Meantime I continue with Part III.
I tend to go off piste when researching, wandering down interesting paths that have little or nothing to do with the story, but bear with me, I will eventually complete and post Part III.

Jack G

Blog v Forum

Posted at

I've noticed that those who blog on the Sol website rarely post on the Forum page. Likewise, regular posters on the Forum seldom blog, other than to give a heads up on their stories/chapters. The forum and the blog facility serve different functions and I suppose will attract different types of person.

A blogger may get replies to his/her blog but the contents of any reply are shared only with the blogger and his/her correspondent, whereas a post on the forum is open for all and any to reply /comment.

Most blogs are concerned with attracting the attention of readers to the story/chapters that have been, or are soon to be, posted by the blogger. However several bloggers, among them aroslav and Ms Mouse, add extra content, and interest, to a blog, and there are frequent blogs -- cries from the heart -- from writers who are suffering writers block or loss of confidence due to low scores. The forum also has threads dealing with scores and other writer interest subjects, with as many opinions expressed as there are posts.

In my limited experience replies to blogs are usually supportive and helpful, whereas posts on the forum can at times be combative and confrontational. A thread can soon drift off-topic, or degenerate into a free-for-all between several differing opinions. Lazeez has sometimes had to terminate a thread when the language becomes intemperate and personal.

So, are bloggers shy, retiring, shrinking violets, who cannot face the heat of the kitchen and those who post on the Forum are self-assertive, in your face, 'stitch that, Jimmy', types?

Best regards
Jack G



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