A Dumb Bet - Cover

A Dumb Bet

by thecsm

Copyright© 2025 by thecsm

Incest Sex Story: Three MILF Teachers make a bet with neighbor. Neighbors' son and one of the teachers son, gets in on the bet. The three MILF teachers lose bet. While teachers are paying off the bet. Things get out of control.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Reluctant   Lesbian   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   .

The neighborhood we live into is a well establish. All of the neighbors get along. we have this one neighbor Henry Miller, He’s single with this teenage son lives a few doors down from us. They both are very friendly. The men in the neighborhood hang out at his place. He has a pool table in his garage, with a small bar. Good place for the guys to hangout a talk trash. Plus, it’s a good place for the husbands to get away from their wives.

I’ve overheard mom and her friends talk about Mr. Miller. Guess to keep it short he is a real lady’s man. I know he is always flirting with the ladies in the neighborhood. He’s six foot two with broad shoulders. He’s built like a football player. He has long black wavy hair. I know he’s always joking about being part of the horsemen club. He works out with his son Ken Miller who looks just like his dad. Not sure what happen to Mrs. Miller. Ken is two years older than I. We get along but we’re not close friends.

My name is Danny Cotter I just turned 14 last month. I will be a freshman in high school when school starts. I’m five feet nine inches and still growing. I’m in great shape for my age. I’m not sure if I’m going out for any sports. I have a weight set I work out with about three times a week. Sometimes my best friend Luke Litton will lift weights with me. He’s the same height as me. He’s 14 also. We’ve been best friends forever it seems like. If you see one of us the other isn’t too far behind.

Luke likes to hang out at my house. Mainly because he has a crush on my mom. Mom knows that Luke has a crush on her. We both are infatuated with mom and her two close friends. We love checking them out, I’m sure the three women know also. They don’t say anything about it. Luke keeps telling me how lucky I am by have a MILF for a mom. I know she’s gorgeous, but to me she’s just mom.

Unfortunately, mom (Penny Cotter) and her two friends (Katie Collins, Judy Frye) are teachers at the same high school that I will attending. Since I’m talking about mom, and her friends guess I should describe them now. Might as well start with mom. Penny or Pen as her close friends call her. She’s thirty-seven, she tries to go to the gym at least four days a week with her friends. She’s not just Luke’s fantasy; I notice men are always glancing in her direction. A lot of the men when they think no one is around. I’ve heard a few of them hitting on her.

Mom looks her age. She’s 5’5”, 135 pounds, with black hair which hangs just past her shoulders, hazel eyes. She exercises as often as possible, which in turn has given her well-tone legs with a great waist. She still has a little bite of a belly. She complains all the time about it didn’t matter how much she workout she just couldn’t get rid of it, keeping her from having a flat stomach.

Luke is always telling me about her great rack. Sometimes he goes too far telling me how he would love to play with her tits. I have to admit she has a nice rack; she wears a 36C bra. I find myself watching them bounce as she walks. I also like watching her ass sway when she walks in front of me. I can’t blame Luke for admiring her.

Katie Collins is a few years younger than mom. She’s also married with two young kids. Luke and I both think she is one hot MILF teacher. Her long, wavy blond hair falls down her back, past her shoulder blades. She stands about five feet five inches with a very impressive figure. What can I say she’s a beautiful woman. She works out with mom. As far as I can tell there’s no fat on her. I would say she is built like a brick house. She always showing off her long, fit muscular legs. Particularly eye-catching is her cleavage. It’s hard some days not to stare at her because of her impressive breasts. I can’t help but have fantasies about being with her.

Judy Frye is also younger than mom. She is married with two young kids also. She has long red hair, normally tied up in a ponytail. She wears clothes that always show off her hot figure. She very cute, I enjoy checking out her sexy hot body. She’s always friendly with Luke and me. I find myself going out of my way to talk with her. She seems to clearly enjoy our talks.

The biggest thing in these three ladies’ friendship is after they met. They found out they all went to the same high school. Just graduating a few years apart from each other. Even though they teach at our high school they root for the school they graduated from. They still rooted for the school’s teams they teach at. The big problem arises when the two schools play each other. The ladies have made some bets on the outcome. Nothing big, they don’t bet money. They usually make a bet to do something embarrassing.

It’s a Saturday in July and we are having a BBQ. Mom invited her two friends. Dad always invites the Millers. Mom friends arrive at the house early to help her. Dad is out in the back yard getting the grill fire up. Katie and Judy’s husbands (Wes Collins and Jason Frye) are also out in the back yard talking with Dad. Luke and I are also outside.

