The Immortal, Volume 2
Copyright© 2024 by INtrinSicliValud
Chapter 61
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 61 - Volume 2 is a compendium of the next thirty-eight chapters of Jim’s saga. As his relationship with Mandy deepens, the hints of her troubled marriage cause him to question their future, his motivation, and hers. Is he also a monster, corrupting her? And when others become involved in their shared world, Mandy’s innate talents are revealed. (Warning: Jim predates nifty little modern sexuality tags; if it's pleasurable or called for, he will do it.)
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/Ma Consensual BDSM Harem Polygamy/Polyamory Anal Sex Exhibitionism Oral Sex Water Sports
The next morning, I sat in a lounge chair on the veranda, watching the sunrise. Again, the weather gods were with us and besides a few wispy white puffs of cloud, the sky was a brilliant blue. Nobody had occupied Denise and Simon’s old room. With a deep inhale of salty air, I grinned.
After playing with them, Mandy had made a decision the previous night. Well, several. Once dinner ended and the most amorous clusters had stretched out across the pillows and padded floor, she’d not said a word. But it wasn’t long after the first ardent cries echoed that her shaky hand thumped the wineglass to the table. After flicking her gaze to me, she bit deep into her lip.
“Just us, tonight, Jim. Okay?” she’d murmured.
No sooner had I nodded than her fingers slid over to unzip me and release my stiff aching rod. Shiny eyes glued on the moaning mass of squirming bodies, Mandy lifted her hem and glided onto my lap. As sighs left us both, she sank, impaling her slippery warmth, until she sat with her spine shaking against my chest.
“You alright?” I whispered while nuzzling into her dark curls.
“God, Jim. Can’t you tell?” With a breathy, hitching laugh, she clenched her insides around my trapped flesh. “Mmm, so much more than alright.”
And with her skewered body rising and falling before me, we drank wine and watched the festivities. Soon, I added gentle tugs of her leash. Not long after, the first massive shudder sent her open lips skyward.
She was not shy. Her scream caught the attention of several other guests. But we declined all offers. When at last I pumped her full, she crumpled back to pant atop me until my shrunken flesh oozed from her clenching tightness.
“I wish we could stay here forever,” she whispered.
When I kept silent, she turned to look at me. But my mind was whirling. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wonderful fantasy land. But the clock was ticking. She had her family. If not Charles, her daughter. Plus, Cinder’s weren’t the only texts I’d been receiving. And silencing.
“Come on, slut,” I muttered while easing her from my lap.
“Yes, master,” she replied before giggling and downing the last of her wine in one gulp. “I’m drunk.”
“Yep. And tired.” I helped her from the booth before walking towards the boardwalk. “You’ve got a busy day tomorrow, birthday girl.”
“Slut, master. Well-fucked and all yours.” She flipped up her dress, and we both watched a pearlescent dribble racing down her shaking thighs. “So, um, what you gonna do to me, uh, tomorrow?”
“It’s a surprise,” I replied with a chuckle while leading her into the darkness towards our cabana.
With that memory still fading, I chuckled once more. But at soft footfalls behind me as I followed a pair of diving seabirds, I turned to find Mandy. In the morning glow, she wore only a grin. Well, also the collar.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked while sliding into the back of the chair and running her fingers along my shoulders.
“You.” I smiled up at her.
“Mmm, good. I was thinking of you as well.” As she leaned to nibble my ear, her palms slid downward, over my chest. “Had the naughtiest dreams.”
“I bet.” I laughed. “Pick a swimsuit and get ready.”
“Beach again?” she inquired, glancing at the backpack beside me.
“Nope. Going on a boat trip.” I gripped her wrists and lifted her hands just as they reached my trunks. “Now, hurry up, slut.”
“Yes, my hunky master.” After a swift press of her lips to my cheek, she pranced, giggling, back into the room.
When the bathroom door opened, I had the pack over my shoulder and was standing by the cabana’s front entrance. As soon as she came into sight, my heart staggered to a halt. Then sped. Sure, I’d packed the suit but hadn’t really expected her to wear it. Which was stupid; she was the one who’d bought it.
The monokini was nothing but stretched thin gold triangles that covered only her areolas and the tiniest strip between her legs. As she did a slow spin atop glossy black pumps, her jaw was trembling.
“Was, um, only gonna wear this at your place. In the pool when it gets warmer. But, uh”—she slipped a shaky finger over the collar’s raised bold lettering as she slowed to face me—”it seems more appropriate here.”
“Yeah. Appropriate.” I muttered while trying to restart my brain. At the paler sun alongside the minuscule strip over her mound, I lifted an eyebrow.
“Had to shave.” She took my hand and ran my fingers under the taut gold material. Nothing but bare skin met my fingertips. “Mmm, you like? It’s been a while—”
Her voice ended in a moan when I dipped a fingertip into her slippery seam. At the rapid pulsing of her flesh and the sudden tremors that whipped through her, I swallowed. She was already on edge, and the day had only just begun.
After gobbling a quick breakfast, we climbed into a rental car for the short trip to the yacht club. As I tugged on her leash, she stayed tight to me. No coverup. No shirt. Only three glittery golden triangles and the thin lead draping off her heaving chest.
“I’m such a slut,” she whispered as she slid my other hand again into the stretched material. “And so horny, master.”
“I noticed,” I muttered before sliding my hand free to roam under the strings and find a perky cone.
At my fingertips finding a nipple, she plunged her open mouth against my throat and moaned. A grin on his face, the driver’s gaze flicked to us in his rearview mirror. As I returned the smile, I pressed the heated stem once more. That moan was accompanied by the forceful shove of her body.
“Paid a lot of money for her,” I said to him.
“She’s fine.” He nodded.
“That she is.” I met Mandy’s twinkling pools and widened my smile. “Best little slut.”
As he laughed, we pulled into the entrance. Of every shape and size, blazing white hulls lined piers amid the shimmering blue water. As soon as the car halted, the driver leaped out to open our door. As I eased her into the sunlight, his gaze wandered her.
What did the petite imp do? With a grin at me, she stretched her arms upwards. While yawning, she spun in a languid circle on the tips of her heels. Those eyes blazed, and that devilish smile never faltered.
“Yeah, man. She’s real fine,” he commented while closing the door.
After one last scan of her frame as I paid him, he nodded and dropped back into the car. As it roared away, she smacked her lips.
“Mmm, how much money”—she eased aside a triangle to bare a pert little tit—”am I worth, Jim?”
“Meh, twenty bucks.” I laughed and tugged on the chain even as her fist raised to punch my shoulder.
“Meanie,” she muttered while her heels clacked atop the wooden planks behind me.
After that, she was quiet, but met every wayward glance and ogling stare as we moved past rows of various vessels. Once I halted at the foot of a gangplank, she gasped.
One of my smaller vessels, it was forty-feet of brilliant white hull. Anything larger and I’d need a crew. But I wanted to keep Mandy all to myself. Have some quiet, alone time without an audience.
With her brows tight, she was opening her mouth to speak when I once again tugged on the leash. Her lips snapped closed as she followed me up the gangplank. Once aboard, I led her to the foredeck. Thick white padding covered the angled, pointed hull at the very front of the vessel.