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The Slim Rhino: Blog


Dawn Of The Federation Book II is complete

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Hi folks,

The moderators will hate me for it. I just belched fourteen chapters into the submission queue to conclude Book II. The third edition will start being posted soon.

Dawn Of The Federation Book I: Tomorrow Never Knows is complete

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The last three chapters for my Book I are in the queue and should pop up on the site shortly.

It started out as a standalone story, but soon the universe and the characters took on a life of their own and I'm currently working on Book III already.

Final Strech for Book I

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The posting of "Dawn Of The Federation: Book I" is entering the final stretch. Chapters 16-18 have just been submitted and the final six will be finished within the next two days.

Concurrent Stories

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No rant this time, I promise.

I've been getting several emails asking why I have several unfinished stories at the same time.

The answer is easy: It's the only way I can write. Even though I'm forty, I'm still suffering from a hefty case of ADHS. I simply cannot write a single story. I need several to pick up whatever I feel in the mood for on the day. I've done a lot of Star Trek lately, but the next chapter will be for "Strange Land". So that's the reason why there are several stories at the same time. I don't plan to abandon any of them, I just need the variety.

Some more words on character development

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Two days ago I had a bad day and let rip on my Blog. I expected to be inundated with replies telling me where to shove it, but to my utter surprise, most of the replies said: Finally someone who dared saying it.

What many people don't understand is that nobody wants to read a story about the perfect guy who can do no wrong. That story has already been written and is available in your local library titled "The Bible".

Characters need flaws, quirks, conflict. A fourteen-year-old who gets all girls including his mother wet by his sheer presence in uninteresting. If anything he will make the reader feel inadequate. If you need an example of what a truly well-constructed story with realistic characters looks like, you might want to do an author search for Don Lockwood. His Dance Of A Lifetime should be mandatory reading for every aspiring author.



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