Julie Covington Mcgill - Cover

Julie Covington Mcgill

Copyright© 2025 by Mitchie

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - A young college graduate meets the head of a large accounting firm. Things develop quickly to alter the course of her life as she becomes embroiled in sexual encounters she never could have imagined! There's plenty of fact vs. fiction as the author, in her early 20s when writing this, explained to her agent that she blurred the lines in this semi-autobiography! Hot? Yes, very hot! Sex with Julie? Yes. Her husband? Yes. Her dog? Yes! Talk about falling down the proverbial sexual rabbit hole!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   True Story   Workplace   DomSub   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

“I didn’t know they allowed wolves on this path,” the young man nervously joked, as the dog that clearly outweighed him by at least 20 pounds bared his teeth and repeated his protective growl.

“It’s okay King,” Michelle assured, patting his head, as he covered his teeth and sat at the ready by her side. “I appreciate your concern, but I’m really alright.”

“Have a great day then,” called the young man, as he picked up his bike and peddled on down the path.

Michelle took a step and then grabbed her lower back, feeling the knot, and knew she should cut her run short, to work the muscle spasm out of her lower back. Turning back toward home, Michelle and King set out at a slower pace, the knot in her back loosening some as she jogged down the path.

When they got back to the house, Michelle filled King’s bowl with fresh water and poured herself a big glass of Pinot Grigio. She carried it into the living room, and while looking up at the clock above the mantel, she flipped on the TV, to see her favorite game show Jeopardy was on.

Michelle sat gingerly on the couch and removed her iPhone from the strap on her upper arm, and fiddled with it, as she called out many of the answers along with the contestants, being sure to form her responses in the form of a question. She sipped her wine and blurted out answers, rarely looking up from the small screen of the phone.

She slid off the couch onto the floor, and deposited her phone under the glass coffee table, while she cycled through yoga poses, to work out the kink in her back. She could feel King’s eyes on her intently, as she went from cobra pose to child’s pose, stretching her arms out in front of her, the black lycra stretched tightly across her firm, round ass.

Meanwhile, Julie sat at the walnut desk in her suite, wearing only the plush Ritz Carlton terry cloth robe she donned after her shower. She was reviewing the past 12 months of billings for the at-risk client, while periodically checking the video stream from the nanny cam in the smaller window in the upper right corner of her laptop screen.

“She’d better not spill that wine on my carpet,” Julie said to the otherwise empty room, as her young apprentice bent and stretched dangerously close to the coffee table, which held the half-full wine goblet. Julie dropped her hand under her robe, and circled her clit a few times, resisting the temptation to play her two new favorite videos, the one where Michelle masturbated in the doorway of the guest room, watching Julie being fucked by King, and of course, the one from the next morning, where she jerked off King and caught his cum in her light blue panties...

Still alternating between child’s pose and cobra, Michelle looked up at the large flat screen TV, as the Double Jeopardy round started, and the “Mmm” 5 Letter Words category caught her interest.

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