The Hunger
©Copyright 2017 by wantsomefun
Chapter 6
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A multi-hundred year old pseudo-vampire/succubus that survives on "pleasure juice" seeks a new mate after his dies at the hands of mortal enemies. "She" must be a virgin. He finds such a girl in Europe, and they enjoy a honeymoon of sorts. She learns much abou him while truly shedding all remnants of her virginity, feeding on men as he feeds on women, their sexual juices. In the end? Read and see.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Coercion Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Workplace Paranormal Group Sex Anal Sex First Oral Sex
“I’m not like other men.”
“You can’t have an orgasm?” she asked.
“Oh yes, I can. I can have many in a night. I can pour my seed into you whenever I choose, as many times as I choose.”
“How is that possible?”
“I told you -- I’m different from other men.”
She grasped my head and stared into me. “What are you, John Smith? You need to tell me what’s going on.”
I thrust hard into her, rapidly, forcing another orgasm from her. Her gaze never faltered. Her emerald eyes still glowed brightly with her lust. I knew now that I must transform her into one of Us.
“I’m not like other men. I was, a long time ago, but then things changed. I am no longer a mortal man.”
If she had shown shock at that, I would have erased the memory of my words from her. But she did not. Desire had overwhelmed her.
“Are you a ghost?”
“No. You’ve probably never encountered one like me before.”
“Are you a demon?”
“No, my precious one. I am of the clan of Us. We are beings who can live forever. We take our sustenance from each other and from humans.”
“Are you a vampire? Am I going to die in your arms?”
“Not at all. If you accept the gift of my seed, I can make you live a very long time indeed. Members of the clan of Us feed on the sexual fluids of others. We minister to the genitals of our partners orally, taking sustenance from the fluids they produce. I fed from you before I entered you. If you choose, you can be one of Us. You will live out your existence giving pleasure to others, both male and female if you desire. When your lover climaxes in your mouth, you will be nourished. You will spend your time here on earth seeking out partners who can sustain you.”
“Will I be immortal?”
“Nearly so. We have few enemies. You will hunt for your food, as I do.”
“Will I stay young?”
“If I take you as a life-mate, your days may never end. You will hunt and feed from whomever you choose, but feeding from me, and allowing me to feed from you, will preserve our youth and make us immune to all disease. You will never be ill. You will remain as beautiful as you are at this moment.”
Nicole rose up and kissed me. Her passion burned my tongue. “Fuck me some more,” she said.
I did. Her pussy was trying to drink my essence.
She seemed near exhaustion after her next orgasm. “What will I be like if you change me?” she panted.
Rolling us over again so she could lie on my chest, I said, “Just like you are now. You could continue working. After I teach you to hunt, and share a few feedings with you, I could move on.” My penis, still hard as steel, twitched inside her.