Bound — The Gift of Desire - Cover

Bound — The Gift of Desire

Copyright© 2025 by DavidMichael

Chapter 4: The Genie and the Curse

Fantasy Story: Chapter 4: The Genie and the Curse - George, a troubled young man barely existing in the shadow of a tragic mistake, wants only to survive high school. However, his life is upended when a gift from his long-dead father turns out to be the vessel of a powerful Genie, and the woman of his dreams. This is a reimagining of an old story of mine from 2007 called A Beautiful Wish, which is still on this site. It includes a retooled setting with new supporting characters, villains, and love interests. I hope I can do my old work justice.

Caution: This Fantasy Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Mystery   School   Genie   Magic   MaleDom   Harem   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Size   Teacher/Student   Slow   Transformation   Violence  

The rising sun’s light brightened George’s attic bedroom, filling the space with a pleasant warmth. His alarm had not yet sounded, but George was finally awake after what had to be at least ten uninterrupted hours of sleep. Feeling more rested and refreshed than ever, he tightened his blanket and relished the coziness for several minutes, enjoying the new and exciting feeling of well-being.

His thoughts drifted to the fantastic dream of his perfect woman. His silent, enigmatic guardian had blossomed into a golden goddess. Her cute, breathy voice bounced around in his brain like she’d been speaking to him all night. She gazed at him with gorgeous, bright blue eyes gleaming with affectionate reverence.

George rolled over and reached across the bed, hoping to find her beside him. But of course, he felt nothing but his bed sheets. George let out a sad sigh. It wasn’t as though he expected her to be there, but it was still disappointing. Since the sun had mostly risen and he was fully awake, George sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He rubbed the grogginess from his eyes, stretched his taut, muscular body, and pondered the nature of this mysterious woman.

George froze, remembering suddenly that he wasn’t taut or muscular. He looked down and started grabbing parts of his body, feeling supple skin over ropey coils of solid muscle. He poked, prodded, flexed, and stretched, wiggling his fingers and toes. His body responded appropriately, and there wasn’t one iota of pain. He knew then that he had to be dreaming.

But then he noticed the state of his room. To say that a hurricane had passed through wouldn’t have been a stretch. The circular window remained shattered, and pools of rainwater soaked the floor. His posters had been torn down, and some of the ugly wallpaper was coming off in sheets. Anything lighter than a bowling ball was strewn haphazardly around the room.

Suddenly, there was a movement to his right, and before he could react, his bed shifted as the girl from last night landed next to him.

“Good morning, master!” said the woman in a chipper voice.

“Gyah!” cried George in surprise as he rolled off the bed away from her, crashing on the floor.

Dazed momentarily, George breathed heavily as he struggled to convince himself that what he’d just seen wasn’t real. He grabbed his forehead and shook what he hoped was a moment of crazy from his foggy brain.

However, as soon as he chanced looking up, he saw the gloriously happy face of his dream girl smiling down at him over the edge of the bed. “Hi,” she said, smiling brightly with her eyes.

George scrambled across the floor to get away from the intruder. His heart was thumping as the panic overtook his wits, and he hoped that as soon as he turned around, he’d have reclaimed his fortress of solitude. He jumped to his feet and looked toward the bed. And this time, it was empty.

He breathed a heavy sigh of relief and allowed himself to calm down. “Get a grip, George,” he told himself. He scanned the room, looking for signs of her, but she seemed to have disappeared. “It’s okay,” he breathed. “You’re not crazy ... this is probably just a dream.” He continued to peer around the disaster that was his room and mutter to himself for comfort. “Yeah ... you’re just having one of those sleep paralysis things ... and your demon is a...”

But the girl was suddenly on him, and before he could cry out, she threw her arms around his neck and mashed her lips against his. “Mmmph!” he groaned. His senses were alive with her. He could smell the sweet jasmine in the air, taste her fresh breath against his tongue, and feel the flesh of her curvy hips mold against his hands. Any resistance he might have mustered melted into nothing, and his thoughts became blissfully quiet. George’s cornered animal turned into a submissive puppy under the power of her embrace and the passion of her kiss. He had no idea how it happened, but when she let him go, he was lying on his bed with her on top.

“There. That’s better, huh?” she cooed.

