Norse: a Star Academy Prequel
Copyright© 2025 by G Younger
Chapter 17
An emergency meeting was called in the war room. Bjorn took the lead.
“We have the location of our missing people. Unfortunately, it looks like Aurora didn’t make it, but we’re hopeful for the rest.”
“But you have no idea whether Brodie’s alive?” Freya asked.
“I’m sorry, but we won’t know until we get there,” Bjorn told his wife.
King Denhardt looked at them compassionately before taking Bjorn’s place at the head of the room. He brought up the holo-map showing their current location and the dot indicating Aurora’s transponder’s location.
“This is a system we hadn’t considered because we didn’t find any planets with a biosphere. So either the Burel have hidden it somehow, or they’re holding our people in a self-contained base. We won’t know until we investigate.
“Once we have a better idea of what we’re facing, we’ll plan a rescue,” King Denhardt said.
“I’d like to volunteer to take Loki’s Mischief and investigate,” Carmichael Just said.
“I’d like to go with him,” Elle volunteered. When she saw Bjorn about to shoot down the Gundersons’ Jarl’s request, she added, “I have something to make up for.”
Freya touched Bjorn’s arm. He looked at his wife, who whispered, “She needs to prove herself.”
The unspoken message was that he would have to do something drastic after this was all over if he didn’t give Elle the opportunity. She’d been behind The Lost Ones’ attacks on his son, but she was also jarl of one of the critical clans on Norse. If the Norsemen went to war with the Burel, he would need the Gundersons’ support to help defend the planet.
It also meant his wife was willing to overlook Elle’s attempt to murder their son for the greater good.
“Carmichael will be in charge of the operation,” Bjorn said.
“Where are we with the asteroid project?” King Denhardt asked.
“The engines and AIs are completed and loaded in the Pursuer and Relentless cargo holds,” Loki said, obviously listening in.
King Denhardt looked a question at Bjorn but didn’t say anything. The thrusters for the asteroid weapons weren’t expected to be ready for another two weeks.
“Send the three ships in to pinpoint where our people are being held. Under no circumstances will they tip off the Burel that we are in the system. If the opportunity presents itself, release the AIs to find suitable asteroids and place the thrusters,” King Denhardt ordered.
“I’ll get them organized,” Bjorn said.
“The rest of you, prepare for the worst,” King Denhardt said, then added, “Dismissed.”
The room erupted as everyone hurried to their respective ships. Suddenly, this had become all too real.
Aurora was saddened when she learned that MaraSlayer had succumbed to the injuries she’d received in taking the facility. She and SwiftClaw brought her kits so they could see their mother had passed away, which caused them to mew in distress. SwiftClaw told her it was vital that they see their mother’s body.
The four kits seemed to understand, even though they were young. SwiftClaw made a nest of blankets and had Aurora sit in it with them. They snuggled up around Aurora as she murmured and rubbed their fur.
“MaraSlayer entrusted you with her offspring.”
“This was her last wish,” SwiftClaw said, interrupting Aurora’s attempted rejection. “None of us are happy about it, but we have no say in how she wanted her kits raised.”
“I’m humbled by her request. I only hope I can raise them well,” Aurora said, taking responsibility.
“This will go a long way in forging human-Kackh relations. I ask that you allow me to assist in their upbringing.”
“I have a feeling I’ll need a lot of help,” Aurora said. “Is there anything you can tell me about MaraSlayer?”
“Picking a name is essential in Kackh culture. It is something earned. The little ones will simply be given kit names until they are named. MaraSlayer was just a kit herself when she earned her name.
“The mara is a species of fierce hunters on our homeworld. An adult male Kackh would find it difficult to take one down alone. One slipped into MaraSlayer’s village. Her mother was returning home when she was cornered by the beast. Without a thought for herself, MaraSlayer leaped onto the vicious predator’s back and sank her teeth and claws into its throat.
“The mara tried to shake her off, but she hung on for dear life until the mara collapsed. Her mother provided her with a knife to finish it off. She earned great status among our people and was mated with the captain of the ship we were on. She will be greatly missed,” SwiftClaw said.
Brodie returned.
“Sylmar is coming and wants to talk.”
Sylmar paced as he waited for word from the aliens holding the Assimilation Facility. A human stepped out the front door, and he saw it was Brodie.
“Just you,” Brodie called out as he pointed at Sylmar.
“Captain, we can’t allow that,” Gargi, his subcommander, said.
“This is too important. We can’t fight off every alien in this part of space while we run from the Griss.”
“I don’t care. You’re not going in alone.”
Sylmar looked at his subcommander and saw his scales were flushed, which told him Gargi would attempt to stop him if he tried to go in alone.
“I have to bring an escort with me, or they won’t let me come in,” Sylmar called out to Brodie.
“Only one,” Brodie agreed and added, “Leave your weapons.”
“I don’t like this,” Gargi said, but before Sylmar could say anything added, “but I can see the reward outweighs the risk. Just don’t get us killed.”
“My mate would agree with you, but this has to be done.”
They gave their weapons to one of their men and walked toward Brodie, who led them into the facility. Een was rich in metals, so Sylmar wasn’t surprised to see it on the floor and walls. It had been polished to a high gloss, reflecting the light that went out as his people cut the power to the facility.
Brodie shook his head before he said, “You’re not off to a good start.”
Sylmar got on his communicator. “Turn the power back on and refrain from doing anything until I tell you to.”
A moment later, the lights came back on.
“So, what do you want?” Aurora asked as she joined them, followed by Captains Rodgers and Quiggly.
SwiftClaw came forward as the Kackh representative, along with ship captains from the Yahve and Vuln.
“Are there any of our people still alive?” Sylmar asked.
“They lost that right when they slaughtered, and then ate, my people,” SwiftClaw snarled.
“For that, I am deeply sorry,” Sylmar said.
Gargi took offense and lunged at SwiftClaw, who raked his face with her claws. Sylmar froze when Aurora placed a pistol on the back of Gargi’s head.
“Hold,” Brodie commanded.
Gargi’s cheek was bleeding profusely from the deep wounds. Sylmar saw this was about to go the wrong way.
“Please stop. We’re here to ask for your help.”
“You slaughtered my people,” SwiftClaw hissed.
“Time is the scarcest resource one has, and it should not be wasted on considering the past unless it improves one’s ability to predict the future. Based on what happened, I wouldn’t want to help us either. But we face a much greater threat. The Griss know our location and are coming. My people are in the process of evacuating Een,” Sylmar said.
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