Brain Development Enterprises
Copyright© 2020 by JC Beleren
Chapter 9
Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 9 - A man purchases a series of self-hypnosis recordings to help him become more assertive. (This novel has been read more than 70,000 times on other sites, and joined the Mind Control Hall of Fame upon it's conclusion in Oct. 2019.)
Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Mult Consensual Hypnosis Mind Control Romantic Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Incest Father Daughter MaleDom Group Sex Harem Hispanic Female Oral Sex Tit-Fucking Big Breasts
Three things happened that day at work.
The first two were almost innocuous, and they happened almost as soon as I sat down behind my desk and fired up the trio of monitors in front of me. I liked to work with multiple screens, a habit I’d gotten from a roommate back in college. I could code on one screen, open up online coding documentation and forums on the second, and run tests or communicate with my team on a third. It was the kind of thing that saved you a couple of seconds at a time, only those seconds eventually added up until you saved hours in the long run. At least, that was what my roommate had told me.
For me, there was just something so satisfying about having all those screens in front of me. I felt like a commander in charge of a futuristic space vessel.
My inbox chimed as soon as the computer was on, indicating that I’d received an email overnight. I was fairly strict with email, making sure to keep spam filtered out in various folders, so I clicked to open them, praying that it wasn’t a late night rant from Allison about the Morrison project.
It wasn’t.
In fact, it wasn’t just one email but two.
As I read the subject line of the first, I couldn’t help but feel my stomach tighten. The coffee in my belly churned uncomfortably. It was a message from Barbara’s company.
A couple of months ago, Barbara had put my name down on the employee mailing list. It was a convenience thing, so she could keep me in the loop with company events, and I’d usually never looked at the emails before deleting them. But I hadn’t heard from my wife in almost two full days, and I sat staring at the screen as the discomfort changed to numbness in my chest.
I bit the inside of my cheek thoughtfully, but before I could start brooding I clicked it open and started to read.
Dear employees and family!
It has been another great Spring Quarter for us and our team, and it’s time to prepare for another. We would like to cordially invite you to a special Summer Quarter Kickoff party, this Friday night at the Regent hotel downtown.
If you received this email, we are excited to have you and a plus-one join us in celebrating our successes with a night of food, drink and socializing. Grow closer together with your friends and family here at Brown, Burns and Keohane.
Happy Summer!
There was a link at the bottom to RSVP to the event.
I was about to click away and send the message into my Trash when I hesitated.
What if this is my last chance to see Barbara? I wondered. If Adrianna and McKenzie are wrong, she may never come back to me. The doubts whirled in my mind and I sighed heavily. I marked the email as Unread. I would call Kenz at lunch at get her opinion.
The second email was far more exciting, and actually pushed the first to the far corner of my mind.
RE: A Curious Customer
Dear John,
I am intrigued to hear the side effects you’ve been experiencing, but worry that email may not be the best avenue for giving you the information you want. You mentioned you’d be willing to hop on a video call sometime in the evening.
How about 6 o’clock tonight?
I’m eager to hear about your experience.
Oliver King
CEO and Founder, Brain Development Enterprises
The thought of getting to speak to Mr. Silver Fox — or, I suppose, Mr. Oliver King — was simultaneously exciting and daunting. The man and his products had practically made me who I was today. My life before BDE, when I looked back, seemed far away and almost imaginary, like I couldn’t possibly have been that man.
I typed back rapidly.
Dear Mr. King,
6 o’clock it is!
I look forward to speaking with you.
I gave him my phone number and signed off, pressing Send and then sitting back with a long sigh. I had a strange feeling in my gut, like events were coming to a head, all the questions I had and the drama that had been plaguing my family suddenly rushing to an inevitable climax. When it was done, I would either be one of the happiest men alive or I would be even more confused than I was right now, and likely dealing with a second divorce.
But I shook my head and shoved the latter thought aside. “I’ll call Kenz at lunch,” I told myself, forcing my brain to shift gears into coding mode. For now, I had work to do.