A million questions blitzed through George’s thoughts, but he couldn’t voice any of them over his mounting desire for more. The woman yelped in surprise when he pulled her into an even more intense kiss. He ran his hands over the skin of her back and her blue diaphanous dress. Her breasts squished into his chest, the flesh bulging from the sides of her slender frame. He hadn’t had a spicy dream in a long time, and like a starving wolf, he forgot himself and indulged without restraint. His bed had become a sea of desire in which George was happily drowning.

But then, she ran her fingers through the white streak in his hair. Deeply reinforced shame set off self-conscious alarms, forcing his annoyingly rational brain to turn back on and take charge of the situation. There was a girl in his room, on his bed, making out with him like a horny teenager.

Despite his body’s powerful need for her, George somehow broke away. “Wait, wait, wait...” he blathered and tried to push her away gently.

But the mysterious young woman had no such reservations. Despite his half-hearted attempts to bring reality back to his bedroom, she continued kissing his cheek, forehead, lips, and anywhere else she could reach. Between her quick smooches, she said, “I waited all night for you to wake up. I missed you so badly, but I’m not allowed to disturb the Master’s Rest.” He could feel her hot needy pussy grinding against his shaft as she rolled her hips. “Please take me,” she moaned in a lust-filled whisper. “I’ve waited so long. Please, Master.”

That was the magic word that galvanized George into action. He had to make sense of this situation and fast. He rolled on top of her and pinned her wrists above her head. She struggled, but not to break free. Instead, she wrapped her legs around his waist and craned her neck to kiss him again, whining with need all the way.

“Stop,” he ordered firmly.

She obeyed immediately. Though she didn’t lose that lustful look in her eyes, she ceased her struggle and lay still. She pouted cutely and said, “Ooh, master, have I been a bad girl?”

“What?” he asked, befuddled. “N-No. I mean ... just hold on a second.”

Then, her expression changed from lustful to serious when she finally identified his confusion. Her eyes widened, and she exclaimed, “Oh, no!” And with a whoosh of the breeze, she turned into pink mist and disappeared, only to reappear with a puff of similarly sparkly smoke in the middle of the room.

There, illuminated by the morning sun peeking through the broken window, stood the most beautiful woman George had ever seen. He’d only managed fleeting glimpses of her until then, but now he could appreciate her in all her glory. She stood about five and a half feet tall, with long feathery hair, golden brown in color like shiny cast bronze. Her exotic upturned eyes were as blue as the summer sky. She had a delicate diamond-shaped face, with a tiny smattering of freckles and soft, kissable lips, as George could already attest. She had a slim but curvy figure, with a trim waist to her comparably wide hips. Her proportions seemed almost impossible, with healthy amounts of plump cushion where she needed it and none where she didn’t. She was a delicate balance between every extreme and the picture of a happy, healthy, radiant young woman. She wore a silky, partially see-through garment in a style not unlike those worn by Hollywood’s depiction of harem girls in ancient Middle Eastern cultures or, a more modern example, Japanese anime. It was as blue as her eyes and faded into pinks and purples at the edges. It left her shoulders and thighs bare, with a highly generous display of cleavage through a strategically cut window.

The mysterious beauty gave him an elaborate and graceful bow and said, “My apologies, Master. I didn’t mean to be so eager. I just wanted to calm you down, but once you kissed me back ... I may have forgotten myself. I await your punishment.”

This did nothing to dispel his confusion. With a raised eyebrow, he said, “Punishment? Miss ... I don’t even know who you are.”

In response, she dropped out of her bow with a crestfallen slump. “Shoot,” she muttered as she rolled her eyes. “I practiced this all night, and now I’m mucking it up.” She sighed, flattened out a wrinkle in her dress, teased her fingers through her hair, and asked, “Could I try this again, Master? I had a whole thing prepared.”

“Uh ... sure?” he said cluelessly.

“Thanks.” She rolled her shoulders, shook out her hands, then fixed her posture and centered herself. “Okay, okay,” she mumbled, then took a deep breath and began again. “Greetings, Master, and thank you for activating my vessel. I am your humble Jinniya servant, bound to you by primordial law. And I am at your command.” She repeated her bow from earlier. “I am ready to join your harem, and I think, to that end, you’ll find me highly useful. If you’d please direct me to it, I can begin my duties.”

