Geneticist Frankenstein - Cover

Geneticist Frankenstein

Copyright© 2024 by Flavorfulcorpse

Chapter 8

Thanks to markf52 and sorvinofan for the editing help.

All sexual encounters are between characters that are eighteen years of age or older.

Our workout was typical; the only thing that was new was Mae. When we finished our post-workout activities, we sat in the upstairs den and talked. We went over what we were going to do for the summer and whether we wanted to go to college or not. I had the ladies pack their bikinis and some formal wear, and when they had finished packing, Melissa came over to me and asked, “Where are we going?”

I had them follow me to the lab and then through the door to the docks. They all ooh’d and aah’d as I pointed out the rooms. When we got outside, they stopped in their tracks and marveled at Midnight Express. I welcomed them aboard and showed them around. Once we were settled in, we grabbed a couple more jet skis and stowed them with the rest. I had ‘AIMS’ lock down the property, and we cast off. As I sat on the flybridge, I was approached by Charu; she asked, “Where are we going?”

I told her, “I have no clue, but we will figure that out when we hit open water.” Happy with my answer, she came over, sat in my lap, and gave me a kiss.

As we made our way down the channel, Charu asked me, “What are the cables on the side of the channel?”

I told her, “They are probably connected to anti-submarine nets.”

It took us almost forty minutes to make it to the river and make our turn towards open water. It would take another forty minutes to get to the ocean, and then we could see what Midnight Express could do.

As we hit open water, ‘AIMS’ alerted me that we had a submarine shadowing us. I told her, “Launch a torpedo with nanites in it so they can make the sub surface, then have them get inside to be our eyes and ears.” The sub surfaced a few minutes later and stopped following us. When we got out of sight of the sub, ‘AIMS’ confirmed the nanites had made it inside the sub and were transmitting data to us.

The American fast attack sub was in for a surprise because when it got too close to us, it would surface. It was a flat day, so I opened up Midnight Express and put some distance between the sub and us.

I had run all out for two hours before I throttled back to a leisurely speed. I had ‘AIMS’ put us in a “black hole” to keep us from being seen from the air, the sea, or from underneath us. I went and joined the ladies, who were now naked as the day they were born; it’s impossible not to get a hard-on when you are surrounded by very sexy and very beautiful women who are naked. I told them, “We’re going to Hawaii and Maui to check out a few assets that we own there.”

Daisy came over, stroked my cock, and sat down on it. She rode me to an orgasm and then kissed me. Each of the other ladies did the same until the last one received my load.

Hungry now, we went and fixed ourselves something to eat. ‘AIMS’ notified us of an EPIRB signal twenty miles west-northwest of our location. We started towards the EPIRB’s last location and got dressed. When we got within visual range, I looked through the binoculars and could see a very large yacht. As we drew closer, I had ‘AIMS’ launch some drones with nanites on them to examine the yacht. The nanites were to do a bow-to-stern search. Halfway through the search, the nanites reported they had found explosives and had disarmed them. When the search was complete, the nanites reported no one was on board. We made a cautious approach to the vessel and pulled alongside her. The name of the vessel was ‘Midnight Sky’ and was a two-hundred-twenty-meter by thirty-five-meter yacht.

Midnight Sky was almost identical to Midnight Express but on a much larger scale. ‘AIMS’ ran the registry, and she came back with the owner’s name, which was Victor Jefferies, a tech tycoon worth billions of dollars, who had gone missing the previous year. The ship had a crew of one hundred crewmen, who were all gone from the ship. I asked Gpop, “Do you know this guy?”

He said, “I had worked with him at DARPA, and Jefferies had designed both vessels. Midnight Sky was a ghost ship, and under maritime law, it was able to be salvaged, so we did.

The nanites did another search of Midnight Sky while cleaning and doing the upgrades they could. We would stay on Midnight Express while the nanites cleaned and did their upgrades. I boarded Midnight Sky and explored her for a while until I came upon a locked room, so I used the nanites to unlock the door, and then I went in. The room looked more like an office than a room. As I was looking around the room, a hologram appeared and began to explain what had happened.