The ladies join us men in the backyard. They are sitting at the picnic table talking. Mr. Miller and his son come thru the back gate joining us. First Mr. Miller stops by the ladies talking to them in a low voice. Ken joins Luke and I. Nobody is really paying attention to Mr. Miller and the ladies. We all knew he’s most likely flirting with them.

All of a sudden Mrs. Collins in a voice louder then she probably wanted but we all heard what she said: “Just stop!! You can be such an arrogant prick sometimes. If you haven’t figured it out yet. We don’t care about how big your package is or that you’re a member of the horsemen club, Henry Miller!! I don’t get turn on that way asshole.” Dad and the other two men laugh.

Mrs. Frye: “You’ve been telling us about your package for a long time now. We don’t care!”

Mom: “Henry you need to stop. We don’t mind the flirting. We’re glad you’re proud of your junk, but enough is enough.”

Mr. Miller laugh as he whispers something else. With annoyance in her voice, mom still with a raised voice: “There is no reasoning with you. You are just too thick headed to reason with.”

Mr. Miller: “I really want to prove you ladies wrong. Let me show you once, and if it doesn’t do anything for you, I’ll leave you alone.”

Mrs. Collins: “You can be such a Neanderthal and very obnoxious sometimes.”

Mr. Miller: “You’re right. Sorry.” He’s definitely embarrassed as he heads over to where dad and the other three men are.

Mr. Collins: “You had to know that was coming Henry.”

Mr. Miller: “Guess I should have.”

Mr. Frye: “Maybe a lot of women are empress with the size of your package. But these three ladies are happily married. How long have you been trying to get there pants now?”

Mr. Miller: “I really haven’t been trying to get into their pants. But you’re right I do tell women about my size. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Guess I forget how many times I’ve been bragging about it. I’ll apologize to them later.”

Dad: “Just stop bragging or you might get yourself barred from coming over here.”

School started. High school not as bad as I thought it might be. Of course, football season has also started. Nobody other than Luke and Ken knew Mrs. Cotter is my mom. I overhear the guys talking about the hot MILF teacher Mrs. Cotter. from time to time. They also talk about Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Frye. I just smile as I listen to them talking about mom. I start to look at her as more than just my mother.

This weekend we were having another BBQ. Dad: “I’ve invited Henry again. He has two friends over at the house. He wants to know if he can bring over them over. If not, he won’t be here. Plus, his son has a friend over.”

Mom: “More the merrier. Since we got on to him at the last BBQ, he has tamed down his flirting. I know we talked about it before, but you don’t mind his flirting, do you?”

Dad: “No, not as long as that is all, flirting!”

Mom: “You know that’s all it is.”

Ken came over with his friend Adam. I’ve seen Adam around. Like Ken he’s two years ahead of me. Adam plays on the football team. He’s a big kid with big hands. He’s on the ugly side but being a football player, he gets a lot of dates.

Mr. Miller walks in the gate with two of his friends. They weren’t as big as Mr. Miller but they sure weren’t small. As Mr. Miller gets more into the backyard: “Let me introduce these two lugs. The one on my right is Ryan High and the one on my left is Chris Walker.” Everyone gathers around the newcomers to make sure they felt welcome.

Knowing mom and her friends how much they root for their alumni school, Mr. Miller: “Hey Adam, I thought you guys would be practicing for the big game next week?”

Adam: “Coach told us to enjoy our weekend. It should be a push over.”

Mom: “A push over really. I don’t think so. You’ll be going up against the best high school team in the state.”

Adam: “Not this year. Last year your team was mostly seniors. We almost beat you last year. Not to be rude but they are not a powerhouse this year. We’ll walk all over them. That’s right we will win this year”

Mrs. Collins: “I think you got that all wrong young man.”

Mr. Miller jumps in: “Hold on let’s not argue about it.”

Mrs. Frye: “I know my old high school will win.”

Adam: “I would bet you, but I can’t, being I’m on the team.”

Mr. Miller: “I’m not on the team. I’m going to take Adams word, and I’ll bet on the home team. Raise your hand if you’re on my side.”

Dad: “Leave me out of this.”

Mr. Collins: “Yeah leave me out of this.”

Mr. Frye: “I’m not betting against my wife so leave me out of this also.”

The rest of us guys all raise our hands. Mom looks over at me: “You’re not on my side?”