George swallowed a lump in his throat. “My ... harem?”

“Mmm-hmm. I hoped to introduce myself to everyone before you awoke; get it all ready for you ... but I couldn’t find it. I looked everywhere, too.”

He blushed. “I don’t have one of those.”

“You don’t?” she asked. George shook his head, and the beauty immediately relaxed. “Oh, thank goodness,” she sighed. “I felt so stupid! I thought I’d lost an entire harem! Does that mean ... I’m your first?”

“I guess...”

“EEEEE!” she squealed and bounced in place with explosive excitement. “Oh my gosh! This is even better than I hoped! I get to help build the harem from scratch!”

George was beginning to think they were talking past each other. Though utterly enchanted by her enthusiasm, he needed to return to the beginning again. “Wait, wait, wait ... What’s a Jinniya?”

“You know ... a Jinniya,” she said as if that was all she needed to say to clear up the confusion. But George just cocked his eyebrow and waited for her to clarify. Then she added, “Elemental? Immortal? Embodiment of raw magic?” But each detail did little to help George. “Hmmm,” she thought, “We grant wishes?”

“Oh,” he said finally. “You mean like a genie?”

“A genie?” she held her chin in thought. “Is that the word?”

“Yeah, like in the stories. They live in a magic lamp and grant three wishes.”

She scoffed, “Only three? What kind of primordial cosmic being is that? No, no, no. There is no limit to the number of wishes you can make. I am empowered to serve you for all time if you allow it.”

“Really?” he asked, taken aback.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded cutely. “But Genie is close enough. There are, however, a few stipulations, rules, some quid pro quos, if you will. Shall I elaborate?”

George was utterly convinced that this was a dream—either that or some intricate prank by Connor and his goons. But if so, they had really outdone themselves this time. He indicated with a polite wave that she could continue.

“As you wish,” she said happily. Then she blushed and added, “Oh, I like how that sounds. Ahem Anyway, number one: I cannot return someone from the dead. The veil of death is a barrier that neither I nor anyone else can cross.”

George felt an icy chill rush through him. He hadn’t thought of his father until then, but she’d squashed any ideas he may have had to that effect before he’d entertained them. It was probably for the best, he thought.

She continued. “Item B: I cannot travel backward in time. I can only go forward at the usual rate ... or perhaps slightly slower if the need arises.”

“The usual rate? Like ... what we’re doing right now?”

“Yep,” she chirped. “Time is kind of a jerk anyhow. It gets really pissy when it doesn’t get its way. Best to just let it do its thing.”

“Naturally,” he said, playing along.

“And lastly, cosmic edict 7-C sub-section epsilon: I may only grant wishes of a romantic or sexual nature. Any wish I grant must be in service to love, sex, or at least some kind of physical or emotional pleasure for someone ... or pain if that’s your thing.”

That was enough for George. This wacky scenario had to be some kind of weird sex dream his perverted brain had cobbled together. “And I suppose you’re here to fulfill all my wildest fantasies,” he said sarcastically.

She flashed him a seductive look and stepped forward. “You opened my vessel and set me free. For that kindness, I would do anything.”

George cautiously leaned away from her. “Anything?”

She nodded. “I was created to be the perfect companion for my master, to protect them, to bear them many healthy children, and to lead their harem.” When she reached George, she knelt between his legs and ran her soft hands over his thighs, making him shiver. Then she made her voice low and soothing, sending pleasant sensations down his spine. “Nothing would please me more than satisfying your every carnal desire, as often as you want, for as long as you wish.”

George shifted nervously, her hungry look and sultry voice rendering him nearly helpless. If this was a dream, it was a very good dream. And if it were a prank, the punchline would be a doozy. He swallowed the lump in his throat once more and asked, “Connor didn’t put you up to this, did he?” She smiled gently and shook her head. “Lacy, then? Are you one of her friends?”

“Master, I don’t even know who those people are, but I assure you, this is very real.” To illustrate her point, she massaged the tender space between his thighs. “I was set free by your desires, given flesh from your fantasies, and I exist in symbiotic harmony with your will.” Then she grinned and bobbed her head playfully. “Which is a fancy way of saying that I look and act the way I do because it’s what compliments you the best. I mean, just look at me. Am I not what you wished for?”

“Wish? What wish?”

