A Matter of Taste
Copyright© 2024 by Doctor Blank
Chapter 5: Keep A Clear Head
Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 5: Keep A Clear Head - After Scott jokingly propositions his longtime crush Erin, she surprises them both by saying yes. There's something different about Scott lately that Erin can't quite place: the way he smells... the sound of his voice... how he tastes... and soon she finds herself saying yes more and more.
Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Hypnosis Mind Control Reluctant Romantic Fiction
Madhuri Singh knelt naked on the living room floor, her dark eyes empty, tongue still lazily working the length of my cock as she sucked. After I came in her mouth, she’d fallen into the same sort of thoughtless trance I’d seen with Erin the night before. Slowly, carefully, I took my cock from between her lips. She gave a sad, involuntary whimper, but otherwise didn’t react. I sat down on the long couch in front of her.
I regarded the girl in front of me, her beautiful body motionless now, waiting for me to tell her what to do. I thought guiltily of how similar her expression, her posture were to Erin’s from last night. I took a long breath in, counted to five, then exhaled. This had been, as my dad used to say, a day.
“Madi,” I said, my voice low and thrumming in my chest, “I want you to listen to me.”
“Listen to you,” she echoed.
“You won’t tell anyone outside of this room what we’ve been doing.”
“Won’t tell anyone,” Madi said. “Outside this room. Yes. What we’ve been doing.”
“You want to keep your research a secret.”
“My research ... secret.”
“You want to keep helping me. You want to keep it between us.”
“Help ... you. Between us.”
“Repeat that. Play with yourself.”
“I want to keep helping you,” she said. She sounded eager, obedient. Relieved, even. She began lightly massaging one of her breasts, fingering her pussy. “Play with myself. Yes. I want to ... uhh ... keep it between us.”
“You want to keep experimenting with me.”
“Keep,” she said, tweaking her nipple. “Keep experimenting on you. Play with myself. Play with you. For ... for sci–”
“You want to use your tits on me,” I said. She writhed on the carpet, rolling her hips like she was on top of someone, riding their cock. I couldn’t look away.
“Use ... my tits. I want to use my tits on you again. Keep experimenting. Use your voice on me.”
“But you’ve never...” I faltered, grabbing my cock. I started stroking, remembering my earlier fantasy of her on my lap, hypnotizing me with her big, swaying... “You’ve never used your tits on me.”
“N-never used my tits on you.” Her nose twitched. “I have never used my tits on you.”
“You want to. You want to experiment with me. You want me to look at your tits.”
“Yesss...” she breathed. “Experiment. Look at my tits. I want you to look at my tits.”
“You want...” I said, my mind slipping. My voice dropped. “You want me to look at your tits. Watch your tits.”
“Want you ... look at my tits.” She took a hardened nipple between two fingers. “Watch my tits. My big ... soft ... heavy tits ... use your voice on me...”
“Look at your tits,” I murmured. “Heavy ... soft ... use my voice ... you want to keep playing with me.”
“Play with you.” She rolled a large breast under her palm, her other hand moving inside her. “Watch my tits ... use your voice ... want you...”
“Your tits ... want you...” I stroked myself. “Play with me... ”
“Play with me ... yess...” Madi said. “Play with my tits ... fuck them...”
“Fuck your tits,” I repeated. “You’re attracted to me.”
“Attracted,” she moaned. Her eyes focused on my hardening cock. “So attracted to you.”
“You want to fuck me.”
“Fuck me ... want to fuck you.”
“Want to fuck you,” I said. My mind was hazy. Was she ... doing something to me? I tried to clear my head. “Again.”
“I want to fuck you,” she repeated. “I want to fuck you.”
“You want to feel my cock in you.”
“I want to feel your cock in me.”
“Feel it now. Imagine it. You feel my cock in you.”
“Yesss! I feel it! Uhnn! I feel it in my cunt!”
“You want me. Say it.”
