A Matter of Taste - Cover

A Matter of Taste

Copyright© 2024 by Doctor Blank

Chapter 6: Look What You Made Me Do

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 6: Look What You Made Me Do - After Scott jokingly propositions his longtime crush Erin, she surprises them both by saying yes. There's something different about Scott lately that Erin can't quite place: the way he smells... the sound of his voice... how he tastes... and soon she finds herself saying yes more and more.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Reluctant   Romantic   Fiction  


“Scott,” I said, ignoring my girlfriend in the doorway for the moment. I knew I didn’t have much time. I caressed Scott’s face. He was confused, unsure what to do here.

“Madi, what’s–”

“Scott. Jigyasa, ” I said, softly but firmly. “You want to obey me.”

“What did ... you...” Scott’s lean, muscular body glistened with sweat as he stood naked, sinking into a thoughtless daze before me as his trigger took hold. His thick cock pulsed with his heartbeat, shining and wet. “I want ... nnh...”

“Madi?!” Nadja said. “The fuck?! What are you doing with this ... this...!”

“Obey,” I repeated to Scott, ignoring Nadja for the moment. I couldn’t believe this was working, that I hadn’t tried it sooner. “Don’t move.”

“I will obey,” Scott said, fully entranced now. His back straightened.

“Soon,” I whispered into his ear. “You’re going to keep fucking me. Cum inside me. But for now I need you to wait here. Stay nice and blank for me.”

“Yes. Wait here...” His cock jerked. “Blank...”

I turned to Nadja. Her gaze left Scott’s cock and focused on me, burning with a mixture of rage and disgust.

“Nadja, honey, I’ll explain everything. I–” I stopped. I opened my mouth, closed it, then tried again. The words wouldn’t come out. Why couldn’t I ... Ohhh. Right. That.

Madi... ” Nadja said, cheeks glowing pink. There was steel in her voice. Alright then. No other choice.

“Like I said,” I began again, “I can explain. But first...” I walked toward her, concentrating, focusing on my breasts, moving my shoulders from side to side. “I need you to calm down ... and watch my tits.”
“Calm ... need to ... watch ... No!” She shook her head, trying to tear her eyes away. I was nonplussed – this was new. Nadja’d always had a strong will, and had been getting better at resisting me with each session, but she’d never broken free like this.

“I won’t let you ... let you...” She furrowed her brow, her eyes still going back and forth. It was cute, in a way. “You ... uh ... you can’t...”

“Nadja, luv? Look at my tits,” I said, jouncing and swaying them. Nadja’s eyes went dull. She nodded.

Well, I amended with a smirk, almost broken free.

I sat with Nadja on the living room couch, waiting for her to wake. I’d tidied us both up, helped her out of her work scrubs and into her favorite nightshirt, then made us both a cup of tea. She was used to coming out of trance on her own, so I sat beside her, stroking her long blonde ponytail, whispering, reinforcing suggestions of calm and trust. She mumbled them back to herself as I waited. I didn’t mind – I hadn’t planned for things to turn out this way this soon, and especially not all at once, so I could use a little downtime to plan. That, and I was still so horny from before, watching Scott go under as I triggered him. I slipped a hand under my emerald silk robe, feeling how wet I still was. I watched Nadja’s long, bare legs as she chanted. I’d somehow never tried giving her a trigger like that ... maybe I should ... maybe she’d like to join us...

“Madhuri?” Nadja said, slowly coming awake. She looked down at herself, then at me, then around the room. “Why am I wearing–? How did we get out–?”

I reluctantly removed my hand from my pussy while I waited for Nadja to collect herself. This happened with her sometimes.

“Okay, so you did your thing to me again,” she said at last. “That’s obvious. We’ll get to the why.”

I simply nodded, letting her figure things out.

“And now we’re dressed like,” she motioned down at herself. “And we were in the bedroom, and now we’re in the liv– wait, you had a guy in there! Is he still in there?”

“Last I checked.”

“And you ... were fucking him, you little slut! And then you said something, did something to him! Like what you do...” Her eyes found my cleavage and I pushed my arms together, making it even deeper. It was almost a reflex by now, and Nadja calmed. “Like what you do to me.”

