A Pleasant Surprise - Cover

A Pleasant Surprise

Copyright© 2021 by Risis

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Tom's world is changed for the better when he's invited home by the hottest girl in school, Ellie Addison. But Ellie has something a little extra, most girls don't. A sweet but incredibly sexy story about a teenage couple exploring together.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Shemale   TransGender   Fiction   Humor   School   Sharing   DomSub   FemaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   White Couple   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Facial   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts   Public Sex  

After enjoying themselves in the tub until their skin started to wrinkle from the water, Ellie and Tom washed themselves properly before drying off and pulled on some pyjamas. Together they retired to Ellie’s bedroom and by mutual unspoken agreement, curled up together on her bed... “So I was thinking,” Ellie began, but Tom cut in, “Always a dangerous prospect,” he said with a grin.

Ellie punched him playfully in the arm, “Okay so someone’s getting sassy again. Maybe I should give you another pounding, you seemed to actually shut up for a minute when you were taking it up the ass” she taunted.

Tom blushed and shifted his weight slightly, leaning to one side. “Mmm okay, I’ll be good ... My poor ass needs a break.”

“Good, now as I was saying, I was thinking-” Ellie said, pausing dramatically and giving Tom a pointed look, “My dad, he gets back into town Sunday afternoon.”

Tom nodded, “Uh-huh, so no fucking after midday tomorrow” said with a grin.

Ellie shot him another look, but pressed on, “I was wondering if you wanted to meet him?” Tom paled somewhat, but after a moment’s thought nodded again.

“I mean, it can’t be too bad right? Has he ever met anyone you’ve been seeing before?” Tom asked.

Ellie shook her head, then opened her mouth as if to speak before pausing, “Actually ... well, yes, once ... but they met under less than ideal conditions” Ellie said, trailing off slightly towards the end.

“Less than ideal?” Tom asked with a curious look. Ellie blushed and seemed reluctant to answer.

“Um ... well, we weren’t really seeing each other, more a friends with benefits kinda thing, but- you know Tiffany Spooks? Red hair, wears those cute metal framed glasses, kinda on the short side-”

“Amazing ass” they finished in unison, bursting out laughing.

“Yeah her, well my Dad walked in on us and we ... well I was railing her” Ellie said in a rush, her face bright red with embarrassment.

“Tiffany Spooks? For real? She’s ... I never would have guessed. She’s normally so reserved.” Tom said, stumbling over his words a touch.

“Oh she is, but my god she’s a freak in the bedroom” Ellie said with a giggle, “Not my place to say exactly how, but that girl is kinky” Ellie remarked. Before shaking her head, “ANYWAY, we got off track, but should I ask him if he’s free to have dinner or something?”

Tom nodded, a touch more confidently this time. “Well, whatever I do, it can’t be as bad as whatever Tiffany went through, sure thing.”

Ellie wrapped her arms around him, “Yay! I know it’s a little scary, but you’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll be there the whole time.”

Tom hugged her back, “Long as you’re there, I know I’ll be okay.”

They pulled apart as Ellie’s phone buzzed, she scooped it up and looked at the caller-ID, “Oh, it’s Lucy ... You mind if I?...”

Tom shook his head, “Nah, you answer that, I’m going to reheat some pizza” he said, rising to his feet, “Getting, how did you put it? ‘Pounded?’ Made me pretty hungry.”

Ellie rolled her eyes at him as she answered the phone, “Hey Luce, What’s up?” Tom heard her ask as he closed the door behind him and headed to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Ellie joined him at the kitchen bench, stealing a slice of his pizza. “That was Lucy, she was checking to see if I was free, but I told her I was busy” she said before taking a bite.

“You’re busy? What with?” Tom asked confusedly.

“Hanging out with you of course!” she said, nudging him in the side, “I’m not just going to ditch you for Lucy, I mean she was just bored and wanted to see if we could hang out.”

Tom took the final slice which earned him a glare from Ellie, “I mean, now I feel bad ... I don’t want to keep you from your friends.”

“Well, I could always invite her over?” Ellie suggested, eyeing the now empty plate with a touch of remorse. “We’d have to get dressed, but Lucy’s always asking me to help improve her video game literacy. We could have fun beating the crap out of her for a few?”

“Solves both problems” Tom agreed, taking the hint and retrieving a few extra slices of pizza from the fridge to reheat.