Me: “No mom. I have to take the home team.”

Mr. Miller: “How much should we bet?”

Mom: “One we cannot bet with students from the school. Two we’re not betting for money.”

Mr. Miller: “Since your husbands don’t want any part of this friendly bet. Let’s go over here and discuss it.”

Mr. Miller, his two friends, mom and her two friends walk to the back of the yard. I watch them talk. There is a lot of head shanking, laughing and everyone is smiling as they talk. Dad and the other two husbands talking among themselves. I hear Mr. Collins: “Wonder what they’re going to bet.”

Mr. Frye: “You know they always bet the loser has to do some embarrassing act.”

Dad: “I really don’t want to know.”

Of course, us guys are talking also. Ken: “I sure wish we were involved somehow.”

Adam: “Yeah, since they’re not betting money maybe I can get in on the bet also.”

Luke: “I think it would be fun. Even if we loss.”

Adam: “I assure you we’re not losing.”

Me: “Luke is right it would be fun.”

Mr. Miller looking at us: “You four guys want to be part of this bet?”

Ken: “Yes sir!!” The three men and ladies go back to talking. Us guys move over to where the six adults are talking. We wanted to hear more of what they were discussing.

Mr. Miller see us getting closer: “You four can you put two hundred dollars into the pot?”

Ken: “I thought we weren’t betting money?”

Mr. Miller: “Just answer the question.”

Ken; “Yes”

Luke: “Yes.”

Me: “Yes.”

Adam: “Yes, but I’m not sure if I can make a bet.”

Mr. Miller: “As long as no one says anything. I don’t see a problem.”

Mom: “Let me get this straight If you lose, you’re going to give us $3,800 hundred dollars. If we lose, we have to strip and run around you guys’ nude for a whole weekend.”

Mr. Miller: “Correct, you’ll be nude from 6 pm on a Friday until 9 pm on a Sunday.”

Mom: “You really want me to strip and run around nude for a whole weekend in front of my son.”

Mr. Miller: “I can’t think of anything more embarrassing than that for you. For Katie and Judy, the embarrassment is doing in front of students. Well, that would also be embarrassing for you.”

Katie: “Look at it this way Penny. Our team always wins. We’ll be 3800 hundred dollars up.”

Mr. Miller: “Tell you what. I’ll make it 3900 hundred dollars. That way you each walk away with 1300 dollars if you win.”

Katie: “I’m in. That’s a good chunk of money”

Judy: “I’m in. We need to make sure our husbands don’t find out what the bet is.”

Mom: “I’m still thinking. We’re going to have to tell our husbands something. We’ll be gone for a weekend. I really don’t know about running around nude in front of Danny. As Katie said that’s a good chunk of money. What the hell I’m in. The odds are we’re going to win.”

The women start talking among themselves with us guys listening. Katie: ““You’re right Penny we have to tell our husbands something. We don’t have to tell them what the stakes are.”

Mom: “I know I’ve agreed to the bet. I’m still nervous Danny is also betting. We better win or this will be so embarrassing.”

Judy: ““I know we can get into big trouble doing this. Not just with our husbands but with the school. But what the hell that’s what makes this year’s bet so exciting.”

Katie: ““So what if your son is involved. We’re going to win! I agree it’s dangerous but it’s exciting as hell.”

Judy: “What if we lose!”

Mom: “We all know we’ll win. Our alumna school team always beats us. It’s been years since we last lost. But just in case we lose we have to be willing to pay off the bet. Just like we’ll expect the boys to pay off.”

Mom: “No, we’re going to win. If we do lose, well it will be the most embarrassing bet I’ve ever made. I rather not tell anyone. I Just want to keep it quiet.”

Katie: “We need some rules though. No offense guys, even though there’s no way you are going to win. I just want to make sure you know that. If you want to back out now is the time.” All of us guys had to good laugh.

Mr. Miller: “Okay what kind of rules do you ladies want.”

Katie: “1st rule is easy - no one outside of our little group will know about this.” We all agreed, we don’t want any of the sexy teachers getting into any kind of trouble over our little bet.

“2nd rule - no cameras or cell phones.” Everyone nodded with that.

Mr. High: “3rd rule - After stripping the ladies will move around, so each of us men can get a good review of their body. All discarded clothes will be put into a single laundry basket. No one is allowed access until the bet is fully paid off.” The three women all agree.

