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Story Reviews

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Reviews by Ivan_Ronical
About Ivan_Ronical:
Hi, I'm an asshole who reviews stories.

I like long walks on the beach and collecting small wooden elephants. Also character development and laughing at cliches.

Things I dislike are plentiful, including glasses and crabs. More relevant to anyone reading this page, I would not consider myself an enthusiast of poor word or grammar use; it takes physical restraint to stop me from posting a bad review when authors mix up character names, and I take it to the next level when reviewing stories which have little or no plot. Above all, I am confident that there is a special place in hell reserved for authors who start a great story and don't finish it.

If you'd like me to review something you've written, feel free to send me a mail.
  Story Title Author Name Review Date P Q A
A Halloween Redemption StarCrawler 8 8 9
Home for Horny Monsters - Book 2 Annabelle Hawthorne 10 9 10
Home for Horny Monsters - Book 1 Annabelle Hawthorne 10 9 10
The Future of Miss Powers Lazlo Zalezac 10 9 10
Three Square Meals Tefler 10 9 10
New Magus TechnicDragon 8 9 9
Living a CAP Based Present Allan Joyal 10 9 10
Destiny's Road Lumpy 8 9 8
Unending Night Jay Cantrell 9 9 9
Dman 3 Cold Creek 6 6 5
Blockade Runner - Chameleons & Plasma Rifles - Book 1 Lortay 9 10 9
Six Times A Day Spacer X 9 10 8
Elevated Tom Frost 9 9 10
The Omega Path Lazarus Valentine 10 10 10
You Think You've Got Problems Raven Soule N/A 8 10
Life With Alpha II: Alpha's World Any Pseudonym 10 10 10
Australian Story Oz Ozzie 9 9 10
Time of Eden and Elves Mike Cropo 8 6 8
Flight of the Code Monkey Kid Wigger 9 8 10
Island Mine Refusenik 9 10 10
Holding the Fort HedbangerSA 7 9 8
The Negative Seduction Izzy McMaster 9 9 9
New Friends 2 Halcyon 8 7 9
New Friends Halcyon 8 4 9
Schoolgirl Slave Fantasy Stories 7 6 7
Human Phoenix Refusenik 10 9 10
Fooling Around 101 - Version Bravo Lubrican 7 9 6
Fooling Around 101 - Version Alpha Lubrican 8 9 7
Catching My Dream Girl LargerThanTheAverageBear 7 9 8
Teacher's Pest LargerThanTheAverageBear 7 9 5
P: Plot | Q: Technical Qualities | A: Appeal to Reviewer


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