“I want you. I want you.” She shuddered. “I want to feel your cock. I want you. I want your big cock in me. Inside me. Inside my cunt. I want you to fuck me.”
“You want my cum. You’re addicted to my cum.”
“Want your cum. I’m addicted to it.”
“You want to feel it. You want to taste it. You love it.”
“Feel it,” she moaned, licking her lips. She shivered with a small orgasm. “Taste it. Love to taste it. Tastes so good. Feels so good. Want to feel you ... taste you. Love ... it.”
“You want to do whatever I say.”
“I want...” she said, giving her head a small shake, “want to ... to do ... unhh!”
“Madi,” I said. “You want to do whatever I say. It turns you on.”
“Do ... what you ... ungh!” She came again, arching her back and running a hand through her wild hair. “Turns me on,” she gasped. “I want to do what you say.”
“Again, Madi. Do what I say. You want to obey. Repeat that.”
Madi calmed, catching her breath, still caressing her body. “I do what you say. I want to obey. I do what you say. I want to obey...”
I came back from the kitchen with two glasses of water and checked my phone. Seventeen and a half minutes. Madi was still kneeling on the living room carpet, chanting.
“Want to ... I do ... do what you say. Obey you...”
Her hands hovered over her breasts and pussy, but they had gone still, forgotten. I put the waters down on the coffee table and knelt beside her, caressing the flawless cinnamon skin of her back. I kissed the side of her neck and held her close, running my fingers through her tangled hair.
“I want to obey you ... what you say...” she said into my shoulder, almost a whisper now. “I obey ... I want to ... to ... I want...”
Madi blinked, coming out of her trance. She broke our embrace.
“That was...” She said. “Amazing. You came in my mouth.”
“I did.”
“You taste so good. You made me ... I want...”
“It’s fine.” she said. “I’m fine. Shit. I got too wrapped up in in it. Should have set up some kind of recording, a timer at least...”
“I had the same thought,” I said. I held up my phone, showing her the stopwatch. Eighteen minutes and two seconds. She shrieked with joy, then pecked my cheek.
“Such a good boy,” Madi said. “We’ll make a scientist out of you yet. Need to get it on video next time. Okay. So. Oral contact, eighteen and change...”
“Wait, next time?”
She brought me in for a long, deep kiss. When we broke off, she held my face in her hands.
“Next time. You want to keep doing this,” she said. It wasn’t a question.
I nodded.
“We’re going to keep doing this. I want...” Madi trailed off, her eyes going glassy. “I want to keep experimenting with you.” She dropped her hands. Her voice was monotone as she repeated my earlier commands. “Want to keep helping you. I’ll ... I’ll keep it between us ... Nadja, she can’t ... I can’t ... I won’t tell anyone outside of this room.”
“I know,” I said. I picked her glasses up off the end table and settled them on her nose. “Thanks, scientist.”
“I ... feel like you’re controlling me. Feels so good. I want to do what you say,” Madi said, smiling shyly, life returning to her voice. “Nadja, she, I ... I want to submit to you. I want to obey you. I so want to fuck you. C’mere.”
Madi stood. She took my hand and led me into the bedroom. She pushed me back onto the unmade bed, then crawled on top of me.
“Our clothes...” I started. “We should get dressed, in case–”
Madi shook her head. “She’s out for awhile, and we’re not there just yet. Scott. Mate. I wanted this. I wanted you to do this. Needed it. To see what you could do to me. What your cum would ... would do ... do to ... to me ... your cum...”
She touched my bare chest, moved her hand down to my cock. “Your cum ... I love your cum...” Madi cupped my balls. “Want to taste it again. Feel it.”
“Madi,” I said firmly. “We’re not done talking, remember? Whatever that text you sent was about, first off. And we need to figure things out, about ... with with Erin, and Nadja.”
At the mention of Nadja’s name, Madi straightened. “Sorry. Right. You’re right. We’re almost done. Gotta get the exposition out of the way before the fun stuff. Let me go grab my tablet.”
