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The Slim Rhino: Blog


One-Dimensional Characters

Posted at

I may be a Luddite, or I just don't have the clout to be a reviewer. At least it spares the author an almighty slating. I just wasted a perfectly good weekend on a set of stories in a "Conductor Universe". To make it short, the 'hero' is a two-bit adulterer who has a 9' whale-dick at 14 years and makes women incoherent and sex-crazed by merely looking at them. All the while he's the world's best conductor, producer, kisser, lover, dictator and god at 14 years. The characters in those stories make Mary sue and Gary Stu look like flawed characters.

Now you may ask, why did you read the shit then? That's because I'm an idiot and believe in author development. If I read some of my early 2009 stories, I can see that I would never publish them today. I tend to think I've improved. But in the case of aforementioned universe, the author seems ro degenerate. fifty percent of all chapters are just copy/pasted song lyrics with no character development whatsoever, so our dashing 14 y/o 9-inch donkey-cock possessing Gary Stu occasionally fucks his own mother blind for no apparent reason. Why do these kind of stories have a score higher than -1?

A wee little Rant

Posted at

German Broadcaster RTL has come full circle. They started in the late eighties, broadcasting stroke-shows like the striptease bonanza "Tutti Frutti". One of my earliest 'manhood' memories is that I came home from yet another pointless (read: no woman) visit to the disco, wasted out of my skull, whacking off over some housewife stripping live on TV because she was the strawberry and had just lost because lemon was the right answer. No idea, I was otherwise occupied at the time and with ten beers in the system I wasn't very cognizant to begin with.

RTL, apart from advertising the virtues of female mammary features, are also the broadcaster who has shown F1 on free-to-air TV in Germany since 1991. And boy have they been degenerating! In the mid nineties they were seriously challenging the public networks, but in recent years they've stooped to lows that make 'Trash TV' sound like a knighting.

A couple of days ago I zapped through the channels and ran into something called "Adam seeks Eve", a show on RTL. Why did I watch? Because I'm a man and the first thing I saw was a pair of Bristols - you do the maths. I kid you not, the concept is that they dump a guy and three girls on a tropical Island and they're all naked - all the time. There are two Islands - the 'Island of Desire', where all four of them spend their day looking at each other's decaying flesh and the 'Island of Love' where the guy will be taken with the women he selected because her fanny stinks the least after two weeks without a proper bathroom. The 'Island of Blithering Idiocy' was apparently destroyed by a Volcano eruption.

Jeebus H. Effing Christ. It's been nine years since I had sex the last time and after seeing that I won't need any for the next twenty, it was so disgusting. It practically rendered me infertile. That's where F1 has landed these days. Second rate porn channels or Pay TV.

Let me give you some advice. Pay the 30 bucks for the PayTV channel and save your chance to have kids one day.

Another Question Answered

Posted at

Thanks again for all the answers. So many replies in just six hours, wow.

Basically it boils down to stark cultural differences, apparently. General tendency of all answers is that it seems to be mainly an American thing, which is funny as they are the world's biggest porn producers and most sex story sites are hosted in Americaland as well. Guess it's the forbidden fruit thing.

To give people an idea why it astonishes me so much. It might not be our public image, but us Germans are quite liberal in that regard. It's not uncommon to come across a topless female in a movie or TV show shown late afternoon. If a movie features full frontal nudity but no explicit or implied sexual activity, it gets an FSK16 rating, which means it is open to people from age 16 and over.

It's even more liberal in East Germany. The former communist regime actively supported nudism and there are a lot of nude beaches and even nudist camping sites. As hinted in my Story "Learning To Live In A Strange Land", the joke among us was that the regime supported it because it enabled them to sell all the swimsuits and Bikinis to the west for much needed hard currency.

I practically grew up on nude beaches, so I guess I'm just a lot more relaxed about such things than many other people.

Many Answers and more Questions

Posted at

First of all, thanks a lot for all those who answered my previous post "A Question for the Ladies". If the general consensus is anything to go by, men are better of steering clear of women. I had really thought she was just a psychopath, but reading the answers makes the idea of marriage bloody terrifying.

But here's another one. I've read a few Incest stories around here and it's always the same: mom walks in on son (or other way round) and it's *SCREECH* "(s)he saw me naked!"

Sorry folks, but until I moved out at eighteen years. I always knew what my mother and father looked like naked. First of all because they didn't wear swimsuits in the bathtub and once in a while they came out without wrapping a towel around themselves. Or they would need another towel and ask my brother or me to bring them one.

Question here. Are we Europeans just weird or why do I think it is the most idiotic plot element to have a son not know what his mother looks like?

A Question For The Ladies

Posted at

Reading a story, I came across this gem :

"As the guy you need to understand that girlfriends, fiancées and wives will occasionally get pissed over something and that you will have to live with it and ride it out until she gets over it."

Funny enough, it matches my experience with an ex-girlfriend of mine. She once hurled abuse at me for two hours, which I just ignored. In the end she was pissed with me for days, because I didn't react when she wanted to pick a fight.

Seriously, did I just run into a psychopath or are women really wired like that?



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