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Weekend Update - March 23

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Hello readers,

This has been a day, yikes. A series of unfortunate events seemed to conspire against my new story Snow Angel today. First, the story didn't post till much later than usual. It is normally available for most people when they wake up. It likely had to do with the server swap or issue #2. That issue was a strange formatting problem where the text conversation between Shane and Callie turned into bubbles and caused everything after it to shrink to 2 to 3 letters per line. Shout out to all the readers who alerted me to the problem. It is never a good sign when I check my story stats and find several messages in my inbox right away. It always means I screwed up or there's a problem; but I'd rather know about it so it can be fixed quickly. I fixed and resubmitted as soon as I could and it is better now. I put a blog up to let people know but that may have also kept people from checking it out after the fact.

Now, I have no idea how Snow Angel is doing or if I need to tweak things like the teaser blurb. It's just one of the worst things that can happen to a new story. I guess I'll just have to wait till next week to see how chapter 2 does, then go from there. If you have any suggestions or thought on Snow Angel, please let me know.

Moving on to happier things. Writing this week has gone really well. I'm very happy with how West Side High is shaping up, and Snowed In is turning into a fun sexy romp. Both are high school focused but very different tonally, so I hope it won't feel samey. I'm planning for both to have a long or continuing narrative, either with added chapters or new stories in a series. I will still write them in batch format (4 to 5 chapter runs and then a 4-5 week break, with something else replacing them). I feel it allows me to rejuvenate and not get sick writing something (also to incorporate feedback from all of you, if needed).

This Week - Wednesday, we have the conclusion of A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough, on the ghostwritten after dark account. I am sad to end this one but I think it ran its course. It doesn't have a FIRM ending, like say, Sheltered from the Storm but it gives some conclusion to things. It could comeback if interest is there, but I'm looking forward to new things on that account where I can go a little darker. After that, Saturday morning should have Snow Angel chapter 2. Shane and Callie get closer and learn a bit more about one another. Hopefully, everything will work properly from the start.

That's it for me this week. I'll keep writing and I hope you keep reading. The community here is great and today just cemented that.

Thank you everyone,



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