She stood, and my eyes followed her taut, round ass as she headed back to the living room. She looked like a goddess, hair tousled, putting an extra ba-bump in her hips as she walked. I wanted –
Madi turned back and smirked. “I know,” she said, examining my still-hard cock. “I want to, too. And we’re going to. In a bit. Just ... hold that thought.”
“Alright,” Madi said. She put her tablet down on the nightstand, along with her glasses and two empty specimen cups. She picked up her water glass and upended it, draining it in one go. I watched a stray droplet trickle down her neck, tracing a path between her perfect breasts, past her navel...
Madi rejoined me on the unkempt sheets, petting my thigh lazily, both of us still naked. It was hot out, so we didn’t bother with the covers.
“So. Whatever just happened with us. That’s how it was with Erin, too?” Madi kissed the tip of my cock. “When you came in her mouth? Her pussy?”
“Pretty much.”
“So how did it happen?” Madi brought her mouth over my cock, caressing it with her tongue. “You’ll tell me, right?”
I groaned, not finding the words.
“Hmmmh?” Madi made a questioning, prompting noise, sucking me harder.
I groaned again. “Mhm,” I managed.
“Good enough.” She licked my cock. “As long as I can keep doing this.”
“Erin went down on me,” I said. “I’d just told her about our day together in your apartment, a few weeks ago, so she was starting to put some pieces together. About everything that’s been going on with me, and, and me and her, and with ... oh fuck ... this whole...”
Madi popped off my cock. “Life, the universe, and everything, yep, got it,” she said. She nuzzled my shaft. “So she wasn’t jealous about me?”
“I mean, weirdly, no. Maybe a little? She said it was okay, if I wanted to do more with you. We’re still early days, so maybe she doesn’t want to seem to attached already? And technically this thing, this us, you and me fooling around, predates her, so...”
“Yeah, but still though,” Madi said. “Not so sure she meant it, even if it’s only been one night with you guys. I mean, I get the whole jealousy mindset. Plus, y’know, I am sucking your cock right now. Like, right now right now.”
“Yeah,” I said, letting out a long breath. “Can’t argue there.”
“And you taste really good. I kinda wish you hadn’t taken a shower this morning, though. You smell sooo good when you’re all sweaty.” She took me deep in her throat, almost gagging, then withdrew. “And I think I’d’ve liked to taste Erin, too.”
“So I came in her mouth,” I continued as Madi went back to it. “And she went into this ... trance? She was out of it, not like she was drunk or high ... it sounds like what happened with you and Nadja, when you had her look at your...”
Madi cupped her tits and bounced them as she sucked, never breaking her rhythm.
“Exactly. And whatever I said, she’d repeat it back to me. Like you did, after you sucked me.”
Madi made a questioning noise, still bobbing her head, then twirled her fingers in the air. Keep going.
“Right,” I said. “Okay. We’ll come back to that.”
Madi hummed on my cock and gave a thumbs up.
“So I told her these things, like how she loved sucking me, how much she loved her body. I didn’t mean them like commands, but she took them that way. I was trying to, to tell her how I felt, you know? She started to come out of it after, I don’t know, maybe ten, fifteen minutes? It was almost daylight, so we went to bed.”
Madi let go of my cock and came up next to me. “I thought said you’d fucked her.”
“I did,” I said. “But not then. She promised we’d do it in the morning, this morning. We were both tired, half-drunk. We just stripped down and got into bed. Erin was asleep pretty much right away. I just ... laid there. Or is it lay? Lied?”
“Lay,” Madi said.
“Lay there. In bed. Staring up into the dark as the sun came up. It had been maybe three, four hours all told? And now this amazing girl I’d been crushing on for months, I have all these feelings and I say a few words to her at the bar as like a joke and now she’s sleeping next to me, naked, like...” I gestured down to our own bodies, sweating in the late August heat. Her ceiling fan spun slowly, ineffectually above us.