Mr. Miller: “4th rule - Once nude you’ll stay that way until 9 pm Sunday. During the weekend you’ll not be allowed to cover up or hide your assets. Unless told otherwise. You’ll have to move around so we can review you during that time.” The three women agreed.

Mr. Walker: “5th rule - The ladies while nude will have to dance at least four slow dances with each of us.”

Mom: “6th rule - THERE WII BE NO SEX! Some groping maybe. The person being groped can stop it at any time.” Wow she’s going to let us feel them up. Us students agree to that. So did the three men. Plus, the other two women. Even though they gave mom a weird look.

Mom: “I know for a fact we cannot do this at my house. My husband cannot know about this bet. If he ever found out about it, he would shut it down fast.” The other two women said the same thing. They agree they didn’t think their husbands would like their wives stripping and being nude for a whole weekend in front of three men and four teenagers.

Mr. Miller: “We can do it at my place! No one to worry about.” Everyone agreed.

Mr. Miller: “Looks like we have a deal. Okay let’s shake on it.” Mr. Miller and his two friends each shook each women’s hands. Us guys were next, and we each shook their hands the bet is on. The three ladies walk off joining up with their husbands.

Mr. Miller gathers the four of us: “You four cannot say a word to anyone about the bet. We don’t want these great teachers to get into any trouble. Plus, Adam you’re not supposed to bet on the game. You have trouble coming up with your part of the bet. Don’t worry. I’ll cover it. You can work it off. Like doing odd jobs for me and the guys here.” We all agree with Mr. Miller about keeping quiet about the bet.

I heard dad talking with mom: “You all talk for a long time. This bet has to be interesting. Do I need to get involved and stop it.”

Mom: “No, all is good. We’re going to win anyways. If we lose, well it’ll be very embarrassing.”

Dad: “What do you have to do if you lose?”

Mom: “You said leave me out of this. Therefore, you don’t get to know.”

Dad: “Okay. I see some how our son is part of the bet. It can’t be all that bad.” I notice the other two couples are talking also. At the end of the day no one had complaints or change their minds about the bet, it’s still on.

It’s finally game day this year the game is at our school. Luke, Ken and I are sitting on the 50-yard line. Mom and her teacher friends are sitting on the other end of the bleachers with the other teachers. Mr. Miller and his two friends are also at the game. The teams are battling it out. Every time the ladies team score a touchdown or field goal; they would look at guys smiling. Every time we get a touch down which put our school ahead the ladies wouldn’t look at us. By half time we were tied.

The second half is just as close all the way to the end. It looks like we going to lose the bet because the other team was up 3 points with seconds left. There quarterback fumbles the ball. Our team picks up the ball and run for a touchdown just as time expires.

We all stand there in shock, screaming out heads off at our unexpected win. I look over at mom and the two other ladies in the stands. They are standing there motionless, their faces beet red and mouths wide open.

It’s Ken who shouts out: “Wow!” We knew we won the bet. I can’t wait to see these three fine MILF teacher nudes.”

Luke: “SHHH ... Keep your voice down, but I know what you’re talking about.”

The ladies walk by us, I can tell they’re upset about losing. Luke and I decide to walk over to them. Luke in a low voice making sure no one else other than the three MILF teachers could hear him: “Hope you ladies are not planning to renege on the bet.”

Katie angrily replies: “I don’t renege on my bets, young man.” That statement took the smirks right off of our faces. Mom just gave me a very nasty look.

We figure it’s better to walk away from them. We run into Mr. Miller and his friends before as we are leaving the football field.

Luke: “The ladies are not happy campers right now.”

Mr. Miller: “Don’t worry. I’d be very careful what you say to them; we don’t want to piss them off.”

Me: “Yes sir.”

Mr. Miller sent Mom a text and let us read it before he sends it: “It was a good game sorry your team lost.”

After a few minutes mom sent Mr. Miller a text: “Yes it was a nail-biting game. When do you want us to pay off the bet?”

Mr. Miller: “We’ll talk.”

Mr. Miller looks at Luke and I: “I’ll let you know what weekend the ladies will pay off their bet.” With that we all went our sperate ways.

I get home after mom did. Dad is busy on his computer and didn’t hear mom as she talk with me: “You guys’ won. So do you really want to see your old mom nude?”

Me: “Not really but I wouldn’t mind seeing the other two ladies nude.”

Mom: “I see, I’m too old for you to check me out naked.”

Me: “Oh, no mom. Not what I meant. I’m a guy and if you are nude I will be looking.”

