A Pleasant Surprise
Copyright© 2021 by Risis
Chapter 6
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Tom's world is changed for the better when he's invited home by the hottest girl in school, Ellie Addison. But Ellie has something a little extra, most girls don't. A sweet but incredibly sexy story about a teenage couple exploring together.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Teenagers Consensual Romantic BiSexual Heterosexual Shemale TransGender Fiction Humor School Sharing DomSub FemaleDom Rough Spanking Group Sex White Male White Female White Couple Anal Sex Exhibitionism Facial Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Petting Sex Toys Tit-Fucking Big Breasts Public Sex
Tuesday morning found Tom strolling casually from the school car park down to the school itself. Preoccupied with answering a text from Ellie complaining that she had to catch the bus, he failed to notice the group of five or six of the toughest looking members of the rugby team lounging around the entrance to the school.
When he got to within the last several metres of them, they called out his name and Tom looked up from his phone.
“Oi Edwards! Whatcha think you’re playing at?” Called out their leader, who Tom quickly identified as the captain of the rugby team, Carl Phillips. Carl, who also happened to be Saskia’s boyfriend.
“Morning Carl ... nothing that I’m aware of?” Tom replied as diplomatically as possible. A quick glance to either side told him that there was practically no one around, he was on his own.
“Nothing you’re aware of huh?” Carl asked menacingly as he advanced on Tom. “How about being rude to my girlfriend? She was newrly in tears! You’ve got some nerve Edwards.” Carl’s friends slowly circled around Tom and he quickly found himself to be surrounded.
Tom looked confusedly at Carl, “That’s not the way I remember it Carl, in fac-” Tom began, looking to set the record straight before Carl’s fist came out of nowhere. Tom managed just barely to lean back out of the path of Carl’s right hook, but his retreat was cut short as he thudded into one of Carl’s friends behind him, cutting off any escape.
The rugby player behind him grabbed Tom roughly by the shoulders and held him still. Carl, who looked furious at having his first blow miss, advanced on Tom and swung his powerful fist in an all out blow which connected solidly with the side of Tom’s face. Carl managed to land several more punches before Tom’s legs collapsed and removed him from punching range.
Tom went down heavily, stars clouding his vision as he felt a trickle of blood run from his nose. Vaguely in the distance Tom heard a familiar voice shout from inside the school, “5 on one you cowards, why don’t we even the odds a little?”
As his vision cleared slowly, Tom looked up groggily to see almost the entire basketball team stream out of the school and push their way through to Tom. Tom felt strong hands pull him to his feet and looked up to see Josh’s face looking concernedly at him.
“Woulda got here sooner but I had to round up the team first,” he whispered in Tom’s ear, “Sorry I’m late.”
“I think you made a fairly good dramatic entrance,” Tom murmured. But Carl didn’t seem to be finished with Tom yet.
“We ain’t done here! He was rude to Saskia!” he protested, seeming to ignore the overwhelming odds he was facing.
“Why don’t you try it mate?” Asked a member of the basketball team threateningly but Josh waved them down.
“I think you ought to get your facts straight there Carl, Saskia was the one being rude to us!” Josh retorted, “Going about making Transphobic comments like that, you ought to be ashamed!”
A wave of uncertainty crossed Carl’s features, “Saskia? She- Transphobic? She said you was mocking her about her grades or something?”
But Josh just shook his head, “You punch a guy in the face for a sob story like that? She was making fun of Tom here for dating Ellie Addison.” Again, that wave of uncertainty made its way across Carl’s face and he visibly backed off. Josh turned his attention back down to his friend, “you wanna go inside or home?” he asked.
Just then, a figure burst through the small crowd of basketball players and rushed to Tom’s side, “Tom? What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” Ellie asked in a torrent of questions, looking over his injuried face.
Tom made a weak gesture back towards the school and the retreating forms of Carl and the rugby team, “Carl happened, Josh sorted him out for me though” he said with a weak smile.
Ellie didn’t seem reassured and began pulling a packet of wipes from her bag, dabbing at the blood Tom’s nose. “Let me take you back to mine, you can’t go into school like that, I’ll look after you,” she said soothingly.
Josh nodded and went to help Ellie walk him to the car but Tom waved them off, “It’s okay, he only punched my face, I can walk” he mumbled through swollen lips. Ellie and Josh both looked at him with worry but let him walk back to his car under his own power. Ellie gently took the keys from his hand as Tom unlocked the car and helped him into the passenger seat.
As Tom started to do up his seatbelt, Josh leant in the car window, “I’ll tell the school happened, there were plenty of witnesses, I’m sure they’ll understand you going home” he explained. Tom nodded and gave Josh a thumbs up as Ellie slipped into the driver’s seat and started up Tom’s car.
