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TailWeaver: Blog


Some delay

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Between Holidays, Travel, End of year Work urgency, and a bit of fatigue, am pausing updates for a while.

There are chapters of Camp, Notebook and Robin all in the hopper/editting phase, but I have decided to wait until significant plot points before posting - especially Camp - if i released the 2 chapters right now, there would be screaming and wailing and nashing of teeth. It needs one more good chapter to feel like I did not leave you completely hanging.

So, will make some noise before beginning the updates again, likely sometime in January - enjoy the holidays, I know I will!

Improbable, Over the top

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Just in case you had any illusions - Niki, or Robin, or Abby or anyone has no realistic basis - they are all figments of my imagination - in a world as improbable as our - with little consequences for exposure, or unprotected sex. Submission to secret carnal desires and addictions is a common theme through all my stories, whether it's Niki and the attention of her pack, or the school that allows her to act in a way that would never happen, or Game playing Niki that gives in far too readily to her urges, to Robin's blithe acceptance of anything her brother says, to Alex's willingness to go along with the program at Mystique to, well, you get the picture I hope....and my love affair for long drawn out sentences that send RR into convulsions.

My only defense -- I was rambling. So there. Besides, Becca is visiting a camp that could never exist, but boy would it be fun if there was...

Sorry for the delay

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6 or 7 chapters in the Niki/Max world going up in next couple of days.

Should be a new Notebook, and maybe a Robin Family as well, we shall see :)

I try to not take things too personal

Posted at Updated:

Feedback is wonderful

And terrible.

But truly appreciated.

I have no illusions, there is no way I can please everyone. Just like I do not like much of the stuff on the site, why should everyone like my tail/tales. So low votes and comments about how I should do x instead of Y I can usually handle.


I'm a softie, really want everyone to be happy. But, know that I am doing the best I can.

I cannot go any faster. I have 2 options, don't post until done, or release a few chapters a month. I've chosen the later, figuring those that don't want it that way will wait until that complete flag hits. Maybe I'm wrong.

And I know, everyone has their favorites, and with my ADHD type interests, sometimes I am deep in a story that interests me and not updating what someone wants. Like I mentioned in my last blog, I do what interests me most at the time, otherwise the writing starts to feel forced.

That being said, my sensitive soul heard a complaint about how I don't update often or fast enough, and so I just wanted to check - as I was feeling quite the opposite lately.

I did not go all the way back, as much from March - June was so backlog of stories that just needed editting, it was not NEW efforts.

June/July - 19 chapters of Maeson's Assistant - 90-100k words

August - 6 chapters of the Camp J, 3 on Mystique, 4 on the new Notebook, and 1 Robin Loving Family. 14 chapters

September - 6 chapters of Notebook - took two or three weeks off I know, was not a good time, but at least Notebook kept going

October - feeling better again, 4 new chapters in Niki and Max (more to cmome), 3 more Robin Family, 5 Notebook, 6 chapters for Games 3, 1 new Camp J - Wow, 19 chapters, 100k words at least, and I still have a week !

So, maybe it was just September. It was slow for me, I did not write much, but that happens.

Hopefully you continue to like my stories, and while I know it would be great if I just did one at a time, well, my interests are varied, and I just cant. Sometimes the tail has to wag in Niki's back yard, or Robin has to visit thebeach, or Becca needs to be visited at the camp.

Here's hoping you still enjoy what I can get posted.


Update - ongoing stories are frustrating I know

Posted at

I find myself considering how best to address the 5 or 6 open story lines, all equally interesting to me, and can never seem to come up with anything better than:

Write what's interesting at the moment.

So I do.

I have considered not publishing anything but complete stories, or to only share one 'ongoing' story at a time, but it's just not the way my writing works.

For some stories, I have writing partners that keep things moving along nicely (Maeson's Assistant and the Notebook are good examples for one such person, while the Robin Family saga has been going on the longest with another writer altogether). So at a minimum, those two stories will get chapter updates as I hit likely breakpoints in their development.

Other stories started that way, but have become something that only I (Tailweaver) continue - and those are the ones that I rotate along as best I can. I know folks want more Niki and Max, and more Camp, and more Katie and Bree (I don't get a ton of email, but each of those have had more than one pleading entreaty).

So, the ongoing serials will continue as best they can (Notebook and Robin) while I work on getting the rest of the stories to their conclusion, working towards major breakpoints (like the week one ending of Camp J).

To that end, The next 3 chapters of Robin's loving family will be coming as soon as they leave the competent hands of RandyRob, Chapter 16 of the Notebook of Dr E is nearing completion, and I will be posting the long awaited Games 3 this week - 6 chapters, so short in comparison, but quite enjoyable I hope.

Camp J is getting my attention starting today - unless things change of course, and Niki and Max or Katie begin their siren call - I am very interested in seeing what happens to Becca next....

Hope you all continue to enjoy, and nothing like a 9 or 10 chapter week to keep folks tuned :)




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