Ellie smiled, “Great! I’ll text her!” she said, heading back to her room to do just that. When she returned, she had changed out her pyjamas and was wearing a skin tight black singlet top tucked into high waisted skinny jeans, all of which showed off her assets to their full potential. Tom took up a place opposite the kitchen bench and slid the plate of pizza towards her as she took a seat. “Have I ever mentioned you’re perfect?” she asked, attacking the first slice.

“It’s come up,” Tom mumbled, blushing slightly.

“Well, you are” she mumbled amidst a mouth full of food, “Also ... something I should probably tell you, leads into something we should probably discuss” Ellie said, gesturing with her pizza.

“Is this a serious topic? Because I can’t take you seriously when you’re waving pizza around like that” Tom said with a smirk.

Ellie took a bite out of the pizza before replacing it on the plate. “Valid point” she admitted with a smile, before continuing, “Okay ... so over the course of various parties ... dares ... getting drunk etc, I’ve been ... intimate in some form or another with all of my friends ... Some I’ve gone further with than others, but we’ve all made out at the very least” she explained.

Tom nodded, “I mean, I can’t say I’m terribly surprised, if you don’t mind my saying so, your friends are really hot, I appreciate the heads up though” he added.

Ellie smiled, “I didn’t think you’d mind, but there’s more” she said, “Before we started dating, Lucy and I had a sort of ... friends with benefits thing going on. But I’ve let her know since we’re dating that she and her are back to being just friends and she’s totally cool and understands”

Tom nodded, but a confused expression crossed his features briefly, “When she called just now, she wasn’t trying to...”

“Bootycall? No no, not at all” Ellie said, shaking her head, “Lucy understands boundaries pretty well. But I thought I ought to let you know cause I figure you have the right to know” Ellie explained.

“I mean, I’m glad I heard it from you, yes” Tom said, “I might have been a little shocked hearing it from someone else.”

Ellie nodded and took another slice of pizza, “I figured as much, but this topic of conversation brings me vaguely into territory we haven’t discussed before, ie: exclusivity” she said, making a visible effort not to make hand gestures with the pizza she was holding.

“I ... well, that’s not something I’m super familiar with ... I’ve not had...” Tom blushed, “I’ve not been in a ton of relationships, I just assumed we were exclusive when you asked me to be your boyfriend...” Tom trailed off.

Ellie smiled reassuringly, “Well that was the implication yeah, and I want you to know ... I kinda consider this to be pretty serious ... I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but I really think there might be something in this” As Ellie spoke, she stretched out her hands towards Tom, who took them in his with a smile.

“I tend to think along similar lines” he said, his gaze briefly caught up in her deep blue eyes.

“Good, anyway” she continued squeezing his hands, “As I was saying, you are my focus, obviously, but now is as good a time as any to ask what your feelings are about the concept of ... well, other people being involved.”

Tom took a long moment to consider his answer, and Ellie let him have it, waiting patiently, hands in his with a smile on her face. “I think I know what I want to say, but do you mind if I ask your opinion first?”

Ellie smiled, “Of course, I’ve thought about this a bit and what I’m fairly certain what I’m comfortable with is a hall pass agreement. Anything goes, so long as it involves prior agreement and I mean private prior agreement” Ellie explained.

Tom cocked his head to one side with a puzzled expression, “Can you clarify that slightly? I think I’m following you but I suppose, with this kind of thing I really want to be sure.”

“Absolutely,” Ellie said with a smile, “Okay so for example, we’re at a party, you think a girl’s flirting with you and you’re interested. You come find me, we discuss, we come to a mutual agreement, we go from there” Ellie said, with particular stress on the word mutual. “Or ... I don’t know, a girl hits on me at school, she asks if we’re interested in a threesome, I call you and again, we discuss and come to a mutual agreement before I tell her anything.”

Tom nodded thoughtfully, “I get what you mean now, basically you don’t mind what I do, so long as you we get to discuss and you have the right to potentially say no, in private, to whatever it is that happens. Basically, you want to give informed consent.”

Ellie grinned and made a big hand gesture with one hand, “Exactly! Exactly right, now how about you?” she asked, resting her head in her two palms, her elbows leaning against the counter.

“I think I more or less agree with what you said...” Tom said slowly, pausing to gather his thoughts, “However, to begin with ... would it be too much to ask if we only did things together? I mean, if someone else where to be involved, we both be there?”

Ellie nodded immediately, “Of course, it’s a mutual agreement, we only do things we’re both comfortable with.” A thought seemed to strike Ellie suddenly, “Also, something else I should tell you about Lucy-” she was suddenly cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. “She lives really close by...” Ellie finished with an apologetic expression.