“Yes, I was. And yes, I did. And yes, sort of. It’s actually something I left in his head from earlier. I made it so he’ll never remember when I use it. Makes things easier. He’ll be alright, I just had to talk to you out here first. I’ll explain everything. Come here.” I motioned to her. “Storytime.” She pillowed her head on my breasts, nuzzling them as I stroked her pale gold hair.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” I said. “I’m still putting it together myself. So it started that day I got stuck in the elevator. It was your birthday...”

I came to the end about half an hour later. A late-night breeze came through the windowscreen, surprisingly cool for this time of year. Nadja was curled up into me, making kittenish noises as I talked. I kissed her behind one ear. “The end,” I said.

“So that’s him? That ... guy in there? From the elevator? One of your special cases?”

“That’s him. Scott.”

“And he can, what, make you fuck him? With his voice, his, ew ... his scent?”
“He didn’t...” I paused, looking for the right wording. “It’s not like that, as far as we know. He doesn’t make you do anything. It’s more like ... he takes something that’s already there and brings it out. Heightens it.”

“Let’s hope that’s all it is. And you don’t...” Nadja paused, burying her nose into my chest. “You don’t have feelings for him, do you? It’s just sex? For science?” Her voice was muffled, small.

“No feelings,” I said, my cheeks growing hot. I was glad she couldn’t see my face. “Just sex. Just for science.”

“Well okay,” she said. “And so long as he makes you happy, Madi. If he doesn’t, I’ll break his legs.”

“I know you will, Nadj.” I patted her head. “All right, up you get. I need to go check on him.”

Nadja straightened up, and I felt an odd pang of longing as her weight left me. I stood, and she moved to do the same.

“N-no!” I blurted. Nadja froze and gave me a quizzical look. “Um, you should stay here. We have to do this out here.”

“I was just gonna come with,” she said. “See if he needed anything. I mean, I am a nurse.”

“No, it’s ... I should do it. It’s my mess, and I don’t want to throw him off. This is all confusing enough as is. I’ll have him get cleaned up, then come out to meet you. Us, I mean.”

“Ohhh ... kay.” She sat back down. “You’re being weird, but I trust you.”

“Thank you. I know. Besides, you and I need to talk a bit more first, while he’s getting himself together. Before I go,” I said, grabbing our forgotten mugs and heading for the stove to put the kettle on, “these are cold. Let me freshen them up.”

After gathering my things from the nightstand, I instructed a still-entranced Scott to shower, then get dressed and come into the living room. I patted his cheek and he woke, looked down at his hard cock, over at where Nadja now wasn’t, then at me. His eyes were expectant, hopeful. I said nothing, just shook my head. His face fell, dejected, almost ... pouty. I raised his chin with a single finger.

“Yet,” I said. “Soon,” then walked out the door.

“ ... And here you are.” I handed Nadja her favorite frog mug. “Made it nice and sweet, just the way you like it.”

She tested the rim with her lips, then sniffed. “Too hot,” she said, and placed it on the coffee table. “I’ll give it a minute.”

I took my seat, cradling my own mug and watching the steam curl, listening to the sound of shower through the door. I checked my phone. Plenty of time.

“He’ll just be a minute,” I said.

“So we’re all on the same page now?” Nadja asked me now. “And he’s all good with it?”
“More or less, I think.” I took a minuscule sip of my tea. Nadja was right, it was too hot. “He told his girlfriend or whatever about me, he told me what’s happened with them, I told him about these,” I glanced down the tops of my breasts, hefting one with my free hand for emphasis. “And now you know his side.” I blew on my tea and sipped again, tasting the sweetness, my thoughts going a bit cloudy. I had to stop myself from downing the rest. I put it back on the table. “Yeah. I think that’s all of it.”

Nadja raised her own mug, the ceramic frog smiling back at me. She took another sniff. “This does smell weird,” she said, sipping. “And tastes ... it tastes different. Not bad different, just...”

“I added a little drop of whiskey, like how you like sometimes?” I offered. “Or maybe the tea’s a new blend?”

She took a longer drink. “Yeah ... maybe ... s’good, though...” She trailed off, her gray eyes going blank. “Whatever you did. Really, really good...”

“You’re alright, luv,” I told her. The shower turned off. Nadja raised her mug again. I grinned and adjusted my glasses. “Finish your tea.”

I was whispering in Nadja’s ear when I heard the door open behind me. Nadja’s frog mug had slipped from her limp fingers and now lay empty on the carpet. My devices were arrayed on the coffee table – phone, tablet, laptop. I breathed in, then tapped the phone’s stopwatch app. Here we go.