She smiles: “I’m just giving you a hard time. When do you think would be a good time to pay off the bet?”

Me: “Guess that depends on what you tell dad. He may not want you over at Mr. Millers house for the whole weekend. It’s up to you ladies.”

Mom: “You’re right. I’ll talk it over with the others and let Mr. Miller know.”

Me: “Ok, is there anything else we need to talk about?”

Mom: “No we’re done.” Off to my room I go.

I didn’t think the ladies were going to pay off their end of the bet. It’s been a few weeks now. I ran into Ken at school in the lunchroom.

Ken: “This Friday be over at our house around 5:30 pm.”

Me: “They’re finally going to pay off the bet?”

Ken: “Yeah, I’ve already told Adam and Luke.”

Wonder why mom hasn’t said anything to me. Maybe she was hoping no one would tell me and I wouldn’t be there. Too bad I’m going to be there.

It’s finally Friday, just before I head out the door, I overhear mom and dad talking. Dad: “I’m not sure about you spending the whole weekend over at Henry’s.”

Mom: “It’ll be okay. You do trust me don’t you.”

Dad: “Yes I trust you but not Henry. Do you know what you’re going to have to do? Will you tell me later?”

Mom: “Yes I do. It was laid out when we made the bet. I made the bet. I loss. Now it’s time for me to pay it off. I’m not telling you because I’m already too embarrassed. Telling you will just make it more embarrassing. It’s bad enough that Danny will be there.”

Mom walks into the living room stops me as before I walk out the door: “Big day or should I say weekend. I’ll see you guys around 6.” I didn’t know what to say. So, I just smile as I walk out the door.

I take my time walking to the Miller’s. As I walk up the driveway everyone is already in the garage. I’m still there a few minutes early. I’m the last person there, I guess we are all excited. Ken tells me the drinks are in the kitchen and to help myself. After I get me a soda I go back into the garage. Mr. Miller and his friends are talking.

Adam who can be an arrogant asshole: “I don’t know about you Danny, but if I had a mom who look like yours, I be trying to get into her pants. Well, you know your mom is the sexiest teacher in our school. I’ve always had a thing for her and would love to see her naked. Guess today is the day my wish comes true.”

Ken: “I love the way her ass sways as she walks.”

Adam: “No kidding and the way her tits bounce as she walks! The things I would do with her!!”

I’m a little pissed off by the way they’re talking about mom. I knew they are telling the truth as I would also love to have some sexual fun with her.

Mr. Miller: “Guys let’s stop the vulgar language the three ladies are walking up the driveway.”

The three MILF teachers smile as walk into the garage. I notice all of the women are wearing jeans, with pull over tops nothing sexy, just normal tops.

Mr. Miller: “Ladies before we start, I have one request. Will you please put one thing on camera for me.”

Katie: “We agreed no cameras, Henry.”

Mr. Miller: “Yes we did. Let me explain.” He walks over to the ladies slowly moving them away from everyone else. Talking almost in a whisper. I know I couldn’t hear what he was saying. I hear mom: “You don’t trust us?”

Mr. Miller: “I trust you, 100 percent. My friends are the ones worried. With the teenager’s part of what’s going on. Please. It’s the only time anything will be put on camera.”

Judy: “What do you want us to say?” Mr. Miller again in a low voice. We couldn’t hear him.

Katie: “I think It’s stupid, but if it makes everyone happy okay.” Mom and Judy both shake their heads agreeing to do it also.

Mr. Miller: “Thanks, Katie your first. Please sit over here.” Mr. High stands in front of her with a camera. Mr. Miller hands her a piece of paper to read.

Mr. Miller: “Read the paper, then look at the camera repeating what it says.”

Katie smiles as she reads what Mr. Miller handed her: “Okay I’m ready.” She looks at the camera: “My name is Katie Collins. I’m a teacher and I made a bet. This weekend I’m paying it off. I’m not being forced. Whatever happens this weekend I consent to.” Mom and Mrs. Frye made the same statement. Mr. High puts the camera back into its case. Mr. Miller closes the garage door.

Mr. Miller: “Thanks, Ladies. I believe the bet is for you three young ladies to be nude until 9 pm Sunday. So please remove your clothes and place them into this container. If you brought your phone, please put it also into the container. Guys, please put your phones into the container also. Remember no pictures. Ladies I gave your husbands my phone number. I will keep it in a different container. I will check it a few times a day to check to see if your husbands have call with an emergency.”

All of us guys place our phones into the container.