“The one you made last night, silly. You said, quote, I wish for you to live, and so I do. The details were a little vague, and my vessel had to fill in some gaps here and there, but I think it did a good job. What do you think?”

It was true that she bore an uncanny resemblance to the girl he’d been seeing in his dreams for years. Everything about her seemed perfect, down to the most minute details, like the number of freckles on her nose and how the light refracted through her hair. Even her voice, though he’d never heard his dream girl say a word, matched her perfectly. It was as if someone had ripped her out of his unconscious mind. George retraced the events from the previous evening and mulled over the implications. It was all too much, and he kept expecting to wake up whenever she touched him.

Sensing his distress, the woman frowned and asked, “Are you okay? The pain hasn’t returned, has it?”

“No, I feel fine, I guess. I ... Wait, why am I okay? Why is the pain gone? And how do you know about it? Nobody else even believes me.”

She stood, then climbed onto his lap, straddling his waist and resting her arms on his shoulders. “I told you last night. Don’t you remember? In order to save you from the curse, I had to become bound to you. Now that I am, unless something happens to separate us, which is extremely difficult, my magic will protect you and keep the curse at bay.”

“You mean it’s gone?” he whispered.

She nodded. “It will never bother you again so long as I’m with you. I swear it.”

George could hardly believe it. He’d lived so long with the pain gnawing away at his spirit; now it was as if it never existed. There was a sudden pang of overwhelming dread as he told himself it wasn’t true. She was lying or mistaken. The pain would come back any moment. But then, it didn’t. There was nothing but the chirping birds outside, the light from the sun, and the warmth flowing between him and his new companion.

And then, he felt a new emotion he hadn’t felt in ages. It came on him so strongly that it scared him. Like a prisoner in solitary confinement now breathing free air, he didn’t know what to do with it. Happiness. Pure, unfettered, guilt-free happiness. He fought the urge to cry initially, but every moment without pain felt like the greatest gift.

“May I hug you?” asked the beauty in his lap.

He stammered, “I ... I’m not ... I mean ... why?”

“Because,” she said, “you look like you could really use one, and ... I’m brand new. I’ve never hugged anyone before.”

“O-Okay,” he nodded without thinking.

She leaned in, wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed her body against him. “It’s going to be okay,” she whispered. “I know it’s been hard, but I’m here to make it better.”

George couldn’t hold it back any longer. Tears fell down his cheeks, and his voice caught in his throat. “Can I hug you back?” he asked.

“Of course,” she whispered.

With trembling hands, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her.

She responded by clutching him even more tightly and spoke to him softly. “This is no dream. This is real. I’m here now. You’re not alone.” They stayed that way for several minutes, allowing George to bask in the new sensation of well-being. And the longer they hugged, the more he believed her. Overwhelmed, George wept quietly, the usual negative voices silent. There was just him and his companion, holding each other. He’d never needed anything more than her in that moment.

After a while, she pulled away just enough to look at him, her sparkling eyes alive with adoration. “Now that we’ve been properly acquainted, may I kiss you?”

He wiped his eyes and replied, “You don’t need to do that.”

She smiled and whispered, “Yes, I do.”

Needing no further coaxing, George nodded, and the two leaned in for a slow, gentle kiss. He was blindsided before and did what came naturally. But this time, George was keenly aware of every subtle movement of her tongue, every taste of her lips, the heat from her breath, the moans from her throat. His heart fluttered, his spine tingled, and his toes curled. But gradually, those sensations drifted into the background until there was just her. It was a new, gloriously intimate connection he’d only read about, and it was so much better than he had imagined.

Making out with a pretty girl sitting in his lap had the expected reaction. She felt his cock harden for her and grinned. “I want you,” she breathed.

And he wanted her right back. What he didn’t want was to stop kissing her and merely groaned with approval. She leaned on him until he fell back into the bed. George was in an awkward position with his legs dangling off the side, but the entire bed seemed to shift under him to scoop him up to let him get comfortable. They rolled over so he was on top, making out as they went until her legs were locked around him like before. Only this time, George had no intention of slowing things down. He could feel the heat from her sex as she coaxed him into grinding against it, and he was harder than he’d ever been.

But then, they heard several loud knocks on his bedroom door, and the pair froze.

“George,” called his mother, “are you up?”