Tom laughed as he rose to his feet, “Did you time that? That was amazing. I’ll go get dressed” he called over his shoulder, heading back to Ellie’s bedroom.

By the time he’d finished changing into a fresh t-shirt and jeans, he could hear Ellie and Lucy in the kitchen. Tom made his way back down the hall towards them and, she moved to meet him in the doorway to the kitchen. Lucy was dressed in a short, tight, black minidress underneath a grey cut off sweater and a pair of long black boots which rose to just below her knees. Her short black hair was currently loose, framing her pale features and a patterned lace choker adorned her neck. All this Tom took in rather rapidly for as soon as he entered the kitchen he was accosted by Lucy.

“Dude! You did not have to give up your afternoon with your girlfriend just because I was bored!” she said as she approached him, “What were you thinking?”

“Firstly, technically I didn’t. I’m just sharing it” he began, “Secondly, I mean, we didn’t really get much of a chance to talk at lunch the other day and I thought it’d be good to get to know some of Ellie’s friends a bit better” he explained. Sensing that attack might be his best form of defence with Lucy, he continued, “Besides, I wasn’t aware we were going clubbing” he said, gesturing to the outfit she was wearing, “Who wears that outfit to a casual hangout?” he asked.

Lucy opened her mouth to reply and then shut it again without saying anything. Ellie chose this moment to join them from the kitchen, “My my, I think you’ve broken her Tom” she said with a smile as Lucy whirled to face her, “Lucy always gets the last word. Anyway, I wouldn’t worry too much about the outfit, it’s hot and I like it.”

“You do look good” Tom agreed, gesturing concedingly to Ellie.

Lucy fixed Tom with a piercing look before a smile spread slowly across her features. “I know you said he always manages to say the right thing, but that’s just ridiculous.” she said finally. “Come here you” she said, holding out her arms and pulling Tom in for a hug. Tom was glad for the sweater, although she wasn’t as tall as Ellie, Lucy still had a couple of inches on Tom and he suspected he would have had his work cut out for himself not ogling Lucy’s considerable cleavage if not for the sweater.

“Awww I think she likes you” Ellie said with a giggle as Lucy released him.

Lucy shot a glare Ellie’s way, “I will tolerate that one comment because your boyfriend was nice, watch yourself Addison” she said warningly.

“Didn’t I basically diss you?” Tom asked, somewhat confusedly running a hand through his hair.

Lucy nodded, “That’s nice for me, now come on nerds” she said, grabbing them both by the arm and pulling them slightly off balance towards Ellie’s room, “I have video games to learn.”

“I resent that” Ellie mumbled as she regained her balance but allowed herself to be led by Lucy.

Lucy smirked over her shoulder, “Resent away Ells, you’re almost as bad as Ashley sometimes.” Ellie scowled at Lucy’s back, but Tom could tell her heart wasn’t in it. Together they made their way back to Ellie’s room, Tom and Ellie started setting up the game while Lucy lounged on the bed. “Now remember you’re teaching, not playing, so you have to let me win heaps,” Lucy said with a lopsided grin.

With their heads together setting up the screen so they could see from the bed, Tom whispered quietly to Ellie, “We’re going to crush her right?”

Ellie gave him a wicked grin, “Oh absolutely yes.”

Despite never coming anywhere even slightly close to winning, even a little bit, Lucy declared that she was improving after about half an hour and Tom and Ellie both burst out laughing.

“Lucy, darling, playing against you is making me worse” Ellie said, only slightly jokingly and when Lucy looked across at Tom indignantly for confirmation, he could only shrug.

“I’m claiming the moral victory then” Lucy said, causing Tom and Ellie to erupt in another round of laughter.

“That, is so funny that I need the bathroom” Ellie said, gradually gaining control of her laughter as she rose to leave the room, “Back in a sec.”

Lucy smiled across at Tom as Ellie left, “She’s really something isn’t she?” she asked quietly.

“You can say that again” Tom said, nodding in agreement.

“Listen, I know you guys have only been dating a little while,” she began somewhat awkwardly, “But I thought I should let you know ... Ellie and I ... before you guys went out, we-”

Recognition dawned in Tom’s eyes and he but in, “Oh the friends with benefit thing? Ellie told me about that, it’s all cool” he said reassuringly.