“Madi?” Scott called through the door. He gave a tentative knock. “All good?”

“All good,” I said, and sat back.

“Whenever you ask...” Nadja’s lips moved as she soundlessly repeated my commands to herself. “ ... anything you give me...”

“We don’t have much in the way of furniture,” I told Scott. “You’ll have to grab a chair from the kitchen.”

He did, and placed it near my end of the couch. He watched Nadja for a minute, bolt upright in her nightshirt, mouthing something to herself, and I remembered how she’d looked the last time he’d seen her, pre-trigger. How I’d looked, for that matter. I pulled my robe tighter, hiding my cleavage. I needed Scott to be all there for this. I patted the wooden seat.

“This is what it looks like when you ... hypnotize someone?” He sat, adjusting himself through his jeans. Was he still hard?! “I thought we were all just going to talk.”

“Not exactly,” I said, realizing he’d never seen me put someone else in trance. “And not exactly. We’re going to do a little more.”

“So that’s why you did this to her? I thought we weren’t going to tell her–”

“Ah ah ah!” I said, cutting him off. “I didn’t do this to her. You did.” I took an empty sample container from my robe’s pocket and waggled it, waiting for him to catch on. He didn’t. “I put it in her tea.”

He looked up at the ceiling, exhaling a long, “Ffffffuuuuuuck...” He ran a hand over his face. “And she didn’t know about it?”

“No,” I said. “I only told her what you told Erin. Left out everything about your cum. I needed to see it, to see what it does to someone else. And since Erin’s not here right now, well...”

“Wait, are you ... you aren’t planning to do that to me, right?”
“Truth? I’ve thought about that. Working hypothesis is that it won’t affect you. I hadn’t planned on testing that one tonight, but we can try it, if you’re so keen.” I nodded toward my mug. “Second dose is in there. Only fair.”

Scott pulled a face. “Can’t argue with that, but ... maybe another time?”

“Coward,” I teased, lightly punching his knee. “Another time it is.” He looked relieved. I checked my timer. “Bollocks. We need to get started. C’mon, help me move her.”

Scott went around to the other side and helped me maneuver the tall girl to the center of the couch. Nadja stared ahead, still repeating my words.

“Take a seat,” I told him. “Short version, I’ve got a script here on my tablet. I’m going to give her commands from it. Whenever she’s having trouble with them, or resisting, like how Erin and I did, I’ll point over at you and I want you to repeat them in your voice. Your other voice. Now, we’re starting out slow because this is her first time, but if there’s something you’re not comfortable with, just shake your head and I’ll move on, no questions asked. You alright there?”

“I’m good.”

“Prop this up for me. Need to keep my hands free.” I passed the tablet to Scott and checked the stopwatch. “Let’s get to it.”

“Nadja,” I said, holding her loosely around the waist. She was still repeating my earlier words to herself. I lowered my voice a little, like Scott did, mine more a purr than a growl. “You can stop now.”

“Stop ... now.” Nadja’s lips stilled. Fuck, I wanted so desperately to kiss them.

“Nadja, I want you to listen to me.” I started stroking her soft, snowy thigh. “I need you to trust me.”

“Listen,” she sighed, “to you. Need ... I trust you.”

“You love to listen to me. You love my voice. You love to obey.”

“Listen to you. Love your voice. I love ... love to...”

Shit. Already. I pointed at Scott.

You love to obey,” he said. My pussy throbbed. He wasn’t wrong.

“I love to,” Nadja drew the word out in a faint moan, “oohhhbeeeeyyy...”

I gave Scott an approving nod. “You love my tits,” I continued, getting back to familiar territory. “You love to obey my tits.”

“I love your tits.” No hesitation there. “Yes ... I love to obey your tits.”

“Good girl.” I slid my hand further up her leg. She was getting wet, too. “You love being obedient.”

“I love...” I brushed her inner thigh with my fingers. She mewled. “Love being ... uhn ... obedient.”

“How do you feel now, Nadja? Tell me.”

“So good. I feel ... empty. O-obedient?”

“That’s right. It feels so good to do what we say. You want to obey us,” I purred.

“I want ... feels so good ... I don’t ... I...”

“You want to obey Madi.”

“I want to obey Madi,” she agreed.

“You want to obey Scott. His voice makes you want to obey.”

“I want ... to ... unhh ... obey ... his ... his voice...” Nadja’s nose twitched. She shook her head. “No, I don’t...”

