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Barely Sofia: Blog


Plans for future.

Posted at


First of everything, thanks and sorry.

Thanks for all the support messages you've sent during those months. I'm back here because of you all.

Sorry, sorry for the story "That Country." I know from your letters that many of you want to read more, you were probably expecting me to continue once I was back. Instead, I came with another different story. "Lucky."

So, I want to tell you about my plans for the stories.

Right now I'm working with "Lucky." Today I've finished publishing the first half I have from this one. My plans, reach the right point to stop. Maybe Book I or something like that.

I have another finished story, different from anything I have done before.

This one I wanted it to be worked with an editor. But just when I began I went stuck.

I have the story, but the editing work is going to be a nightmare, good thing is that since nothing is published yet, I'm not in a hurry.

Regarding "That Country" I'm slowly getting more comfortable with going back to it, and I'm reading it a few times, I need to do that to avoid changing the character's personality. I hope to have something new about it in June, more or less.

That's all, Thank you very much for your support and help. Each one of your messages means a lot to me.



Thank you

Posted at

Thanks for the support messages I've been getting. Sorry if I didn't answered, now it's over. Unfortunately not in the way I would have liked it to end.

The ones who asked about the story, yes, I'm planning to keep going, but I don't know when.

It's been 15 days since my father passed away, right now I'm focusing into accepting it. I can't really write again yet, I've tried, but all my writtings seems to be affected by my rl. I don't want this to become a sad story, so I will take some time until I can write without thinking in my father.


Status and new short story

Posted at

Dad is still at the hospital.

Sorry, I wont continue my main story until he's out and feeling good. Fortunately I hope next week he's going to be released.

Last night I wrote something dark and short, maybe the beginning of a story, but, I don't know if it's going to have more part or if it's going to stay like it's now.

I'm getting some nice ideas for "The country" and I'm wishing to have the time to work on it really soon.



Status update.

Posted at

I'm not lucky at all. a couple of weeks ago my dad got sick and he's in the hospital since then. I live between work and hospital. I think that's the first time I can sit on my computer.

I'm still thinking on the story, and hope to be able to write something really soon.

Thanks for your patience.



Sorry for the delay.

Posted at

I'm sorry for the delay with the next "That country" chapter, I've been feeling sick for some days, and having too much work that I could bare with.

I'm again online, and I hope to have the new one ready in some days.



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