I was several hours into my workday when Allison barged in and closed the door behind her. I was almost more surprised by the second act than the first. Since her promotion, Allison had been dropping by frequently to give me orders and put me in my place, but usually she wanted to make it a performance for whatever audience happened to be in earshot — asserting her dominance. Now, apparently, she wanted to talk in private.
She flipped a switch by the door and the big glass walls went from transparent to filmy grey in a second, impenetrable to the rest of the office. It was a feature I’d requested and had installed months ago. It let me work in complete privacy and separation, necessary when I needed to do work that required deep thinking and focus.
My boss leaned back against the door and narrowed her eyes at me.
For my part, I raised my eyebrows and pushed back from the desk, giving her a look of evident confusion. “Allison?” I asked, feeling my heart rate spike at her sudden appearance. “What’s this about?”
The blonde woman had several pieces of paper folded together in her hand, printed on both sides, and she raised them at me. “I want to talk to you about these.”
I shrugged. “I’m not sure what those are.” As I spoke, I gave her a subtle up and down. Today, the gorgeous software developer was dressed in a grey, off-the-shoulders sweater and a navy skirt. The sweater was the clingy type that hugged her arms down to her wrists and accentuated her hefty tits, making my eyes twitch inadvertently to the dark shadow of her cleavage. The skirt was, as usual, smooth and tight around her athletic thighs. If she bent over, I would bet I’d have a fantastic view of her ass, and I might even get a flash of her panties.
That was Allison’s dress code. Just a little bit too sexy for the office, but the boys upstairs didn’t care. In fact, I’d always known that her sex appeal was one of the reasons for her swift ascension through the ranks.
Allison unfolded the papers with a flick of her wrists, the paper snapping taut between her fingers. “These, “ she said with evident relish, “are emails sent from your company email address. They were flagged by the system for inappropriate language and, as your superior, I was the one notified.”
I froze, suddenly, sitting very still. You idiot, John, I cursed. I hadn’t even thought about the fact that my correspondence with Brain Development Enterprises had been from my company email and not my personal one.
The woman was watching me closely, and I saw from the smirk that curled across her mouth she’d noticed my sudden discomfort. “I think you do know what I’m talking about, John,” my boss told me. “And I just wanted to come by to tell you that your time with this company is coming to an end.” She smiled. “Just a little warning. Between friends.” The smirk turned into a sneer, widening across her full lips.
I felt my stomach tighten and begin to churn. My jaw clenched.
Allison took several steps closer, like a predator stalking in for the kill. The printed emails rolled into a cylinder in her hand. “I always knew it, John. You were good at your job, sure. But never good at anything else. You lacked certain...” she shrugged “People skills. And then I find this trash...” My boss gestured with the papers in her hand. “Hypnosis? Mind control? ‘Women find my scent irresistible’? ‘They seem unable to resist my instructions’? It’s not just weird, it’s offensive and totally insane.”
I shook my head. I tried to come up with something to defend myself, wondering what I’d said in those emails that flagged them in the system. But I couldn’t think of anything. I was still in shock from her sudden arrival and the revelation that she knew about something I’d been trying to keep private and hidden.
The gorgeous blonde looked like nothing so much as a gleeful succubus, joyfully preparing to devour her next victim. She leaned against my desk, lowering her head toward me as I instinctively pushed back in my chair away from her. “I’m going to take this upstairs, John,” she told me. “And when they see this they’ll give me the go-ahead to fire you so fast your head will spin.”
Wait... My mind felt like it was working in fits and starts, my thoughts like dozens of puzzle pieces from different puzzles that wouldn’t fit together. She hasn’t gone to them already? Why?
“Unless...” The beautiful woman paused and sat up on the edge of my desk with a look so exaggerated it was obviously rehearsed. She tapped her lips thoughtfully with the rolled-up papers. “You give me your letter of resignation by the end of the day.”
That was the comment that got me, my brain suddenly jolting into focus. It was out of character. Allison would love to fire me. She would love to march in here and loudly assert her authority over me one final time, showing everyone in the office that she had the power. Maybe she would even read something profane from the emails that confirmed my status as a pervert and deviant.
So why would she give me the chance to resign quietly?
And then, like the proverbial light bulb, something clicked.
