Many of you will have noticed I recently posted a new story,
Grace & Glory (and it has just been updated with spelling corrections) but I've received a few messages about it and decided to address a few things here.
Firstly, thank you for the feedback. I'm a love to hear it both good and bad.
Next, this was originally a commission from around two years ago, but after completing the first draft, the original customer was unreachable. So I pushed it aside and completely forgot about it. I only stumbled across it while cleaning out my hard drive and decided to spend and afternoon turning it into a finished short story.
I actually have a few of these type of story's from unfinished works or just unpolished works I wrote for my own amusement, so it you like these shorter standalone pieces let me know. If you want one of your own, I could do a few commissions.
Now onto Puzzle Box Genie. Honestly, I don't know when or if it will ever be completed. Now it has caught up with where the original version stopped, I'm kind of at a loss. While I feel like it owe it to my reader to finish it, I'm sort of over it, and more interested in focusing on other works.
Anyway, thanks again, keep the feedback coming, and watch this space.