Cainneach McEinri: Favourites

1: Allison by Morgan
Good story. In fact all of those by Morgan are good.
2: Divided at Division One by Pettybox
An interesting story about coed college football - excellent reading
3: A Flawed Diamond by Jay Cantrell
A well written story of a young man's life and his interaction with his girl friends.
4: Job Hunt by Dual Writer
One of the series of stories but all are very good.
5: John Carter by Lazlo Zalezac
All of the stories by Lazlo Zalezax are excellent.
6: Kathy Carlson by Morgan
Another excellent story
7: Legion of Light by Sea-Life
One of a series of stories - excellent reading
8: Oh Boy by Dual Writer
If you haven't read a story by Dual Writer you lead a deprived life. This one is as good as all the others.
9: Vacation? by Dual Writer
Goes along with Job Hunt & part of a series
10: The Wilkerson Institute by rlfj
RLJF writes some excellent reading


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