She hasn’t shown anyone yet. Because... she did something she wasn’t supposed to.
I wasn’t confused any longer. Just angry.
I am a Man. A Man does not back down. A Man does what is right. A Man does not give in to any challenge.
My sudden calm surprised her, and I saw Allison’s head twitch back and her brows furrow as I blew out a breath and let a passive expression drift over my nervous features. I wasn’t feeling calm, but my defense mechanisms had kicked in.
I’ve always been bad at social interactions, but one of the benefits of that shortcoming is learning the ability to freeze my emotions when necessary. I hadn’t always been able to do calm and suave and confident, not until I started using the BDE products and unlocking my inner Alpha Male, but after years of presentations and team meetings I knew how to go cold and calm and analytical.
So, in a flash, my brain went still and started slotting the jumbled puzzle pieces together.
Allison doesn’t like me, never liked me, maybe because she knows I’m a better coder.
She flaunts her authority over me whenever she can, and looks for any way to screw with me.
One of the perks of her job is the ability to access the company email accounts of her underlings, including me. But she can only do that if there’s something there that would be harmful to the company or the team. Otherwise it would be abuse of power.
If she had the chance, she’d get permission immediately and would fire me as publicly as possible.
No doubt.
So if she isn’t doing that ... It’s because she did abuse her power.
My brain cast back to my emails with Oliver King. I couldn’t be sure in the moment, but I was relatively certain I hadn’t used any type of language that would cause my correspondence to raise red flags with the internal security checks. The worst I’d done was reveal that I believed I had the power to influence people, and I hadn’t made any mention of doing anything untoward that would hurt the company or its employees.
She doesn’t have anything on me, but she hopes she can leverage those emails into getting me to resign. She can’t fire me, but she can try to get me out of the office anyway.
The thoughts and realizations blurred through my mind and slotted into place, the puzzle solved and its results crystal clear in front of me. I leaned back in my chair, eyes flicking back to Allison’s face as I cocked my head to one side and regarded her calmly.
“You’ve got nothing,” I said, my tone even.
Allison’s expression had transformed from victorious to confused. She spluttered, clutching and gesturing vaguely with the papers that crumpled in her tight fingers.
“You were probably spying on my emails,” I continued, leaning toward her. “You were looking for any possible way to get leverage on me, because you’ve always hated the fact that I got where I am by merit and you got where you are by being hot.” Even though she sat above me, I felt like I towered over her, declaring judgement. Now that my mind was calm, I felt the surging BDE confidence rising in my chest, my voice slowing and my body language shifting, becoming more alpha by the second.
“That’s not allowed, by the way,” I told her conversationally, and she was too stunned to move as I slowly pushed myself to my feet. “And, in fact, if someone found out that you’d been abusing your authority just to go after one of your employees you would be the one fired. Or...” and I rolled my eyes, my teeth flashing as I smirked. “Given the opportunity to resign.”
“You...” Allison’s face was red with frustration, her eyes widening as she realized that I’d seen through her charade. “You can’t know that. I’m your boss. I’m the one in charge. If I say you’re out, then you’re out!” She tried to raise her voice, but it was hoarse.
“All the facts check out, Allison,” I told her, and I felt my shoulders draw back as I stood tall and erect. “You tried to assert your dominance over me. But now...” and I leaned forward. “I’m going to assert my dominance over you.” I knew as I said it that I could, that I would, and that I really wanted to.
“Are you threatening me?” Allison’s blue eyes glittered with a spark of discomfort and she pushed up from my desk, taking a step back.
“No...” and as I said it I felt the warm flow of power wind up through my body. “I’m commanding you.”
The woman took another step back, her eyes flashing. “You ... Don’t come any closer,” she said, and I paused, my hand resting lightly on the edge of my desk.
We stood several feet apart, but I felt close enough to reach out and touch her. Soon, I thought, and in that moment I was calm and collected. “Don’t worry,” I said smoothly. “I don’t need to touch you. I just need to tell you something.”
Allison swallowed, eyes uneasy. “What’s that?” she asked, obviously stalling.
I breathed in, feeling the power that coursed in my blood, rising through my body. Then, I spoke, letting all my inner strength resonate in the word that I was quickly coming to love.