The hologram introduced itself, “I’m Victor Jefferies. We received a distress call from a nearby vessel and went to help it, if we could. When we arrived, we could see that the vessel was having electrical problems, but when we pulled alongside the vessel, the pirates onboard stormed our boat and killed all but a few of the crew. The pirates tried to operate Midnight Sky but couldn’t, due to safety measures. The pirates wanted to blow her up, so they had one of the crew helped set the charges while the rest of us waited on their boat. The crewman managed to keep one of the char...” that’s where the hologram stopped.

I asked ‘AIMS,’ “How many explosives were found onboard?”

She said, “Five had been found and disarmed.” She knew my next question because she said, “They didn’t go off because of the shielding in that area of the boat.”

I asked Gpop, “What did Jefferies work on?”

He told me, “He worked on networking and artificial intelligence.”

“So, ‘AIMS’ is based off his work then?” I asked.

Before I got an answer, Maria came in and told me, “The USS Bloodhound has surfaced about thirty miles from us and is going to return to port to figure out why they kept surfacing like they are.”

We moved enough food to keep us until we got to Hawaii to stock Midnight Sky. My ladies joined me on Midnight Sky, and I had ‘AIMS’ pilot Midnight Express at a safe distance behind us.

I went back to the office and found that there was a couple of million dollars in cash and diamonds in the safe. Then, I sat down and read some of the journals that were in the safe, and I didn’t like what I was reading. Jefferies was selling secrets to anyone that would pay for them, so I had the nanites do another search, but this time to look for hidden compartments. It was a quick search, with no hidden compartments found. I read the journals that were in the safe, then cleaned them of my prints and DNA so I could keep them safe for later examination.

When I had the journals cleaned and bagged, I joined my ladies in the galley for something to eat. The master suite was huge; all of us could sleep on the bed at the same time, so that’s what we did. We woke up at our usual time and worked out in the onboard gym. The ladies went to lay out and tan while I went to the engine room, where I found that there were four enormous turbine engines that powered the eight large hydro-jets.

When we finally reached Hawaii, our first stop was a couple of slips down from us. The yacht moored there was nice but out of date. “AIMS,’ said, “We should be able to get a hundred million for it,” so that’s what I listed it for after I had the nanites clear the thing of anything that we could use and destroy any drugs if they found any. No drugs were found, but five million in cash was. The next stop would be an estate that looked to be in relatively good shape from the photos on the internet.

When we arrived, I knew we were going to keep the property, but we were going to have to put nanites in the people who worked here. I let the nanites search and clear the residence, a two-story, white stucco, red tile roof, twelve-bedroom estate, before we settled in for the night. As the nanites did their thing, we went and met the forty employees. As we met them and shook hands, nanites were placed in them to make them loyal to us. When we finished, we went to get something to eat and go out clubbing. I had ‘AIMS’ make those of us who needed them IDs that said we were twenty-one before we left the house.

We went and ate, then danced for a little bit, getting home around ten. We woke at five a.m.; we did our workout and run. Then we ate and got ready to go to check out another property and boat. The next property was more modern than the last one, and we decided to sell it and the boat. The sale of the two would get us another seventy-five million. We stayed for a couple more days on Maui so the nanites could upgrade the computer systems on Midnight Sky and change the previous registry to Night Sky. And we know who owned Midnight Sky. When the nanites were done, we left Hawaii and headed to Fiji.

The trip to Fiji was smooth sailing; we all slept in the same bed, so all I had to do was roll over and kiss one of my ladies, and that would start the fun and games. With the nanite and genetic enhancements, I had no problem satisfying my ladies. When I was done, I would crawl back in between Charu and Melissa with Casey as my flesh blanket and go to sleep. We only spent a few days in Fiji before heading to Australia to look at a penthouse apartment property near Bondi Beach.

While sleeping one night, I was having one of those dreams that seemed real. The dream was one in which I was “knocking up” my maidens that were sent to spy on me. In the dream it was Tyra, Lanette, Maria, Mae, and Casey who were all sent to spy and gather information on me and the others. Tyra was sent by the DOD, Mae was a Chinese spy, but I didn’t know that Lanette was sent by the Russians, or that Maria had been sent to get “some dirt” on us by Tanduchi, and that Casey was sent by MI6. The nanites in me began to talk to me and inform me that each woman was one hundred percent mine, and they would rather die than betray me. In the dream the nanites downloaded the past of each woman and how they truly felt about me. The love I felt from each of my maidens left no doubt that they truly loved me. The nanites told me, “We are making some adjustments to the maidens.”

