Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

irish Writer: Favourites

1: The Grim Reaper by rlfj
Rlfj started out writing simple stories. Then he went sideways and wrote 3 in A Row of the finest here on SOL. Grim is a story about the real impact of violence, and the impact on "those rough men who stand ready to do violence on behalf of others so they can sleep safely in their beds". Since WWII, many times those men have come away and asked "Why?". Our society needs to give them a satisfactory answer for their actions. We should return with determination to the rules Casper Winberger gave us on the commitment of force of arms. Grimm clearly paints this picture for us all on their behalf.
2: I Remember Bethany by The Piano Man
That was a time when everything was turned upside down. We are living in the aftershocks of that turmoil. We talk about three thousand dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, but don't remember fifty thousand names on the Wall in Washington. We talk about Gay rights, having forgotten the issues of Civil rights. It was a different time.
3: I Won't Hurry You by Cat5
Personal appeal and a knowledge of Germany after the war.
4: A Toast in an Empty Bar by Jay Cantrell
Long ago I wrote a Poem called "Absent Friends". It was for the 5th anniversary of the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC. I had at first hated that design and monument. It was stark, and horrific, and I felt it was not justice to the men and women I knew and served with. Many of whom are names on that wall. Later, looking at it from the statue of the 3 veterans who look toward it, I mellowed. And realized that all of those people I knew would not be gone as long as we remembered them. Even as names on the wall. So, I guess, it is fitting after all. I wonder where we will memorialize those from these last 12 years of conflict?
5: Daze in the Valley by Jay Cantrell
Jay started with an idea. Then he kept to that idea from the beginning all the way to the end. And some stories are hard to tell. They grab you and you hear a lot of voices talking at the same time. 160 + chapters is a LOT of work. Editors, writers, and people to keep you honest. Jay, congratulations.
6: Unending Night by Jay Cantrell
jay does a lot of interesting things. This is one of the better ones. He really captures idiotic situations and heroic people. I try to do that too.
7: Human Man by Refusenik
Refusenik makes a excellent "Low impact" entrance for his aliens. They are beings mature enough to want to watch and learn, and not (yet) build the civilization faster then the participants can absorb. He has done this two times and I will be interested in seeing how he links the different series together. Or even if he does beyond a casual mention of a problem at NTSU. As always, Please keep writing. Good authors are always rare. Here and everywhere else.
8: Auction by Tedbiker
I have a weakness for relationships that start unconventionally and end on the high notes.
9: I Fell in Love With a Ghost by qhml1
This story is a Love Story. One about unlikely circumstances. But one where my eyes got wet at the end. There is a song by John Lennon called "Grow Old with me". Ms. McKenna sings it very well. It's from a poem. And it is the dream of each and every mature person to live that life.
10: Runaway Train by Jay Cantrell
Jay has always written entertaining and believable stories. I have come to regard him as one of my favorite writers here.
11: A Stitch In Time by Marsh Alien
We have had some amazing authors here. People with wit, intelligence, and a story to share. Marsh was one of the best here, and I miss his posts.
12: Island Mine by Refusenik
One of the best Sci Fi stories here. I wish the author would provide more examples of his work, but I guess you can’t push a Texan.
13: Election Day by Lumpy
Lumpy does us all a great service with his publication of his works here. At Amazon they’re not bad either. It’s great to get early exposure to talented new writers.
14: Magic 101 by Reluctant_Sir
Easily one of the best melds of magic in our world. Unlike other stories where there is a conflict among magicians and the norms, this is about a kid. Talented yes. But still a kid. And one you have to like.


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