Allison actually stumbled as she tried to take another step back, her lashes fluttering as the command smashed into her mind. “What?” she spluttered, shaking her head. Her fingers curled into fists of resistance. “What are you doing?”
“It’s okay,” I told her, raising my hands in a calming gesture. “Just relax and obey...”
The woman swayed as she tried to move away, but her feet seemed stuck to the floor. “No!” she said. She was obviously going for sharp and dismissive and angry but it came out weak. “Stop! You can’t ... You don’t tell me what to do...”
“I do...” I told her, my voice calming. “I do tell you what to do. And I’m telling you to relax and obey...”
Her resistance was strong, her face screwing up in a resolute scowl. “No...” she muttered. “I’m in charge. I’m your boss. I tell you what to...”
“Obey.” I said it more sharply this time, interrupting her attempts to convince me of her authority. In fact, I suspected, she was trying to convince herself.
She shook her head again, weaker this time. “I won’t...” but her voice had lost the edge of certainty.
“Just relax and obey...” I murmured. My voice was soft but carried the unmistakable weight of command. “You can’t fight me, Allison. Your mind and will are becoming mine, your body unable to resist as your thoughts drift easily away.” I focused harder now, channeling the primal strength that was becoming more and more familiar to me.
“No ... please...” Her features were relaxing, the furrow between her carefully-sculpted eyebrows smoothing out. “Don’t...”
I shook my head, brushing aside her appeals. “It’s too late for that, Allison,” I said. “You came here with one purpose and you failed. Now, it’s time for you to find another purpose. My purpose...”
“Your purpose... ?” she asked. Her voice was slower now, her eyes still fighting but her body numb and relaxed. I doubted she could move now, even if she still had the strength to run away from me.
“My purpose,” I agreed. “Because all you can do now is obey...” The word reverberated again between us, flying through the air like an invisible missile.
She shivered this time as she heard it, her eyes wide. “But ... but...” she muttered. “I don’t ... want...”
“Yes,” I told her. “You do want. You want to relax and obey, your body and mind open and willing for me. Just waiting to be told what to do...”
“Relax and obey...” she whispered, but then she shook her head slightly and blinked. “No. I don’t. I won’t.”
I was impressed. Allison was strong-willed. Either that or her deriding anger and contempt for me were like high-octane fuel for her resistance. But I knew what I wanted, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I got it. Still, maybe other tactics would help speed along the process.
I stepped closer, my eyes burning into the blonde woman’s face, meeting her eyes with a stern, confident stare. “Obey...” I murmured. “Obey as you feel yourself relaxing more and more, unable to do anything but relax into warm, comforting obedience...”
The words washed over her and she trembled, unable to move away as I stepped closer, her eyes struggling but her body relaxed. I raised one hand and brushed her hair back from her face. It had fallen across her cheeks as she struggled and shook her head, and I tucked it behind one ear.
She shivered at the soft touch of my fingertips, but she never looked away from my dominant gaze.
“Obey...” I whispered. “You know you want to. You know you want to just give in to me. To give yourself up to me...”
Allison blinked slowly, her full lips parted in a soft sigh. “No...” But her voice lacked authority and force.
My other hand rose as I stood before her, gently caressing up her side.
Her lashes fluttered and her eyes were wide.
“Your mouth says no,” I told her, “but your body says yes ... Your mind says yes ... You want to submit... You want to obey...”
“Submit...” she sighed. “Obey...”
I nodded as my hand rose up under her heavy tits, across the soft sweater. “Very good, Allison...”
“Very good...” she mumbled, and then. “Wait ... No ... I...”
My hands cupped her tits, gently massaging and kneading them. I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra, her breasts high and perky on her chest even without the support. I grinned, felt her nipples hard and tight beneath my palms, even through the fabric.
“Ohhh...” Allison sighed softly, her eyes drifting closed.
“That’s right,” I murmured, feeling my body pulsing with strength, my cock slowly awakening between my thighs. Nothing could turn me on any longer like power could, like dominance, like the knowledge that I could do and take whatever I wanted, whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted. “It feels good to relax, feels good to obey, feels good to let yourself go...”