I pointed. Scott gave me that confused look of his. I glared and pointed again, harder.

You want to obey Scott,” he told Nadja. “His voice makes you want to obey.” That familiar current ran through me. Obey ... his voice ... want to obey ... My nipples hardened under the silk. I shivered.

“Scott ... want to...” Nadja shook her head again. She was fighting it, hard.

I held up my palm to Scott: Okay. Too fast. We won’t push it. He nodded his understanding.

“Nadja,” I said, changing tack. “You want to help me with my research.”

“Yes. I want to help you with your research.”

Solid ground again. Lovely. “You won’t tell anyone else about us. You can’t. Repeat it.”

“I won’t tell anyone else about us,” Nadja repeated. “Can’t tell anyone...”

Scott’s mouth dropped open as it dawned on him why I’d taken Nadja into the living room.

“Found a loophole,” I whispered to him. “You need to work on your phrasing.”

He scowled.

“You trust me, Nadja. You can trust Scott,” I continued.

“I can...” she shuddered. I slipped a finger into her. “Trust you! Uhnn! I can trust Scott!”

“You want to help him.”

“Want to help him.”

“You love listening to Scott’s voice.”

“Love ... I love...” She faltered. I pointed at Scott.

You love listening to my voice.” Fuck, it was so true. I crossed my legs, squeezing my thighs together.

“I love listening ... to ... ungh...” Nadja faltered, and I moved my fingers faster in her cunt. She came, and the last of her resistance fled. “Love listening to your voice,” she finished, her own voice weak. “Makes me want to obey.”

I checked my timer. Twenty-two on the dot. We were getting close, and I’d almost broken her trance twice already. I made a decision. “Nadja, can you hear me?” I asked, easing my fingers out of her.

“Can hear you.” Her eyes fluttered.

“I want you to listen to me now. Just to me.” I swiped my hand in the air, shooing Scott off the couch. He took the hint, taking the tablet with him. Good boy. I’d have to remember to reward him for that ... after.

“Listen,” Nadja said. Her shoulders relaxed. “Just to you.”

“You love this feeling. You love being in a trance.”

“Love this feeling. Trance...”

“And you want to do it again. You want me to do it to you.”

“I ... ungh!” She shook her head, eyes clearing. “Do it ... to me...”

“My lovely girl,” I said as I held her, kissing her behind her ear. “I love you,” I murmured. “You can stay here as long as you like, Nadja. As you feel yourself rising, coming back, I want you to repeat what I said. Tell me you love being in a trance.”

“I love being in a trance. I love ... this feeling. Love you. I want to you to ... I want to do it again. I want you to...” She wavered. “Do it to me.”

“That’s it. Keep repeating...”

“Love being in a trance. For you. I want you to ... I want you. Do it to me. I love this feeling. Love ... you...”

Nadja gradually came out of it with her head resting on my shoulder. I felt her rousing, watched her eyes flutter open. She sat up, taking in the scene, then turned her attention to Scott.

“So. You again,” Nadja said flatly.

“Um, hi,” Scott said. “Again. Not sure if you remember me. From earlier? Scott.”

“I remember you fucking my girlfriend, Scott,” Nadja said. “Did she tell you we were open? Poly, non-exclusive, something like that?”

“Something like,” he managed, looking to me for help. “I think?”

I shrugged, turned my palms up. Own your own with this one, mate.

“Or at least heavily implied it,” Nadja said, turning to me. “Which we are going to have a talk about. And I’d guess she showed you these?” She whipped my robe open and jabbed my bare tit with her finger.

“Ow!” I said, holding it where she’d poked me. “Hey! That’s my tit! You already know I showed him, Nadja! Jaysis, that fuckin’ hurt!”

“ ... Yeah,” Scott confirmed, “she showed me. Sorry about this.”

Nadja’s face softened. “It’s okay. I’m not really mad at you. It’s what she does. She told me ... everything, Madi?”

“Most of it,” I said sheepishly. “Up to just now.”

“Right,” she said, noticing the empty frog mug on the carpet and placing it back on the table. “That. That we’re also going to talk about, Madhuri. I drank your tea – which was really good, to be fair–”

“To be faaaaaiiiir...” I singsonged.

“Quiet, you, or I’ll poke you in the other tit.”

“Shutting up.”