“Like this,” Madi said, holding me tighter. In the last light through the curtains, my skin looked unreasonably pale next to hers. “Like us.”
“It’s a lot,” I said. “I’m a mess.”
“It is,” she said softly. “And we all are. You’re real lost over this girl Erin, yeah?”
I nodded, thinking of Erin in the candlelight. Something swelled in my chest. “I have been for awhile. Pining after her. Last night just ... happened. I honestly wasn’t expecting it to, ever.”
“And you have feelings for me, too? Some kind?”
“Working on that, too. But yes. I’ve been thinking about you ever since the day in the elevator.”
“Alright,” she said, with something like relief. “It’s not just me. My turn now. This is the boring bit, so I’ll try to keep you up.” Her fingers wrapped around my cock. “Keep it interesting. You ready?”
“I did the tests, and you ... you were right,” Madi said. I looked down at her, clinging to my side. She ran a hand over my stomach, then moved to my bicep, squeezing, testing the new, hard muscle. “There’s something different about you.”
I scoffed. “That’s your conclusion?”
She pinched my arm, hard. “No flair for the dramatic,” she said. “It’s called building suspense. Something’s ... something’s changed. Not just with you, with me, with us. It’s other people, too. It’s everything. The world.”
“Really narrowing it down there, Madhuri.”
“Jerk.” Madi pinched my arm again, a bit softer now, then kissed the spot. “I can’t say too much. But fine. Fine. That’s fair. We’ll start with you, Scott. It’s all about you.” She picked up her tablet, tapped the screen a few times, then held it up.
I squinted at the screen, cocked my head like a curious dog. I had no idea what I was looking at.
“I have no idea what I’m looking at,” I said.
Madi rolled her eyes. “The physical changes, your bloodwork, the samples, your recovery time, the ... the volume. I’ve never seen anything like it. Heightened testosterone levels, new chemical compounds in your blood, your saliva, your sweat, your...” She gulped, licked her lips. “Your. Um. Your semen.”
“That explains ... some things. Maybe. Compounds like what?”
“We ... I don’t know. They’re pheromone-adjacent, but my lab assistant and I, we’ve ... I’ve never seen anything like them before. Your ... chemicals? They’re way more complex, but also ... simpler? In a weird way? Like ... they made sense to us in a way that natural ones don’t.”
“Who’s this we? This us?” I said.
“Hush,” Madi said, patting my arm. She put the tablet behind her. “Not important right now. And but so, okay, in the wild, if your goal is to attract a mate, pheromones are a good bet. And we’ve tried, humans in general have, to replicate that, for centuries. Colognes, perfumes, even ... ugh,” she said, giving a shiver of revulsion at the thought, “body wash.”
“There, there,” I said, patting her head. “You’ll survive.”
“But you, whatever this is you’re giving off,” Madi continued, taking a deep breath and exhaling a happy sigh. “Whatever you’ve got going through you? It’s perfect. Chemically, biologically. Most women wouldn’t stand a chance with you, especially if you’re also attracted to them. I mean look at me.”
“Done,” I said, leering at her body.
Madi laughed. “Seriously, though. When I first met you in the lift – elevator, sorry – looking like you did then, again, sorry, but I’d never have given you a second glance. No offense.”
“I mean, some taken,” I said. “You apologize too much.”
“Touché. But you get what I’m saying. I’m with Nadja, happily, never been a big fan of cock – again, no offense,” she said, her fingers encircling my hardness. “I haven’t so much as glanced at a man in ages. And then after a few hours trapped in a box with you, I’m ready to jump your bones. Ever since, it’s like I can’t stop...” She stroked me absently.
“I couldn’t ... can’t stop thinking about you,” she finished in a small voice. She took another deep breath. “When I’m alone, even when I’m with Nadja, I think about ... what we could have done. What I wanted to do with you. To you. What you could have made me do.” Her voice got even quieter and she looked down at her breasts against my side. “What I could have made you do,” she finished.
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