I am the Master. I am the Master of my world. The Master does what he wishes. The Master does what he pleases. The Master deserves to be pleased. I deserve to be pleased.
“Yes...” Allison whispered. “Feels good...”
“Obey...” I said again, my fingers sinking through the fabric and into her glorious tits.
“Obey?” Allison asked. Her voice was soft, and her eyelids flickered up as her blue eyes fastened on mine. They were dull, cloudy, glazing over.
I nodded. “Obey...”
She nodded along, gently. “Obey...” she murmured, shivering with pleasure as I found her nipples through the sweater and tugged, shooting a sudden spark of arousal through her body.
“Again,” I ordered.
“Obey...” Allison repeated, her eyes sliding closed again as her mind went perfectly, blissfully blank.
“Tell me that you will relax and obey.”
“I will...” a momentary hesitation, her lips pausing, and then, “I will relax and obey...”
“Very good.”
“Very good...”
My cock was hard a rock in my slacks, and my eyes flickered to the door. I almost felt entranced as well, entranced by the growing arousal in my body and the circumstances that had allowed me to finally take back power from my bitch boss. I only hesitated a moment before I made the decision, my hands releasing Allison’s luscious breasts as I strode past her to the door.
I turned the lock, made sure that the glass was still grey and opaque.
I spun on my heel and leaned back against the door, admiring Allison from behind. The navy skirt clung to her ass just like I’d imagined, and as I stepped up behind her I began to speak again, rewriting her mind exactly as I wished.
“I want you to repeat after me, and everything you say is absolutely, completely true...”
“Okay...” Allison murmured as my hands slid up her hips, my zipper straining.
“I am your Master.”
“You are my ... Master...”
“And you are my slave.”
“I am your slave...”
The gorgeous blonde knelt at my feet, her sweater a crumpled heap on the floor and her skirt hiked up around her hips. Her pale, lacy panties were pushed aside by the hand that slid slowly in and out of her drenched entrance, her lips parted and wrapped around my cock.
I leaned back against the desk, looking down at my conquest. My body was hot and coiled. I could feel the surging arousal winding through my core, tight and waiting to erupt.
Allison’s lips were plush and perfect around my shaft, her eyes wide and blank as her head bobbed up and down in my lap.
“Who do you belong to?” I murmured, one hand brushing through her short bob of blonde hair.
Her mouth rose off my cock for only a second as she answered, voice low and husky. “You, Master...”
I shivered with pleasure as she leaned forward and continued, her tongue bathing my length. “Who do you obey?”
A momentary pause again as she pulled back. “You, Master...”
I groaned and gently pushed her down again, my eyes rolling up in my head as I sucked in a breath of air. We’d only been at it a couple minutes, but my eyes glanced to the door and I realized I might not have much time. Allison and I never had closed-door meetings, and I didn’t want anyone out in the office to get suspicious.
Though, I thought ruefully, they probably just think she’s in here getting pissed at me about something. I grinned, then shuddered as Allison moaned, the vibrations of her pleasure coursing up my cock and into my core. Couldn’t be further from the truth.
I glanced down. “In a minute,” I said, realizing that without trying I’d once again reverted to following a rough approximation of Mr. Silver Fox’s BDE hypnosis script, “I’m going to bring you out of this obedient, thoughtless trance...” My jaw clenched as my balls tightened and I forced myself back from the edge. My body was coursing with bliss, my muscles flexing in preparation. “But everything that I’ve told you, everything you’ve learned, will remain in place in your mind. Do you understand?”
“Mhmm...” Allison nodded, her mouth never leaving my shaft as she sucked mindlessly.
“When we’re alone, you will call me ‘sir’ or ‘Master’, but around everyone else you’ll treat me as you used to.”
“Mhmm...” My cock pulsed in her mouth and I felt a dribble of cum leak from the tip. Allison groaned softly and leaned forward, swallowing, her throat massaging my length.
Fuck... I groaned but continued. “You will secretly love the fact that you’re so callous and rude with me, and it will turn you on to know that, when we’re alone, I’ll be putting you in your rightful place.”
