Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Gator: Blog


Computers & Rears

Posted at

I have just posted Chapter 10 in the ongoing serial, Buffy, Dawn & The Rest Of The Scooby Gang. Buffy is peeved that Dawn her younger sister has been blabbing about her spankings when home from college Mom spanks Dawn and Buffy sneaks a peak. I hope everyone enjoys this "Mom!" moment.
both daughters hollering to get mom's attention.

Bringing In The New Year:)

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Bringing in the new year with a mystery 'fucker. All we know for sure is that it is a female who uses the strap on to dildo fuck Greg. enjoy and please know I would appreciate comments for votes. thank you for the incredible readership that continues to grow!

Cat Fight At the Brady's!

Posted at

Hello readers,

Here is something I have never tried before in a story. A cat fight, but for it to make sense it's loaded with issues and events from the 'Brady Bunch.' I think you will find it fun how they have been incorporated in the plot.

A Welcoming Community!

Posted at Updated:

This is truly a welcoming community. I thank all who taken time out of their busy schedules to read and vote on my stories and ongoing serials. I hope as stories develop those of you who have voted will consider the further development of the plots and the characters and make your vote reflective of the effort. Remember, that codes for stories are based on current and future plots in additional chapters.

Part of the fantasy of writing is exploring and playing out less exciting new scenes as will become apparent as chapters are added. Please note codes include future chapter plans. Please read and vote and consider its development in your vote as new chapters are added.

Don't every try any of these scenarios. They are fantasies and not to be acted upon home. All actions should only take place with adults that are eighteen years-old or older with full consent of both parties.

Repost Ch 2 A Thought About Where The Annals Of Buffy Is Headed

Posted at

Hello Readers, I am so grateful for your reading what I plan to become a major work. There are many stories in Buff and The Gang that lend themselves to exciting fan fiction. Please continue read and let your votes express the changes in my writing to better keep your interest and enjoyment.
Let me start with an explanation as Cordelia is added to the cast.

This is Cordelia's first appearance in this ongoing serial. It could not happen to a nicer girl. There will be more of the snooty cheerleader's punishments in future chapters.
Author Note: The action that has already taken place in Chapter One and Buffy is now in the corner hoping her bottom will start to cool down. Miss Calendar has moved on to punish the instigator of the unwise party trip.

In Chapter Two: Cordelia gets it and, Buffy is there in the wings to get payback for her issues soon.

Meanwhile, across town Dawn was feeling her oats getting in her own trouble ignoring danger. It was quite a Halloween. For the purpose of the story she will be eighteen years old too.



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