The Hunger
©Copyright 2017 by wantsomefun
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A multi-hundred year old pseudo-vampire/succubus that survives on "pleasure juice" seeks a new mate after his dies at the hands of mortal enemies. "She" must be a virgin. He finds such a girl in Europe, and they enjoy a honeymoon of sorts. She learns much abou him while truly shedding all remnants of her virginity, feeding on men as he feeds on women, their sexual juices. In the end? Read and see.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Coercion Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Workplace Paranormal Group Sex Anal Sex First Oral Sex
My body was telling me I needed to start planning dinner. I don’t need to eat the way you might. I sustain my life with fluids, but my race always calls it The Hunger.
My life-mate and I were the last of our line on this continent. She was destroyed by the Others. No one seems to know why they hate Us. I’m not even sure if the Others know any more. Their attacks on Us have cost me some friends over the years. Of course, it affected me, but those who had been destroyed had not been mine. The loss of my life-mate was different. For the first time, I was truly alone. For the first time, I knew fear.
I choose to introduce myself by the name I use among mortals: John Smith. My life-mate was a female known to mankind as Alexandra. We had partnered centuries ago, back when vampires roamed freely. Many mortals mistake Us for that race, but we are different. While we use mortals to sustain Us, we don’t drink their blood. We do not harm the mortals we encounter, like the incubus and succubus can. We give pleasure. We gain our nourishment from the fluid of their loins.
Nourishment can be taken both from mortals and from the members of our clan. Any of Us can “make” a mortal into one of our brethren. We tend to hunt outside our group, preferring variety in our diet. As any mortal hunter or huntress knows, the hunt can, in its own way, be nearly as rewarding as the feast at its conclusion.
There is magic in the feedings given by a life-mate. The power of this magic keeps us free from disease and the ravages of time. My semen kept Alexandra as fresh and beautiful as the day I met her, and her pussy was my fountain of youth and health. If one of Us loses a life-mate, as I had, it can be the beginning of the end, as we are exposed to illness and aging much like mortals.
At the time of my beloved’s demise, I still appeared to be in my early twenties, as I had for hundreds of years. Only a short time had passed since her destruction, but already I saw the faint beginnings of creases at the corners of my eyes. Mortals would see them as laugh lines, or the result of outdoor activity. I only appeared to have aged a few years, still a lean, fit man in my mid to late twenties. The changes were subtle, but my time was limited. I had to make a new life-mate.
But where should I seek her? Every college campus, every shopping mall, every golf course has women from whom I can feed. Our species has adapted well to living among the mortals. None of Us forces ourselves on those we prey upon. Instead, we seduce them, not unlike the way the vampire “glamorizes” his victim. The difference between Us and the bloodsuckers is that those who feed Us leave the encounter unharmed, with nothing but life-long memories of amazing sex with a stranger.
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