He looked down at the beauty and realized he was not floating on a cloud made of fairy dust. He was in his room, in the house he shared with his mother, and he’d need to get ready for school soon. He tried to check the time and cursed when he realized his alarm clock had been chucked to the floor with the rest of his possessions. It was still barely plugged in and flashing twelve after being reset. He leaped off the beauty beneath him and started cleaning frantically.

“I’m up, Mom,” he replied, “I’m just getting ready.”

“Okay, well, come unlock your door. I have laundry for you.”

George’s eyes went wide. He turned to the woman and said, “You need to hide.”

The young beauty didn’t share his worry but complied enthusiastically nonetheless. She disappeared in a puff of pink smoke and reappeared in front of him with a pop, startling George and making him jump. But instead of hiding, her lust had the better of her, and she resumed kissing him while teasing the waistband of his pajamas. Despite George’s panic, she managed to distract him quite easily, and the two were making out again amidst the chaos of his destroyed room.

“George, can you hurry up?” called his mom. “This basket’s heavy!”

He groaned in frustration but managed to escape her clutches long enough to yell, “Coming!”

Then, in a rushed whisper, he opened the door to his wardrobe and said, “In here, quickly. And please, be quiet.” It was an antique as old as the house and was large enough for an adult to stand inside.

The girl seemed amused as she hopped playfully into the wardrobe and motioned like she was zipping up her mouth.

Left alone in his room, George resumed picking up the mess, but it became obvious that this was a futile endeavor very quickly. The one thing he managed to do was shut the sphere in its box and shove it under his bed. George hurried down the stairs to the landing and mentally prepared himself. His only shot was keeping his mother out of his room, though he had no idea what to do afterward. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Jeez, there you are,” said Jessica, her arms loaded with a basket full of his laundry. “What took so long? Were you having happy-fun-time?”

“N-No,” he replied nervously. He was keenly aware that he was definitely having happy-fun-time, as they called it, but not like his mother would have expected.

“Sure, whatever you say. At ease, soldier.”

George looked down, realized his pajamas were noticeably tented, and rolled his eyes in frustration and embarrassment.

Being a nurse, Jessica had never been perturbed by the human body and all its silly inconveniences. She merely chuckled and said, “Go on, get in the shower. You’re running late, and I can’t drive you. I have to be online for a meeting in a bit.”

“Right! Yes! School! That’s a thing. Here, I’ll take that, and you can get ready for your meeting.”

But Jessica squeezed past him, saying, “Oh no, Buster, I’m not letting you hoard another laundry basket.” George followed close behind and winced when he heard her say, “Christ, George, would it kill you to pick up after yourself once in a while?”

George was surprised this was all she had to say. She had to have noticed the torn wallpaper and wet floorboards. But when George looked around, the room seemed much different than a few seconds ago. The damage had been completely undone. A few dirty clothes were lying around here and there, and his bed wasn’t made, but other than that, the room looked just like before the woman appeared. Even the window was whole as if nothing had happened.

His mother put the basket next to his wardrobe and pulled out a few shirts. George had been distracted by the state of his room but stopped her from discovering the girl in his wardrobe just in time. “Mom, wait!” he said, panic-stricken.

She looked at him quizzically, “What?”

“Uh ... I can put my stuff away; you can just...”

She gasped, “Oh, sweetheart, have you been crying? Aww, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t even notice. Did you have a bad night?”

“I ... I’m okay. Actually, I feel great.”

“Any pain?” she asked, cringing like she already knew the answer.

“No,” he said, scarcely able to believe it himself. “Mom, I feel good. Really good. There’s no pain at all.”

Her face lit up, lifting George’s spirits along with it. “That’s wonderful! Oh, George, I’m so glad! See, didn’t I tell you those vitamins would help?”

“Yeah ... yeah, you called it.”

“Well, let’s not slow the wheels of progress. Go get in the shower before you’re late for school.” She didn’t wait for further debate. Instead, she opened the wardrobe and set to work.

George had almost forgotten about the girl. While his mother wasn’t especially conservative, even hinting that she wouldn’t mind if he brought a girl home for ‘happy-fun-time,’ he wasn’t keen on testing her limits, especially given how fast everything was moving. The wardrobe doors seemed to creek open in slow motion, and George braced himself for the fallout. However, the mysterious woman was nowhere to be found.

