Delta: Original - Cover

Delta: Original

Copyright© 2016 by Kris Me

Chapter 15: Not Another Wizard

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 15: Not Another Wizard - Delta: Best friends, Lee and Kyle have decided to go on the trip of a lifetime. They were signed aboard the Starship Fortune as crew, with 98 other souls to explore the Delta Pavonis Star System. This story explores the new friends they make, the loves they find, as well as unknown enemies they have to deal with as they settle a new land. (Warning: Contains descriptive gay sex)

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Rape   Magic   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Space   Aliens   Cheating   Incest   Brother   Cousins   InLaws   Spanking   Torture   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Lactation   Pregnancy   Double Penetration   Analingus   Slow  

~~ October - Week 42 & Tychy Week 7 ~~

The next couple of days were spent in interviews.

The officials had set up interviews with all the crew available, and they were each waiting their turn. No one was happy with many of the questions the new arrivals were asking about Lee, Kyle, the Captain and Sean.

The dinners had turned back into more sedate affairs, and Sean had even relented and moved the van Holton’s to a double room. A casual chat with Mark van Holton had reassured him they were not here to railroad them.

They were simply there to make sure the crew and UNSEC stayed on the right side of the Law if anything was amiss. However, they were to act accordingly.

Sean liked his honesty, even if they hadn’t been told of their inclusion. This had been Nash’s doing apparently. Vanesa had even apologised to Captain Clark for the fact that the crew hadn’t been told of their inclusion.

On the second day back aboard ship, Lee went and found Zan. She asked him to come with her. She took him to her room on the fourth level. She had put Que’s boxes back in the storeroom off her bedroom. She asked Zan to sit and made him a coffee.

She said to Zan, “I thought you were from Jahnville?”

“No, I was visiting with Don. We had met years before when he came to Ogilhinn on one of his little adventures. I thought it would be fun to visit the new people with him,” he told her. He was curious about this little invite.

He and Lee hadn’t spent much time together. His preoccupation with Essco hadn’t helped. He knew Lee and Essco had a history, and it wasn’t all pleasant. His lover did have a way of rubbing women in particular up the wrong way.

“Are you related to wizard Que in any way?” Lee asked him next to his surprise.

“Yes, one of his daughters married into my family a long time ago. I think there was a cousin as well somewhere along the way. Why the interest?” he asked in turn.

“How do you think Essco will react if you became a wizard?” she asked, ignoring his question for the moment.

Zan laughed and said, “As if that would happen, Que’s box was lost a long time ago.”

She waited.

Zan looked at her; she had a weird effect on him. He always knew when she was around. She was a hot chick but not his type. He also felt he couldn’t lie, that she would know instantly if he did.

He shrugged and answered, “Hypothetically, I think it would make him happy and possibly more secure. William is an ambitious man. But recently his ambitions have changed direction. I’d like to think Dye, and I have helped with this.”

“He is overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a father at his age. I think he may transfer his ambition to his daughter. She will become a future Queen of my people when we marry. I don’t have a problem with this.”

“I probably love him more than I do Dye. Though I know, she loves him as much I do, so I am happy. If she were to have my daughter, it doesn’t worry me that Essco’s daughter will rule. My clan tend to produce more sons than daughters anyway, as I told you earlier.”

“If I were a wizard, then I would probably have more influence over him and be better able to keep him in check. As much as I love him, I am not blind to his faults,” Zan concluded.

Lee looked at him, thoughtfully. She said, “Thank you for your honesty. I too believe you and Dye are positive influences on the man and believe me, he needs you both.”

They both grinned at each other. Lee stood and indicated that she wanted Zan to follow. “Have you thought about the fact you and Essco both got Dye pregnant like Kyle and Tony did to Debora?”

Zan thought about it. Yeah, it was kinda weird. He thought it was a wizard’s thing and he had never heard of it happening before. Zan was wondering what was going on and he followed her into a back room. He felt the box call to him. He stood and looked at it. Her questions now make sense.

Well, apparently, it was a wizard’s thing. He turned to Lee, “How long have known?”