“Anyway. And so then I’m all blissed out, and I hear your voice talking to me. Yours too, I think,” she said, pointing at Scott. “But also ... not yours, somehow. Right? She said you can do something like that?”

“Something like,” Scott said.

“The truth is, I’m glad Madi found someone ... else ... to help her with her projects. I’m busy a lot, and I know how she gets when she wants something. I want to help you, too. I ... I trust you. Whatever you did ... both of you ... the tea, the voice thing, it felt really good.”

I saw an opening. “It does, doesn’t it? You want to do it again.”

“I ... what? I’m not going to...” Nadja’s nose twitched, then her features smoothed as the words sank in. Her eyes dimmed. “I want to do it again.”

“You want to feel that way again.”

“Yeah...” Nadja said, losing herself. “Feel that way again...”

“You can. We will. Here, Nadja,” I said. I slid my own mug of cold tea over to her. “I made you a drink.” I heard Scott’s chair scoot as he started to stand. I waved him off without looking back.

Nadja looked at my mug, puzzled. “But that’s yours...”

“It’s yours now. I want you to have it. Finish your tea, Nadja.”

“Oh ... okay.” Nadja watched, detached, as her hand reached out and closed around the handle.

“But,” Scott began. I whirled and glared, shushing him.

Nadja gulped down the last of the tea. I gingerly took the mug from her, waiting for her to go blank.

“Again?!” Scott said, incredulous. “How did you get her to...?”

“A suggestion I gave her before you got here. She’ll drink anything I give her without questioning it.”

“Madi, that’s ... I’m not...” He was getting upset, raising his voice. “You didn’t tell me we’re going to–”

We’re not,” I cut him off. I stood and pushed him back onto his chair, my robe falling open. “I am. Look up. Look at my tits.”

“No, you can’t do...” He raised his head, helpless. “Do ... some ... something ... you said ... Nadja...” He was in a light trance already from my tits, but his ... frustration or anger or whatever this was was helping him fight it. I sighed. I didn’t have time for this.

Jigyasa. Go deep for me, Scott. You’re going to listen to me now.”

“Yess...” he said, slipping down. I started to close my robe, then noticed how he was still staring at my tits. He seemed enthralled by them, moreso than usual. I had an idea - time to try something new.

“That’s right. You’re already so deep from your trigger. My tits take you even deeper.”

“Trigger ... even deeper...”

“So deep for me. You want to fuck me again, don’t you?” I rubbed my hand along the crotch of his jeans. His cock hardened under my palm, straining against the fabric. “Tell me.”

“So deep for you. I want to fuck you,” Scott growled in a low, hollow voice. “I want to fuck you ... so deep...

“Want...” I echoed involuntarily. My cunt throbbed. “So deep...” Oh, fuck, no, not now, I didn’t mean–

I want to fuck you again.”

His voice thrummed through me. Another throb. I stumbled forward and caught myself against him, my hard nipples brushing his shirt.

I want to cum in you. Want to make you cum, ” he said into my ear. I breathed in his scent. “Make me cum...” I exhaled, lost in a haze. It would be so easy to just let him, so hot, to just feel him so deep inside me, fuck him right here, to just forget all about Nadja ... Nadja ... I had to...

Feels so good to–

“No!” I cried. “Stop talking!” With all my willpower I managed to disentangle myself from him. Fuck me, that was close. Time to eject.

“Scott,” I panted, hands on my knees as my head cleared. “Obey. Listen to me.”

“Listen to you. Obey...” Scott swayed a bit, still deeply under the effects of his trigger. And my tits, of course.

“That’s right.” I composed myself, closed my robe and tied it. I put a firm hand on his shoulder. “Listen and obey. Now, you see Nadja?”

“Yes. You ... did something to her. You made her ... drink it again. Drink my cum.”

I flashed back to how he’d felt in my mouth, his cock swelling as he came, his odd sweetness on my tongue, hints of honey and smoke ... no. Focus. “That’s right,” I said. “I did. But you don’t care, do you? You helped me with her before. You’ve done enough. Look how happy she is.”

“I ... don’t care,” he admitted, and smiled. “Did enough. So happy.”

“So trust me, alright? Forget about what just happened. Don’t worry about it. I got this.”

“I ... forget. I won’t worry about it. You got this.”

I told Scott to count up from a hundred, coming slowly out of his trance. I needed a minute to think. If his trigger and my tits could take him that deep, then...

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