Jessica continued her task and shooed him away. “Well, go on. I got this.”

To say that George was confused would have been an understatement, and he briefly wondered if he was going crazy. He moved swiftly to the third-floor bathroom, locked the door, and stopped to breathe. He counted himself lucky that the girl hadn’t been discovered. However, now he was starting to question his sanity. “What the hell is going on?” he asked himself.

But then, George caught his reflection in the mirror and saw an almost entirely different person looking back at him.

Instead of the chubby loser he was accustomed to looking at, the man in the mirror was lean and muscled. His usually pale skin was flawless with a subtle golden glow, his teeth were perfect, and his hair was full and shiny. Even his mark of shame, the shock of dull white hair he’d always struggled to downplay, was now a metallic silver that caught the harsh bathroom lights. He leaned in to inspect the reflection more closely and instinctively flexed his biceps, amazed at the definition. He looked like he’d been carved from marble and could barely recognize his own face. While his deep brown eyes were familiar, his features were less round and more chiseled. He looked much more like his father than he remembered or wanted to.

He stripped to get a better look at himself and practically gasped when he looked down. His thighs and calves looked tight and powerful, but George barely noticed them next to the size of his cock. He reached down to grab it with the intent to inspect it further. It was already mostly hard from his encounter with the mysterious beauty, and thinking about her only made him swell further. Without a ruler, he could only guess, but it was at least double the size in length and thickness. He couldn’t help but give it a few strokes in the name of science and felt an intense pressure in his abdomen that shot straight down to his balls. He clenched instinctively, and a large drop of pre-cum dripped to the floor.

George released the beast and shook the lustful thoughts from his mind, knowing he was already close to being late. Instead, he entered the old tub/shower and stood under the water while contemplating his situation. Despite a strange and stressful morning, George felt okay. He was anxious but in response to actual events rather than torture-induced delusions. At least, he hoped the encounter with such an enchanting creature was real. However, his mother didn’t seem to notice anything was amiss. He kept bouncing back and forth between insane reality and wild fantasy, and without his companion there to guide him, he already felt lost. But the pain was still gone, and that was good enough.

George knew he’d have to talk to this girl soon. He needed to know what was happening to him. If she decided to ride his huge rock-hard cock while doing so, all the better. Suddenly, he realized he was idly stroking himself and let go in frustration. There was no time for that now.

Then, as if his lust was enough to summon her, the girl appeared before him with a puff of pink smoke, naked and smiling.

“Hi, Master,” she said excitedly.

George jumped in surprise and yelled, “Holy shi...”

The girl quickly covered his mouth and said, “Hey, shhh. It’s alright, Master. It’s just me. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” Then, she took her hand off his mouth and stroked his cheek.

He peeked out of the shower curtain, and the door was still closed and locked. Then, turning back to her, he asked, “How did you get in here?”

She smiled brightly and said, “Oh, it was easy. While you were sleeping, I got a little bored, so I started rebuilding the local leylines. You know, in case we needed them. Now, I can use them to access the ethereal plane and move about unhindered. I just slipped inside and made my way here. And don’t worry, nobody can see or hear me but you, so we’re all good.”

She said this as if it were as simple as ordering a pizza. “You ... rebuilt leylines?”

“Yep,” she chirped. “Are you impressed?”

“Yes...” he let drag from his lips. He wasn’t sure if he believed her enough to be impressed; worried was closer to the truth. “So, you can ... turn invisible or...?”

“I can do anything as long as it gets me closer to you,” she said with silly sweetness. She pressed her body against him, rubbing her taut, sexy stomach against his hard cock. “Don’t you remember what I told you last night? I promised that you’d never be lonely again. So from now on, I’ll only be a thought away.” She planted three wet smooches on him as she said, “My sweet ... sexy ... Master...”

George was overcome with arousal as her kiss lingered. He desperately wanted to follow her lead and give in to her completely. But he knew he didn’t have time for it. Not to mention all the questions he had for her. George grabbed her arms and pushed her away gently. “I’m sorry, but I have to hurry. My mom’s right. If I’m late again, I’ll be in deep shit.”

She pouted cutely and said, “Aww, but we were just getting to the good part.”

“It’s not you,” he blathered, “I wish we had more time to fool around, but...”

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