Lee looked at the box and then back at him. “A while now, but as the Lord Wizard, I have to be sure the recipient is worthy. I knew you were a potential candidate when I first met you.”

“When you started pursuing Essco, I wasn’t sure of your motives, and I didn’t know anything about you. So, I watched and waited.”

Zan could understand her reluctance in acknowledging him. It was a prudent thing to do under the circumstances.

Lee continued, “But I have only seen you strive to help him become a better person. Last night when he declared his love for you to the room, I knew he was sincere.”

“I’m not even sure if you and Dye fully realise the significance of what he did. It was a huge hurdle, which he overcame, to do what he did. It was only then I believed that you were meant to receive this box. I didn’t think it was time to give it to you until now. I hope you understand.”

Zan thought about what she said. He smiled at her and said, “I can see why you are the Lord Wizard. I have heard many stories about the things you have done. Both on this ship and since you have been here and before you even became the Lord Wizard. I think the Keltria people are in safe hands,” he bowed low to her.

Lee said, “Shit, I hate that.”

They both laughed. Lee then gestured to the box. Zan went to put his hands on the box and stopped. “Maybe we should wait until after he has married me?” he said.

Lee gave him an evil little grin. Then said, “No, I think if he knew you were a wizard first, then there is no way he will back out.”

Zan laughed. Unfortunately, he had to agree. But what can a man do? All’s fair in love and war, as they say. For whatever reasons the fates decreed that William was his, he would live with this future, happily.

Zan took a deep breath and placed his hands on the box. They both heard it click and watched as the lid rose up about 2cm. As he took out each object, Lee explained what it was for and showed him how to use them.

Zan’s items were missing the opal and the tree symbol. Lee explained that this meant that the Nature skills were his weakest. Because the Emerald was in the centre of his diadem, and the hill at the top on his medallion, then Earth was his strongest skillset. He should be very good at realigning elements an energy fields

She showed him the box of books and explained he should read the primer first. Then whichever book he wished to read after that. She told him to call her or Kyle whenever he needed them. Even if it was just because he doesn’t understand something. It was part of their job to help him.

Lee then taught Zan how to move objects and then transport himself. She warned him about overextending his energy reserves. She explained they would expand as he learnt his new trade and used magic. She pulled another smaller book out of the box. She told him that it was a diary. It never ran out of pages, and he should write down what he learns.

Lee gave Zan a quick lesson on how to control connecting and blocking people from his thoughts. She also mentioned that she carried the satchel everywhere and kept energy bars and water in it as they came in very handy if you use a lot of magical energy.

She then explained that each wizard tended to have a speciality that was their own. While she had all six gems and skillsets, she, for example, could heal humans and read them better than Kyle. She also felt a strong affinity to Energy type spells.

While Kyle had strong Physics and Energy skills, he was primarily a Nature Wizard and had an affinity to animals and could heal and understand them better than she could. Although for some reason, she was the one who tended to acquire the pets.

Zan had to laugh; he too had noticed her menagerie.

She told him she had yet to learn Sean or Tony’s specialities as they were classed as apprentice wizards and hadn’t had their abilities long. Sean’s dominate disciple was Lore, which did explain why he was good at dealing with people. Tony was a Nature Wizard-like Kyle, but he seemed to be more oriented towards plants than animals.

Lee then told him he too could obtain an apprentice, but she had some influence over that person being accepted. If he met someone, whom he thought fit the bill, then please let her know. More than one candidate could be found, and the box would indicate to her who it liked best.

Zan listened carefully to all she told him. He knew she cared deeply about her responsibilities, and he was glad he wasn’t the Lord Wizard. He apparently was the Iron Wizard. (The items were actually stainless steel, so they didn’t rust, but his title was the Iron Wizard). He suddenly grinned at Lee.

“What?” Lee said.

Zan’s grin grew, and he said, “I was just thinking about the significance of being the Iron Wizard. I’m probably going to need a will of iron to keep William in check.”

Lee laughed out loud and hugged him. “Zan that is a classic, I love the way you are taking this seriously. I think you will be a fine wizard. Welcome to the family.”

She helped Zan transport his boxes to his room. Essco walked in as Zan was practising moving them and putting them against a wall.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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