“You know I’m not THAT hurt” Tom protested as Ellie insisted that he lie down. They’d arrived back at Ellie’s house and she’d immediately began fussing over him, making sure he was comfortable and repeatedly asking if there was anything she could get him. “Really ... it was just my face they punched.”
Ellie pursed her lips angrily, “I’m so sorry ... this is all my fault” she said miserably, “I just never thought ... I mean I can’t believe...” Tom cut her off and pulled her in for a hug.
“None of this is your fault my lovely, it’s just idiots being idiots. I’m sure they’ll get what’s coming to them” Tom said reassuringly, “Besides, if I know Josh at all, Carl and his friends aren’t going to enjoy the next few days.”
Ellie shifted slightly so that she was lying next to him, but refused to let go of Tom for a second, “I just wish people would accept me for me...” she whispered in his ear.
Tom stroked her hair comfortingly and hugged her tight, “Hey there, people do, by and large. I mean, there’s always going to be some idiot with an agenda, but most of the school doesn’t care one way or another.”
Ellie nodded slightly against him and they stayed that way for a long time, simply drawing comfort from being close to one another. After a long moment, Ellie pulled away and sat up slightly, “I know that you don’t blame me at all, but I still feel kinda bad, can I do something for you?” she asked in an unusually small voice.
Tom shook his head but smiled, “As long as I’m allowed to reiterate that you’ve done nothing wrong and that I think you’re perfect, if it’s going to help you feel better - sure gorgeous.”
Ellie seemed to perk up at his acceptance and hopped off the bed to retrieve something from her chest of drawers, “Yay! Okay, so take off your shirt and lie face down on the bed” she said, rummaging around in her drawers.
“And why is that?” he asked somewhat suspiciously, as he started taking off his shirt, gingerly pulling it over his head in an effort to avoid brushing against the bruise on his face.
“I’m going to give you a massage” she said happily, returning with a bottle of massage oil and kneeling next to him on the bed. Her expression creased briefly in a frown before it cleared and she added, “On second thought, you should get rid of your pants as well, I may as well do your whole body”
“You sure this isn’t just a thinly veiled pretext to get me naked?” he asked teasingly, undoing his belt and kicking off his pants.
Ellie looked down at him with mock outrage, “Thomas Edwards, the mere suggestion that I would do anything so unprofessional is deeply offensive, I’m a humble masseuse with no designs on your fantastic cock” she retorted, turning her nose up at him. Tom just laughed, finally clear of his clothes with the exception of his underwear and lying back down on his chest. “Just try and relax, enjoy yourself” she continued in a much more soothing voice.
Ellie gently straddled Tom and began pressing her fingertips into the muscles of his shoulders. Ellie smiled as Tom let out a deep sigh, “That’s actually really nice ... I’ve never had a massage before” Tom admitted as Ellie began skillfully probing the muscles of Tom’s back, releasing tension the whole way down his back. “You’re really good at this” he murmured happily as Ellie worked.
“Thanks, we can do this anytime you like” she said softly, working her hands back up to his shoulders. “I kinda enjoy it.” Tom responded with a soft “Mmmmm” into the pillow as he let himself relax completely under Ellie’s ministrations.
After a while, Tom felt Ellie’s weight shift above him and she began working on his leg muscles with long strokes of her palms, until he was completely relaxed. Once again, Tom felt Ellie shift until she was kneeling above him, “Why don’t you turn over?” she asked softly, gently tugging at one of his arms to give him a hand. Tom flipped over obediently and Ellie leant down to give him a brief but passionate kiss, “That was just for me” she murmured smiling, before slowly working her hands into the muscles on his chest. Tom closed his eyes contentedly as Ellie worked her magic on him.
Working slowly, Ellie worked her way down his front until she eventually reached the waistband of her underwear. Before Tom realised what she was doing, Ellie had slipped his cock out of his underwear and started stroking it too, watching happily as it swelled in her grasp. “You know the penis is a muscle too” she murmured as she worked his cock.
Tom gasped at the unexpected, but pleasurable sensation,”Couldn’t resist huh?” Tom asked with a laugh.
“Something like that” Ellie replied with a wink, as she moved down the bed to bring her mouth level with his now hard cock and with a casual grace, eased Tom’s dick down her throat.
Tom’s eyes widened and he moaned in pleasure and surprise as he suddenly felt the wonderful sensation of Ellie’s mouth sliding down his shaft and almost instinctively placed a hand on the back of her head, holding her there.
“Jesus, I don’t think I’m going to get used to this anytime soon” Tom moaned, as Ellie began bobbing up and down, taking his cock a little deeper down her throat with every motion of her head. Ellie gave him another wink and stared up at him, making eye contact as she slowly forced herself to take the whole of his cock down her throat, her lips pressed firmly against the base of his shaft.
