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MC Size Matters: Blog



Posted at

I know, I know, it's been a long time. A number of you have written asking when I'll write something new. Well, the truth is, I've been busy!

By the time you read this I will have released my first E-book through Amazon called Sex Virus. I hope you'll check it out.

With that finished though, it's time to write another story online and I'm looking for suggestions. I'm drawn between another installment of Dr. Jackie or going to a new story I have in my head about alien Futa women invading a Malibu beach house.

Let me know what you think, I'll be starting in a few days and see where it takes me.

Almost there... almost there...

Posted at

Finally, I'm on the final sex scene in the story (dare I say book? It's long enough). So I won't promise to get it finished and posted today or this weekend, but I will say that I expect to have is completed this summer, if on the last day.

Thanks for your patience and support, I really appreciate it.

A Quick Update

Posted at

First of all, thank you for the notes of support and suggestions. I really do appreciate it. And I get the message: "Get on with it!" I am.

I'm busy writing as fast as I can to finish Fuck Weed. It's my fault, I'm working on another project concurrently and, frankly, I'm more excited about that one. I decided to try my hand at writing an e-book and see if I can actually make a few bucks off my hobby. I may post the prologue here if anyone is interested.

But I am committed to finishing Fuck Weed. I have the story all laid out in my head, it's just a matter of getting it down in writing. It's the little things that make a difference though, so while I'm trying to bust through it, I want it to be good.

I also took a half hour to FINALLY fix the glaring error in my Interlude With A Vampire story, no more character confusion in the final act.

And have no fear, I haven't forgotten all of my readers and fans (wow, that sounds pretentious, but I really do appreciate the readers and those of you that take the time to write) and I have a side project in the works for a different story for you. It's going to be kind of freaky, and a bit out there, but I think it'll be hot when I'm done. Here's hoping.

So back to work again, will try and get Fuck Weed ready in the next couple of weeks. I hope.

Crisis Averted!

Posted at

First of all, thank you all so much for your responses, and your kind comments. I really appreciate it.

I'm glad I went through the process of deciding how far to push this thing. It made me really think out my story options. and in the process of this, I figured out the dynamic that was holding me back.

So, without giving away how things are going to turn out, I don't think anyone has anything to worry about me holding back.

Thank you again for your comments, they really helped me out.

A Crisis of Conscience

Posted at

I admit it; I'm having a crisis of conscience.

Wait, don't get me wrong, this isn't an "I've found Jesus, am quitting porn, and will start molesting little boys for the church." kind of thing. No, it's nothing quite to life changing. But frankly, I'm torn.

Through most of Fuck Weed I have teased the idea of Chase being turned on by teenage girls around the age of his daughter. In fact, I've made it integral to parts of some scenes.

Well, I've been building up to, well, what? That's my dilemma. Now we all know I haven't built up the Nikki character just to fill space. The last thing I need to do it fill space in my stories. I had something in mind. But now, as I write the final chapter in this saga (remember when this was going to be a quick one off story?), I'm not sure whether to fully or partially consummate a sexual relationship between father and daughter, or not at all. It's a little creepy in a way, but it could also be really hot. I suspect I'll just start writing and see where it takes me, but I'm a little torn right now.

What do you think? Should he do what's morally right and stay hands off, should he give in a little, or should he fuck her until she doesn't remember her own name?



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