Allison shivered, her blue eyes rolling back as her hand sped up between her thighs. “Yes, Master...” she moaned, pulling back and letting her free hand wrap around my girth. She began to stroke, up and down, my cock throbbing in her gentle grip.
“Good girl...” I whispered, my rigid manhood threatening to explode at any moment.
“Good girl...” she murmured.
I swallowed, then forced myself to step back and out of her reach. I stared down at the kneeling woman, and the arousal that rose up through my chest was hot and needy. With it was a tiny hint of uncertainty. I’d never really tested, before, whether my commands would stick after a woman was awakened.
With Adrianna, I knew that she wanted to be obedient, wanted to be commanded. I’d never really tested that obedience, hadn’t ordered her to do anything when we weren’t already in the midst of a steamy situation. With Allison ... I’d basically done my best to rewrite her entire perception of me, the whole bitchy personality she displayed whenever we were together. I had no idea if it would work.
Well, I thought. I was going to be fired anyway. And with a final thought of, Fuck it, I said softly, “Allison...”
The woman’s name drifted through the air and through her foggy, clouded mind. She blinked several times, obviously coming up from a very deep trance. Her head shook back and forth, blonde bob swaying around her face, and then she glanced up at me.
I waited with bated breath. My cock was rigid and swaying in front of me, red and needy and wet from her mouth. I was caught with my pants down, literally, and my only hope was that—
“Hey there, Master...” Allison’s lips wrapped lovingly around the words, and when her eyes flicked up into my face they glinted naughtily. Her tongue darted across her mouth, her red lips wet and wanton. “Why’d you stop me?”
I gave an inaudible sigh of relief, stepping forward and offering her my hand. She took it with one of hers, rising to her feet. Then, before I could step back again, her other hand drifted forward and gently wrapped around my cock.
“I...” Now I was the one on my back foot, my words tumbling in disarray through my brain and not wanting to form a complete sentence. “Well...”
Allison leaned forward, her mouth pressing tight to mine as her hand worked up and down my shaft. The kiss was soft and willing, and it left me breathless. The gorgeous woman gently pulled back, her blue eyes smoky with desire. “Want to know a secret?” she whispered, biting her lip.
I nodded, swallowing. My balls were heavy and tight, my manhood straining for release.
My boss leaned forward, blonde hair tracing across my cheek as she murmured into my ear. “You smelled so good yesterday that when I left I felt all hot and bothered. I couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t figure you out. You’ve been so different lately...”
“Have I?” I managed. I gave out a little strangled noise as my arousal spiked, my length growing, somehow, even harder in her hand.
“Mhmm...” Her hand squeezed my cock gently, continued to stroke. “And when I went home after work I couldn’t help myself ... I laid down in bed and spread my legs, dripping wet, playing with myself and thinking ... about ... you...”
“Ohgod...” The thought of my uptight, spiteful boss, playing with herself and fantasizing about me even before I’d used my newfound abilities ... It shot a lightning bolt of lust straight into my core.
“I couldn’t figure out why I did it,” she murmured. “But now I know...”
“Ah...” I replied incoherently, my breath growing faster.
Allison nodded, breath hot on my neck as she kissed my jaw. “Yes ... It was because there was something about you ... You knew something. You knew that no matter how bad I treated you, no matter how disrespectful, you had the power all along...”
I groaned as she spoke, so close to the edge I could practically taste it, but before she could make me cum I pulled back and away. My chest was heaving and I knew my eyes shone with a sheen of desperate, fiery desire.
My boss nodded, glancing between my face and my rock hard manhood. She bit her lip and smiled teasingly, then took a step back and sat on the edge of the desk. “You want me...” she murmured. “Don’t you, Master?”
I nodded mutely, my body thrumming with need.
Luckily, my desk was big enough to contain the three monitors and also my boss as she laid back and pulled her skirt up around her hips, a silent invitation.
I couldn’t hold back, couldn’t show any restraint. With a primal growl I stepped forward and guided myself into Allison’s body in a single thrust. Her body was tight and hot and wanton around me, her inner walls clenching around my shaft and milking me to the edge of my restraint.
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