Tom threw back his head and moaned loudly as waves of pleasure surged through his body, “Fuck Ellie, keep this up and I’m going to cum” he muttered as she began doing just that, letting his dick slip almost all the way out of her mouth before sliding back down quickly, increasing her pace until Tom’s legs began to twitch.
“Fuckk, I’m close, pl-please don’t stop” he murmured before his orgasm suddenly hit him and he erupted in Ellie’s mouth, shooting his load straight down her throat. Ellie’s eyes bulged slightly as Tom’s cock just wouldn’t stop, eventually forcing her to gag slightly and allow a dribble of cum to leak from the corner of her mouth.
“You okay?” Tom asked concernedly, but Ellie waved reassuringly as she swallowed and wiped the cum from her chin.
“Yeah yeah, No I’m good I’m just still not used to the amount you cum” she said with a laugh, ‘It’s a fucking lot.”
Tom blushed and ran a hand through his hair self consciously, ‘Sorry! I didn’t mean-” but was cut off as Ellie quickly moved up to lay against his side and kiss him.
“It’s not a bad thing, I take it as a challenge” she whispered fervently between kisses, before pulling back and laying comfortably against him, “You’re perfect” she murmured.
“Nah, that’s you” Tom replied, but she just nuzzled into his side.
“Let’s just agree to disagree” she said and they both smiled.
Tom woke slightly dazed, taking in his surroundings and Ellie curled up against him. “Must have dozed off” he murmured sleepily to himself, glancing over at the clock on the wall. Seeing that it was the afternoon already, he gently woke Ellie.
“Hey sleepyhead” he whispered, giving her a gentle nudge. Ellie came awake slowly, stretching out her arms and legs, inadvertently pressing her boobs up against Tom’s chest.
Ellie looked over at the wall and then back to Tom, “Wow we napped hard” she said with a giggle.
“Well, I was so relaxed after that massage and ... happy ending, I’m not surprised I dozed off.”
Ellie smiled contentedly snuggling up against Tom, “I did pretty good huh?” she said a touch smugly and Tom laughed.
“You did great TBB” he replied, enjoying the feeling of her pressed up against him.
“You should probably get back home soon ... but um, before you go...” Ellie trailed off, looking into Tom’s eyes. In answer to her unasked question, Tom pulled Ellie in tight and kissed her. Ellie responded instantly, kissing back fiercely, putting her free hand on the back of his neck.
Tom broke their kiss and shifted slightly to gain access to Ellie’s neck, kissing down her cheek as he went. As he kissed down her neck, Tom’s hands wandered freely over her chest, gradually undoing the buttons until he had access to her bra. Arching her back as he removed her blouse, Ellie undid the clasp at her back and shrugged out of both her blouse and bra, spilling her large tits out and earning an approving look from Tom.
As he made his way back up her neck, Ellie took his free hand and closed it gently around her neck. A little surprised, Tom squeezed tentatively and Ellie moaned appreciatively, “I’ll tap if I need you to stop” she murmured and he chuckled as he felt her cock start to harden from underneath her skirt.
“Oh you want that do you?” he asked, taking a firmer grip around Ellie’s neck and squeezing. Ellie made a soft choking noise as he leant in and whispered in her ear, “Jerk off for me.” Ellie complied, quickly undoing her skirt, and stroking her cock enthusiastically. Tom increased the pressure around her neck slightly and bit gently into Ellie’s neck, leaving a hickey behind. “All mine” Tom murmured to himself.
Tom released his grip on Ellie’s neck briefly and she took a deep lungful of air, “All yours” she answered, gasping as Tom reapplied the pressure around her neck, cutting off her air again. Ellie stroked her cock faster and faster and Tom could feel her starting to twitch against him as she started to near her orgasm. “I- I’m g-” Ellie stuttered and Tom tightened his grip around her neck, so that as Ellie came, spraying cum all over the both of them.
As her orgasm subsided Tom released his grip on her neck and she sucked in air gratefully, “Oh god” she muttered, breathing deeply, “Oh my god.”
“You okay?” Tom asked concernedly for the second time that day, “I was worried I was a little hard on your neck...”
But Ellie shook her head vehemently, rolling slightly so that she was draped across him affectionately, “No babe, that was fantastic” she murmured, “Didn’t you notice how fucking quick I came? I’m just- a little light headed” she explained, smiling across at him.
“Okay good,” Tom replied, smiling back, “I think I’ve found another thing you like.”
Ellie grinned back at him, “Me too” she said, giving him a squeeze, “As much as I’d love to keep this up, you should get home and see your Mum, plus my Dad will be home soon too” she said, slowly stretching out in preparedness to getting up.
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