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JenQuail: Blog


New story, Valentine's Day Dalliance

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Valentine's Day Dalliance is a stand alone story of three people trapped by the weather in a remote cottage. Danielle and her sister-in-law, Karen, have a lesbian session while her brother, Hugh, is allowed to watch. He joins the fun and they finish up in a three-way loving relationship.

New story, Forever M'Lady

Posted at Updated:

Forever M'Lady is a stand-alone story set in late Victorian England. Essentially a Romance, the story is entirely fictitious, a product of my own imagination. Any names, either of person or place, have no counterpart in the real world. Nor do the characters.

I am no expert in late 19th century life so if there are anachronisms therein, I beg forgiveness.

All sexually active characters are over the age of 18.
Those of a more delicate disposition please note, this story contains several scenes of brutal whippings.

I am indebted to Dan Griffin for his prompt and scholarly editing of my text. If you find any more mistakes, they are entirely mine.

The story is complete and I will be posting all of it as quickly as the Submission Manager processes it.

Now nothing remains but the reading. I trust you will enjoy the story as much I enjoyed its composition. I welcome comments and votes.

Stormy Night submitted

Posted at

Stormy Night is a short standalone story. It was my first attempt at writing and I now see places where it could be improved but I have left it 'as is', perhaps for comparison.

I shared this story with an email friend and she suggested that we expand it to a novel. We both started to write our different assignments and finished several chapters.Sadly she recently passed away but I will continue to develop the story as we planned. I am undecided whether to publish what we have already written and post further chapters as I finish them, or wait until it is a complete work - but it's going to take an age to finish!

I welcome comments on this.

New story: Burgundy Lips

Posted at

This story is a departure from my usual style. It was suggested by an anonymous reader from Germany and is based on his fantasy. I don't normally respond to such requests but the unusual theme intrigued me so I wrote the first chapter and the second chapter is almost finished.

Depending upon the response to this, I may continue the story to a third chapter.

Is it true?

Posted at

I'm often asked if my stories are based on fact.

My stories are all products of my imagination. My characters are similarly fictitious, any similarities to real persons is purely accidental.

So the simple answer is No.



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