When they said this, I asked, “What changes are being made to them?”

I woke up and lay there for a moment, and I realized that there was wetness on my chest. I looked down at Casey sleeping on my chest, as she always does, and could see tears coming from her eyes that were still closed. Looking to my right, I saw that Melissa was crying; I looked to my left, and Charu too was crying. I pulled Casey closer to me and had my nanites broadcast my love for all the maidens and went back to sleep.

For the first time in a long time, I woke up tired. I got out of bed and went to pee, then did my workout. As I began my run, the ladies came in one at a time, not paying much attention to them as they worked out; I focused on my run. When I finished my run, I went and showered and then went to the galley to fix breakfast. I cooked scrambled eggs, ham, oatmeal, biscuits and gravy, pancakes, country fries, hash browns, toast, and grits. There was milk, orange and apple juice, and chocolate milk to drink.

I was sitting there in my own world when I felt a push to my shoulder. I looked up, and Melissa was standing there looking at me with a puzzled look on her face. She pointed to my plate and asked me, “Are you going to eat?” I looked at my still full plate and began to eat my food. I looked around the table and noticed none of my ladies were eating, so I asked them, “Are you going to eat?”

They all said almost in unison, “We have,” and continued to watch me eat.

I got up to take my dirty dishes to the sink to rinse them and put them in the dishwasher when Charu grabbed my dishes and took them to wash. Melissa sat on my lap, facing me, and asked me, “What’s wrong?” I told the group about my dream and that I had woken up to all of them crying. I went on to say, “I want you all to feel my love, so I had my nanites broadcast it to you.” By the time I finished telling them, they were all crying again.

I told them, “The nanites say they are making adjustments to you, but I don’t know what they mean.”

They all stood up, shoulder to shoulder, where I could see that they were all the same height and same build. When I asked, “Why?” ‘AIMS’ took over and told me, “The maidens had come up with and agreed to the changes and are now as strong and fast as you are.”

They stepped forward and knelt in front of me. Casey spoke, “We are sorry for our deception on our upgrades, and we will spend the rest of our lives proving our love and fealty to you, if you will still have us as yours.”

“You are mine and will always be mine. I will love you until time ceases to exist. You will be the mothers of my children and defenders of them. I command that you never bow to anyone ever again, as your Alpha and the father of your children to be. Do you understand me?”

All in unison they said, “Yes, my love,” and then they rose to their feet, and that’s when I could really see that they were all the same height and that they were all built the same. They were all six feet three inches tall and 38DD/28/36, weighing one hundred sixty-five pounds, with not an ounce of fat on them. The most striking change was that they all had the most piercing eyes; they almost seemed to glow.

‘AIMS’ told me, “The new version of the nanites has been completed, and this will be the last version.”

When I asked, “Why the last?”

She told me, “They can’t get any smaller, and they are now using an atomic battery that lets them run for an indefinite amount of time, and they can’t get that any smaller.” We did our update and went to bed, where my maidens tried to fuck me to death over the next few days.

I imprinted my dominance as the Alpha, my love, and the father-to-be of our children as we made love. As we slept, the nanites once again confirmed that Maria, Lanett, Casey, Mae, and Tyra were all pregnant with my children and would be having twins. I sat straight up in bed and was looking around at all the ladies laughing at me. Casey pushed me back down and kissed me, saying, “Gotcha,” and then settled back onto my chest, going back to sleep, and so did I.

After we finished our morning ritual, I had ‘AIMS’ give me the “411” on our property. The property was in default on a loan and was in foreclosure by the bank. I asked, “How much will it take to get the property current?”

‘AIMS’ said, “One hundred million will get it to current, but one hundred fifty million will buy the property outright.”

“Is it worth it?” I asked.

‘AIMS’ said, “It is, and we will have a great property close to the beach,” so I had ‘AIMS’ buy the property, and we sat and sunned ourselves until lunch.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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