Homecoming: a Lodi Teen Romance - Cover

Homecoming: a Lodi Teen Romance

Copyright© 2024 by Krista*

Chapter 9

By the time the family had returned home from the police station, Hector had calmed down.

“Your father is a passionate man and very protective of his family,” Sylvia reminded the girls.

Scott excused himself to go start the process of packing for his return flight home on the following day. It was a sad task, but one that couldn’t wait until the last minute. He had just finished zipping his suit into a garment bag to lay flat at the bottom of his suitcase when he heard a voice in the doorway.

“Mom said that if you have any laundry, she can run a quick wash for you.” Felicia looked at the carefully sorted items on the bed. Turning to glance down the hallway, she stepped further in the room and continued with a low voice. “She’s in her room right now, doing her best not to cry. She knew you would only be here a few days but this is still killing her. She loves you so much.”

“I know,” Scott replied. “She owns my heart. The next few months until we can get together again will be pure hell. It’s like a part of me is missing when I’m away from her. I’m not ashamed to admit that there have been nights I’ve cried myself to sleep, missing her, since she came home in August.”

“And she has done the same. Go take her for a walk or something. Get out of the house for a little while. It’ll help both of you clear your head and get ready for tomorrow. Okay?”

“Felicia? I’m an only child and I want you to know that I wish I had a sister like you. Thanks.”

Once again, the young couple sat on the bench in the neighborhood park. Karmen was turned slightly so she could snuggle against Scott, her hand firmly on his chest as her face pressed to his shirt while he wrapped an arm around her.

“How do we do this?” she whimpered. “How do we keep me from trying to squeeze into your suitcase so I can go back with you? How do I not dry up and blow away like dust because I have cried so many tears that I am totally dehydrated? How? Mi Querido, how?”

“We hold tight to our love,” Scott answered and lifted her face to kiss her. “We managed to get through the past few months since you came home from visiting Lodi. At times it felt like I had a soul crushing weight on me, longing for you. Speaking to you every night helped keep me sane. Knowing you were here for me, waiting faithfully, gave me hope. Christmas break will be here soon and you know for a fact that we will see each other again!”

Lupe and Brandi had invited the family out to visit California for the holidays.

“We can do this. We WILL do this!” Scott stated firmly. “And I can tell you I’m happy that it’s not like when people had to rely on letters or once a week phone calls for 15 minutes. And how many couples survived during times of war? Off somewhere on the other side of the world, in strange countries? They held fast to their love. They held that desire and hope in their hearts, that one day, when things were better, the conflicts done, they would return to each other and share a life.”

By now, Karmen was weeping so hard that Scott noticed his shirt was soaked. Reaching down, he placed his arm under Karmen’s legs and pulled her up into his lap.

“I love you. I will always love you. I recall all we have done together and it makes me smile. Everything from the silly to the sublime.”

“Give me a silly memory.”

“The Sunday afternoon we went to the closed warehouse district so you could learn to drive. Seeing your face all scrunched up as you tried to work the clutch and gas on the truck so you could get us moving, and then your screams of frustration as you stalled the engine. We bounced around so much I thought we would get whiplash!”

They shared a giggle.

“But I learned,” Karmen smiled.

“Yes, you did! And I was so proud of you. I just hope that your parents don’t figure out how you managed to get so comfortable behind the wheel, when they start teaching you to drive.”

“That’s still a few years off. I can’t get a learners permit until I’m 17 and I might need a refresher lesson in December.” By now the tears had stopped. “Another silly one?”

“Remember going to the water park? When you came out of the dressing room, you looked so hot in that bikini that I thought I would embarrass myself.”

“Embarrass? How?” Scott gave her a look with a raised eyebrow. “Oh! But my sisters and even Brandi are more beautiful and have better figures than me.” She recalled being self conscious in her new suit, hoping that it looked attractive.

“They are pretty, but you eclipse them with your beauty.”

“Oh, you!” she giggled. “Now, sublime.”

“Oh, where to start? I think that 99.95% of every second with you qualifies as ‘sublime’, if you want to know. From dancing with you at the awards dinner, or the presentation on bats at the wildlife area? It’s all magic. But I think that one of my most favorite memories was at the BBQ that was held after the last game of the season.”

After the last game, which sadly, the team lost, everyone went over to a gathering at the home of the head coach. Several grills were set up, along with coolers full of water, soft drinks and iced tea. Parents and team members socialized and there was even a fire pit that people sat around to relax. Scott and Karmen sat together, snuggling, and laughing with everyone. Two of the fathers had brought out their guitars and were playing softly in the background. Karmen suddenly sat up. “I know that song!”

Signaling at the men to start over, she sat up, took a deep breath and began to sing.

“Salías del templo un día, Llorona, Cuando al pasar yo te vi, Salías del templo un día, Llorona, Cuando al pasar yo te vi, Hermoso huipil llevabas, Llorona, Que la Virgen te creí. Hermoso huipil llevabas, Llorona, Que la Virgen te creí.” ***

Once she had finished singing, Karmen looked around at everyone who was staring at her. “What?”

“My god!” Scott gaped. “That was beautiful!”

“Beautiful? Oh, no. It’s a sad sad song.”

“I mean that your singing is beautiful!”

In spite of several requests, Karmen declined to sing another song.

“So there I was,” Scott smiled, “sitting with a beautiful girl who had the voice of an angel. You have no idea how many guys asked me how I managed to get you to agree to date me, and did you have a sister?”

Karmen laughed. “Lupe was already married and I can tell you that Felicia was spending LOTS of time on her phone with Tank! Your friends were out of luck!”

Karmen sat silently for several minutes, clutching at Scott. Eventually she sat up. “We should get back home before they send out a search party.”

Upon returning home, Scott discovered that his laundry had been done and folded on his bed. However, when he started packing, he discovered that his Lodi Flames hoodie was missing. “I tucked it aside for her,” Felicia smirked. “I hope you don’t mind.” Scott just nodded and smiled.

Dinner was an odd mix of humor and sobriety. While he had only been there a few days, the family had grown fond of Scott, and were sad that he had to leave. They all talked about everything that had happened and what might possibly happen next. Nobody knew when Merced might be brought to trial, or even if his friends would be charged as accomplices, as they had witnessed his drugging Gina’s drink and did nothing to stop it.

Karmen once again said that she and her friends would take Gina “under their wing” and help her socially recover from what took place Saturday night. “She’s not ready to date, especially now. But I think just having her hang out with us, go skating, movies, sleepovers, that sort of thing, will be good for her.”

“Hector? Sylvia? I just want to once again thank you for allowing me to come and visit. I appreciate you opening your home to me so I could spend time with Karmen. Honestly, she owns my heart, and sure, we’re young, but I’m certain that we will grow old and happy together. Thank you.”

Karmen reached over to cover his hand with her own.

“You’re welcome,” Hector replied. “If nothing else, the last few days have shown me that you’re a man of decisive action. Taking care of my daughter and that other girl. It’s easy for anyone to see how devoted you are to Karmen. Now, Sylvia and I are faced with a decision that will not be easy.”

Everyone waited for him to continue. “Rosalinda has made a new life for herself, married, and a blind man can see that one day I will be escorting Karmen down the aisle to you. As for Felicia and Tank? I suspect they are moving forward as well.”

“What decision, papa?” Felicia asked.

“What type of dog to get. The empty nest thing is going to be a killer!”

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