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Should be up shortly. Thank you all for the positive feedback and the critiques too. Please take a minute and vote and send a note too.
A repost on an old story of mine from a couple of years ago that I had completely lost. Thanks to a fan who had kept it, I got it back. Thanks Stacy for keeping my story safe. I hope you all enjoy. Please vote and take a minute to send comments and any critique you feel I should know.
It seems I have been verbally taken to the wood shed and shown that I have screwed up. It seems I failed to notice that a significantly important part of the final chapter was missing. Try as I might I can not find the missing paragraphs so I have tried to recreate them from memory and the final chapter will be corrected and re posted today. I will stand in the corner and hang my head in sorrow.
The final chapter should be up soon. Thank you all for reading and taking time to write and vote.
Just submitted a new story for your reading pleasure.
It has a bit of rural humor and a bit of revenge. A couple of snakes get surprised.
Please vote and take a moment to send me a note with any constructive comment you may wish to make.
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