Mom whispers something to the other two ladies. Judy Frye and Kati Collins both laugh.

Judy: “You’re right Penny.” The women looking at us guys.

Judy: “Henry, Ryan and Chris already call us by our first name. For the rest of you for this weekend only you need to call us by our first name, I’m Judy, Danny’s mom is Penny or Pen, and Mrs. Collins is Katie.”

Mom: “Since us ladies are going to be in our birthday suits there is no reason to be formal this weekend. Just remember once this weekend is over it’s back to being formal.”

Adam: “No problem, Penny.”

Mr. Miller: “Guess the same goes for us. I’m Henry, that’s Ryan and over there is Chris. Now that we have that out of the way. Ladies your wasting time. Let’s remove your clothes.”

Mom slowly smiles at each one of us before she starts pulling off her top. No shit I’m excited about seeing all three of these sexy MILF teacher’s nude. That’s right even my own mother. Here is mom taking off her top with the other two sexy ladies not just in front of me but also in front of six other guys because they lost a bet. What a weekend this will be.

Even though all of the women are removing their clothes I’m watching mom. She reaches down slowly pulling her top up as her red bra comes into view and over her head. I’m watching every move she makes. I’ve seen her in a bathing suit but for some reason this just seemed different. As her top passes her bra, her boobs bounce a little. She finally gets her top over her head. Dropping it to the floor. I look over at Katie she’s has her top off. She’s wearing a lacy black bra. Judy is wearing a pink bra.

Adam: “This is so hot!”

Luke: “I can’t believe my eyes.”

I look back at mom she’s reaching down slowly unzipping her jeans. She slowly starts pushing them down. She wiggles her ass as she pushes them down her long sexy legs. As she lowers them her sexy matching red lacy panties come into view. My eyes are now focused on her crotch where the soft cloth of her panties covering her pussy. She kicks off her shoes to make it easier to get out of her jeans.

After she finishes stepping out of her pants, I smile as I’m checking her out from head to toe. This has to be wrong, checking out your own mother, but she so hot. I look at the other guys and they are all practically drooling. As they look at the three women. Mom almost naked I notice she’s smiling at all of us, but her face is flushed. I’m not sure if it’s from embarrassment or arousal. I can see her nipples poking through her bra.

All three women are standing in the garage wearing just their bra and panties. Katie’s lacy panties match her bra. Judy’s thong also matches her panties. Adam again: “I don’t believe this is happening.” Mr. Miller looks over at him, but didn’t say anything.

Mom slowly moves teasing us as she puts her hands behind her back to unfasten her bra. I’m closely watching as she slowly unsnaps her bra. Damn, she is making this into a show that we will never forget! After unsnapping her bra she reaches up to her left shoulder, slowly pulling down her bra strap. Letting it slowly slide down her arm. Holding on to the front of her bra, she reaches up slowly pulling down the other strap. She smiles at everyone as she slowly pulls it from her body. Her tits bounce free as she lets her bra drop to the floor.

All I can watch right now is mom’s boobs hanging there fully exposed in front of us. I can’t help but look at her nude breasts for the first time in my life. I notice her tits look very firm. They have like a ski slope shape to them; damn she’s sexy. Her nipples are hard as a rock, pointing straight out from her areolas. Which are a nice light pink color.

I can’t help myself I’m getting even more excited. She stands there letting everyone get a good view of her toplessness. Only wearing a pair of sexy red panties now. She takes a deep breath, before she slowly moves her hands to the top of her panties pushing them down slipping them off. Dropping them onto the floor. Mom’s bush above her pussy is trimmed and looks so sexy. I can see her pussy lips. Wow they look like they might be wet. Damn mom is getting off on this.

I look over at Judy she’s already has all of her clothes off. As I check out her body, I notice her tits are round. Her nipples are hard as a rock pointing straight out from her areolas, which are dark brown. As I move down her body, I notice her pussy is shaved giving us a great view of her pussy lips. Her pussy lips look red and puffy.

Adam shouts out: “You all have a great set of tits!”

Lastly, I look over at Katie Her tits are much bigger than the other two women. Her tits are pointing up and out, there’s no doubt they’re very firm. As I said her nipples point straight up from the largest dark areolas I have ever seen. Her nipples are larger than the other two ladies. Katie smiles as she bounces her boobs. Her pussy is shave giving us a great view of her pussy lips. I don’t believe it she’s doing a little dance for us. Everyone is silent at the moment taking in all of the women’s nudity.

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