Visible relief passed across face and she smiled, “Thank god, I’m still not sure how I was going to phrase that” she said, blushing slightly. After a moment’s pause, Lucy leaned in conspiratorially, “Have you guys? ... like- done stuff yet?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper. Now it was Tom’s turn to blush as he nodded, “How amazing is she in bed?” Lucy asked with a grin.

Unable to help himself, Tom grinned back, “Fucking amazing right?” he said with a laugh.

Lucy nodded, straightening up and pulling out her phone, “I’m honestly a touch jealous, but it’s overruled by how happy I am that she found someone like you” she said, typing away. “You seem like a good guy. I’m sure Jess has already threatened you, but I’m approaching it from a different angle” she explained matter of factly looking up from her phone, “Fuck it up and imagine what you’ll be missing out on” she said as Ellie returned.

“Who’s missing out?” she asked, making her way back towards the bed.

“Me apparently, we’re been comparing notes” Lucy said with a smirk.

Ellie rolled her eyes, “God I was gone for like two minutes at most!” she exclaimed, putting her hands over her face, “You’re a nightmare Luce”

“Maybe, but I’m a good nightmare” she said with a smile, “Anyway, could we possibly get back to teaching me how not to suck at this game?” Lucy asked with an uncharacteristic whine, “I do actually want to learn something and not just get beat up.”

Ellie sat back down heavily, “Fine, but you had the first asswhooping coming” she said with a tone of finality and began actually giving some tips to Lucy as they played, with Tom chipping in now and then with advice or clarification.

After a few more rounds, Lucy was actually beginning to show some signs of improvement when Tom excused himself to go to the bathroom. On his way back, he was about to re-enter Ellie’s room when the door opened and Ellie slipped out.

“Hey so you know that conversation we had like less than an hour ago?” Ellie asked quietly, before showing Tom her phone. On the screen was a text from Lucy.

-L: So ... Have you two had the exclusivity talk yet? ... Asking for a friend.

Tom swallowed nervously, “What’re you asking?” he said eventually.

“No doubt about it, Lucy’s interested in a threesome,” Ellie said. “I’m asking if you want to try something new” Ellie asked him, “Lucy’s a friend, I trust her and she’s good with boundaries” she explained, “If you tell her you’re only comfortable kissing, she’s going to give you the best goddamn kiss she can, but she’s going to stop there. You can go as far as you want, or you can stop as soon as you feel uncomfortable” she explained.

Tom ran a hand through his hair and came to a decision, “If you’re game, I’m game ... but, can we take it really slowly? Just fooling around, no promises on anything else” he asked nervously.

Ellie put a hand on his cheek and pulled him in close, “Of course babe, anything you like” she said, planting a soft kiss on his lips, before opening the door leading him inside.

Lucy was seated on the edge of Ellie’s bed with one leg crossed over the other and an amused expression on her face, “Three things. One, You two are absolutely adorable. Two, either your door is like, anti sound-proof, or you two are super bad at being quiet. And three, rude of you to assume I automatically want a threesome and, although it was rude of you, you were 100% right.” she finished with a shrug, rising to her feet.

“You heard that whole thing?” Tom asked, cringing slightly.

Lucy smiled reassuringly, “Whole thing I’m afraid, and your hot ass girlfriend over here is absolutely correct, I won’t put a pinkie out of line” she said, raising her pinkie finger as if to exemplify the point. She walked confidently towards Tom until she was standing a few inches apart from him.

“You okay with this Ellie?” she asked softly.

Ellie nodded, “You know I trust you Luce, just be gentle with him, he’s nervous.”

“Of course Ells” Lucy replied with a smile. Placing an arm gently around Tom’s waist with her hand resting on the small of his back, she looked down at Tom. “Now Tom, would you want me to kiss you now?” she asked quietly, but with an edge of firmness to her voice.

Tom swallowed again nervously and nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Lucy grinned at him and with the hand on the small of his back, pulled him firmly against her, causing him to stumble slightly as he was pressed up against her. “Don’t worry,” she whispered to him softly, placing her other hand under his chin, tilting his head up gently, “I gotcha.” With that, she gently shifted the hand on his chin to cup his cheek as she leant in and brushed her lips tantalisingly across his. Almost reflexively, Tom tilted his head to try and make contact but the hand on his cheek slipped round the back of his head to take a handful of his hair, keeping his head still, his lips barely a centimeter from Lucy’s. “I asked if you wanted me to kiss you, not the other way around” Lucy said in a barely audible whisper as Tom gazed up into her eyes.

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