Originally released on Bookapy and a few other places back in June, free chapters of “The Conqueror’s Rise,” start appearing weekly today, here on SOL. With thirty-seven chapters, it’ll run almost until the end of the year. For many reasons, Damon was a fun character to explore, and the beginning of his climb to fame…or infamy, I suppose, was interesting to write. Not just writing from a male POV, but he’s a young man with quite a few layers.
The sequel, tentatively titled “The Conqueror’s Leap,” is on the schedule for drafting later this year. Expect big changes in Damon’s life as he moves on to college and uncovers new “business” opportunities. As always, more information on current and planned efforts is available on my Discord.
Wow! The sale on Bookapy was quite a hit. Thank you all so very much for supporting both my efforts and the site. You all rock. Those who missed it note I’m planning another in late-April to celebrate my birthday. I get older, you get discounted gifts. What a world, huh?
Hugs to all.